Sunday, September 15, 2024

Warp and woof

We’ve been getting a lot of sync mileage out of this spelling worksheet with the Amazing Talking Dog that can, amazingly, say, “Woof!”

I’ve pointed out that, for this to be in any way amazing, the dog would have to be saying the English word woof rather than just barking; and William Wright has connected this with the common phrase “warp and woof.” Bill has also emphasized the fact that the Talking Dog is “pied,” or black and white.

My recent post “Love pop, baby, love pop,” included this image:

I thought at the time that it looked like the man was jumping into a “time warp” or something and wondered if I could tie it in with the “woof” of the Amazing Talking Dog. I couldn’t see any real connection between the two, though.

Then today YouTube randomly suggested that I watch this short:

It’s billed as a dog’s funny reaction to an optical illusion rug, with the twist at the end that it’s actually not an illusion but a real hole into which the dog is sucked.

The hole includes the concentric circles of the “love pop”
images but adds radial lines to create a checkerboard pattern suggesting woven material, or warp and woof. It’s on a floor made of blond wood, suggesting the yellow background of the “love pop” images. The dog is black and white, like the Amazing Talking Dog, and it pauses to “say woof” before, like the man with the umbrella, jumping into the hole. The man is also “black and white,” though in a somewhat different sense of that expression.

The warp and woof lines of the dog’s hole closely resemble a diagram of a black hole:

Note the language used here: a massive object can “warp” the “fabric” of space-time.


William Wright (WW) said...

In Warp Drives (yes, Star Trek), faster than light travel is made possible by basically changing the shape or fabric of space-time itself.

In that example, the effective distance an object travels is reduced by effectively shortening the fabric of space that lies between the traveler and the destination. In this way, extreme "speeds" are reached not by increasing the energy and velocity of the object to cover a set distance faster (which becomes increasingly impossible for anything with mass to do as it approaches the speed of light), but by somehow reducing the distance needed to travel between the object and destination.

A key that this might mean something is actually given in Han Solo's response to Obi-Wan and Luke on whether the Millenium Falcon is fast (I mention the Falcon because it has come up before on my blog). He responds using a really odd metric: Parsecs. The Falcon could make the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs. That is a unit of distance, though, and not time. Other in-universe explanations have been made to justify that quote, I believe, but mine is simply that the Falcon could manipulate and shorten the fabric of space-time to a greater degree than any other ship, and thus make the run faster over a shorter effective travelled distance. It could make a shorter, better Rabbit Hole.

In other words, we can get caught in the mental trap of measuring speed as just increasing velocity over a set distance or route, vs imagining that some Beings or objects might be fast because they can drastically reduce the actual distance required to make the trip. You can imagine the 'warp' threads of fabric, which are laid first and give the overall dimensions, structure, and shape of the fabric, and through which the woof are woven, as literally being shortened as they are traveled along. This perhaps relates to these Black Hole/ Vortex/ Portal/ Space Tunnel symbols that keep coming up.

And this might be relevant for any Beings wishing to travel faster than the speed of light (significantly faster, even) while still in their physical bodies, which is part of the story I am thinking through.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
Interestingly the canine in the video is a Husky.
Looks like a Siberian Husky.
Our dog Jacob was a Husky mix with Beagle.

I'm sure you know, that the Husky breed is among the breeds
closest to the Wolf.
Several recent syncs in your blog about Wolves, no?
Woof Woof

The Husky, being a working breed (a servant perhaps?)
of course, originated in the Artic (frozen water, which of course
is another water connection).

What's interesting is the two poles (North and South) are,
(according to "conspiracy theorists") portals to
the Hollow Earth.
Hitler's SS and Admiral Byrd seemed to
have believed the Hollow Earth 'theory' as well.

Factoring in that North and South are opposites, maybe
would explain the masonic black and white imagery?

Coincidently just last night I randomly grabbed a CD
from my Twilight Zone collection and lo and behold
The Parallel episode was one of 4 episodes on that particular CD.
I linked the full episode of The Parallel below.
If you recall several months ago I commented on
the Twilight Zone episode The Parallel, as I too believe
that a Parallel universe exists.

The Parallel was also 'coincidently' the 113th episode in
the Twilight Zone series, and if you recall I shared
a dream I had on Dec 12, 2015 which I titled; Number 113.

According to wiki Byrd was born in Winchester Virgina
and after marrying Marie Ames, the couple moved
to Beacon Hill, Mass.
Both Winchester and Beacon Hill are on the 40 parallel north btw
and so is Charlotteville Virgina home to both Monticello and
the Monroe Insitute (Robert Monroe, Remote Viewing i.e Third
Eye Spies (see link).

When I was at Monroe Insititute in 2005,
we were told that Robert Monroe was obsessed
with the number 11.
Which was very odd when I heard that
because I attended the Monroe Institute looking for answers
regarding my lifetime of esoteric experiences and dreams
( many premonition).... including my 2003 11:11 dream.

I was also sharing my 11:11 dream with another Monroe attendee
at lunch between 'seminar sessions' and lo and behold
in our afternoon session is when the facilitator/teacher
told us about Monroe's 11 experiences. The attendee
and I both looked at each other in amusement.

Another odd 11 event (also in Charlotteville) was
the Aug 11-12, 2017 Unite the Right rally (link below ).
If you recall that event
you might remember that there was a vehicular attack
and homicide caused by James Fields ( from Ohio ).

Fields purposely drove his car (a Dodge Challenger) into
the protestors on the street.
The license plate on the Challenger read; 1111.

Also there was a fatal helicopter crash on Aug 12 killing
2 state troopers who were enroute to provide security
at the rally.
According to wiki:
"The final report released in July 2020 determined
that the helicopter crashed because the pilot lost control
after entering a vortex ring state."

