Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Favinclude cereals

I had a brief dream in which cereal companies were promoting “Favinclude cereals,” which “include traces of your favorite animals!”

This was not a specific type of cereal. Rather, many different cereals were available as Favincludes and were labeled as such — for examples: “Lucky Charms: A Favinclude Cereal!” or “Honey Nut Cheerios: Now a Favinclude!”

My understanding was that each Favinclude contained homeopathic quantities of the DNA of a particular animal (oddly, nothing on the Favinclude box indicated what animal it included traces of), and the idea was that kids would want to eat it because they would think the cereal would make them as strong as an elephant, as fast as a cheetah, or whatever. The companies made no such claims, of course, but their whole marketing strategy was based on the assumption that kids would think that way.


Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
And speaking of cereal... and especially Cap' n Crunch,
note back in the day (early 1960's ) many of us boomers ate cereal for breakfast.

Marshall and I reminisce about our early boomer days quite often
and of course eating cereal is a very pleasant memory for us,
especially Cap n Crunch.
I hadn't eaten cereal since childhood, and since I don't have children,
seeing the Cap' n Crunch photos makes me look at
the Cap'n Crunch box a bit differently than I did during my

Although the name Captain was spelled Cap' n on the cereal box
I recall (and Marshall agrees) referring to the cereal as :
Captain Crunch, not Cap'n.

Looking at things differently now, when I first saw the photos
you posted, I immediately thought of my perspective
regarding Maritime Law which I've commented about
several times on your blog, especially regarding
the Eight Point Star of Ishtar and the steering Wheel
of a ship.

Cap'n Crunch ( CC=33 ) . The letter N when turned 180 becomes
Z. Z is the last (END) letter in the alphabet and the letter N of course
phonetically sounds like the word: End.

As we know the Captain commands the ship.
Cap n' Crunch sails the "Milky Seas'(C's)
The Milky Seas are also the Milky Way.

Recall my March 24 1997 Hale Bopp dream and the Space Man
handing me a white Styrofoam cup with a Milky crystal
inside the cup.
copy and paste about the Milky Way ( wiki link below)
"In Greek mythology, Zeus places his son born by a mortal woman,
the infant Heracles, on Hera's breast while she is asleep
so the baby will drink her divine milk
and become immortal."
Given that I've just discovered this information about Zeus
and Hera's breast, I now
wonder if indeed the milky crystal in the cup ( in my Hale Bopp
dream) was reference to immortality, which would make sense
as that is exactly what the Space Man telepathically told me
the milky crystal was for, that is :
the crystal was to be ingested to remain human on earth.

Isn't it fascinating how syncs' puzzle pieces connect
to unveil a much bigger picture?
I never would have thunk Cap'n Crunch would lead to understanding
and probable solving of my 1997 Hale Bopp dream!!

Also interestingly regarding the subject of immortality and a recent
discussion on your blog about the physical body and time travel
I found this information interesting:

copy and paste from wiki : ( asterisks mine)
"In Christianity, the conviction that God may offer physical immortality with the
****resurrection of the flesh**** at the end of time has traditionally
been at the center of its beliefs.

What form an unending human life would take, or whether an immaterial
***soul exists and possesses immortality*** has been a major point of focus
of religion as well as the subject of speculation and debate.

In religious contexts, immortality is often stated to be one of the promises
of divinities to human beings who perform virtue or follow divine law."

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
I personally don't believe that our physical flesh body
is immortal but if so, it begs the question, at least to me:
WHY would God need or want our needy,
corruptible, imperfect flesh body in a heavenly realm?

Will our physical bodies be the same ethnicity that we are now?
The same age (old or young ) ?
The same gender? The same disabilities or abilities if we have them?
The same mindset?
The same culture?

If so what would be the point? All of those things are 'baggage
that we carry i.e. The Weight.
Recall Maat's feather.

I believe that our physical flesh bodies function,
in this duality dimension for the purpose of manifesting,
and if that's true, what do we need to manifest in Heaven?

Love, compassion and hope (from the heart)
and Hate and fear( from the mind/ego)
are both opposite polarities
and emotions connected to our flesh body only.

Opposite polarities are need and function in a duality dimension,
(good/evil i.e. positive/ negative polarity, males/females,
black/white/ rich/poor
religion vs religion, war/peace, old/young and on and on
ad nauseum.

I believe that the soul and ego are adversaries when in physical
flesh body.

Because I believe in reincarnation, I absolutely believe
that our soul is immortal and its ultimate goal
is to be One with God. Never again having
to incarnate/incarcerate in physical flesh body?
For the soul, that's Heaven.

The Heaven's Gate Cult and their mass suicide
left their flesh bodies behind.
In my Hale Bopp dream, I recall looking down in the
white cup at the milky crystal, but I didn't ingest the crystal.

To continue on regarding Cap 'n Crunch
copy and paste from etymology:
cap (n.)
late Old English cæppe "hood, head-covering, cape," a general Germanic borrowing
(compare Old Frisian and Middle Dutch kappe, Old High German chappa)
from Late Latin cappa "a cape, hooded cloak" (source of Spanish capa,
Old North French cape, French chape), a word of uncertain origin.
Possibly a shortened from capitulare "headdress," from Latin caput
"head" (from PIE root *kaput- "head").
As we all know , all power sources, including
knowledge and symbols are Cloaked.
A treasure hidden and waiting to be discovered
by our captain of our ship when navigating through
the bitter seas in this duality dimension.

Of course can't talk about cereal without referring to its namesake:
copy and paste:
"In Rome, the goddess Ceres became the divine embodiment
of agriculture and the development of cereal crops, particularly
spelt wheat. She oversaw ploughing into the earth
(the province of the Roman Earth goddess Tellus) as well as sowing
and the nurturing of seed.
She released the creative and regenerative power of the earth."
And speaking of Rome, Italy is on the 40th parallel north,
as well as Greece. Recall my recent comments
about the significance of the 40.

All Rhodes led to Rome, no?

And last but not least, Cap'n Crunch cereal was/is Yellow ;-))

Dr Favicon said...

American meat products such as hot dogs and hamburgers are also believed to contain homeopathically diluted quantities of meat.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

That’s just an urban myth. There’s no credible evidence that they contain meat.

St. Mark and the fleur-de-lis

In a March 10 comment  (still March 9 in her time zone), Debbie highlights the connection between the fleur-de-lis and the Doge of Venice: T...