Again, keep in mind that Charlottesville is not only on
the 40th parallel north, but also on the 77 Meridian West,
both power point ley lines,
which may explain why Thomas Jefferson built Monticello

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
Again, I believe that the Ley Lines were known by the El-ites
which would explain WHY so many iconic structures are on its path.

Also on wiki I noticed on the Byrd Family Ancestral coat of
arms ( see link ), not only features bird images but also HORNs
and what appear to be eclipses which of course a 'horn' is
revealed in an eclipse.

According to wiki, Byrd was a Freemason and "a compatriot
of the Tennessee Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.
Interestingly in my personal ancestral linage several of my European
ancestors were Sons of the American Revolution as well,
many having lived in Virigina in the Shenandoah Valley ( on the 40
parallel north ) before migrating to Indiana and Kentucky.

Kentucky, according to the Hollow Earth theory, is said
to be a portal into the Hollow Earth, as well as portals in
both the North and South Pole and the Himalayas.

Recall my recent comment about the 2017 movie The Kingsman
and its connection to Kentucky, particularly Louisville
which is where both my maternal and paternal family are from,
but also from In-Diana ( Indiana) as well.

My grandmother's linage were Germans who fought in the
War of 1812 and were given, by the US government,
80 acres in Indiana 'for their service'.

I also found this interesting wiki page
about an 1895 science fiction book about Kentucky's
connection to the Hollow Earth ( through a cave, perhaps
Mammoth Cave).
copy and paste
"Etidorhpa, or, the end of the earth: the strange history
of a mysterious being and the account of a remarkable journey
is the title of a scientific allegory or science fiction novel
by John Uri Lloyd, a pharmacognocist and pharmaceutical
manufacturer of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Etidorhpa was published in 1895.

The word "Etidorhpa" is the backward spelling
of the name "Aphrodite."

Also in wiki about Admiral Byrd:
copy and paste : (link below)
"Jacques Vallée in his book Confrontations mentions
a "spurious story" about "'holes in the pole' allegedly found
by Admiral Byrd", when he quotes Clint Chapin of the
Copper Medic case as believing the UFOs came from."
And last but not least, keep in mind the whales
and their connection to the Artic and especially Siberia.

Everything is connected.
What a WHIRL we live in, no?

The Twilight Zone 1959 113 The Parallel

Third Eye Spies (2019)

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Well, 12 parsecs is like 40 light years, so still not a distance you could cover at a physically possible speed. It’s also odd that an interstellar civilization would use such a geocentric unit as the parsec in the first place.

Ra1119bee said...

William and WW,
You wrote: "so still not a distance you could cover
at a physically possible speed".
Which my response is : But what and more importantly why
would be the significance of the physical body
traveling faster than the speed of light ? What would be the point?

I believe that our soul transcends time and space every night
in our REM sleep,
and in our telepathic communications and through our intuition.

IMO, the physical body is just a carrier ( vehicle) for the soul.
Dependence on gravity thereby the perfect instrument
for THIS duality dimension.

Our physical body is weak, it's heavy, it can be crushed, diseased,
it stinks , pees and poops, ages, dies and rots
and through our ego can be (and often is) controlled.

I think what Doc Brown said ( in Back to the Future ) makes
my point metaphorically ( replace the word road for physical body)
when he tells Marty :
"Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads."

William Wright (WW) said...


RIght - it is an absurd number and reference because it is a movie. The main point to pull out is that speed was measured not in velocity or time, but in distance, which seemed important.

And the reference is silly enough that the 12 parsecs number itself might be pretty meaningful.

To your point, 12 parsecs equals about 40 light-years. My belief is that wherever "Jersualem-Tirion" is, it is also where Moses would have travelled to with those that came with him. His journey would have started from our Earth (Middle-earth) and of course ended in the land of Jerusalem.

The "Israelites" were said to wander in the wilderness for 40 years, which we take now to be a unit of time, obviously. But, going back to parsecs, what if that reference originally was about distance? As in they wandered (walked) for a distance of 40 years (light-years) before arriving at their destination. This would place the Promised Land - the future destination of another Exodus yet to occur, also on foot apparently - as somewhere 40 light-years or less from Earth depending on how direct a course that passage took Moses.

Lastly, parsec itself is an interesting Elvish word. "Par" refers to a compilation or book, and "sec" can mean 'center' (as a form of meke). Center itself, per Etymonline, comes from words which mean "sharp, pointed, to prick", etc. In other words, 12 parsecs in Elvish means 12 Sharp Books. I think a potential reference to the Book of the Lamb, which comprises the words of the 12 apostles. The 'sharpness' bringing to mind the Brittany Spears, Zelda's Trident, etc, since Eowyn has the 12 "parsecs" in her possession. And without that Book, nobody is going anywhere.

William Wright (WW) said...


I am not sure exactly why the Exodus that will happen in the future needs to happen with our physical bodies - why we couldn't be just spirits or minds.

One key, however, might be found in the title of my blog "Coat of Skins" - strangely. The mortal bodies the first Men were given after the Fall were 'garments' of animal skins or bodies (our current primate-Gorilla suits) meant to protect Men and act as a shield. The implication is that as naked spirits, we might be even more susceptible to evil influences, tricks, and captivity.

The future journey I imagine involves passing through "Enemy Territory" - the Troubled Seas over which the Great and Abominable Church currently thinks they rule. If we attempted the journey without bodies as we passed through it, it may be that we would have insufficient protection and would become lost.

So, I agree that it sounds ridiculous, but it may be that going on this journey with gorilla-suits intact may be necessary for Beings to safely get where they need to go.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Ha! Zeta Reticuli, popularly believed to be the home of the Grays, is almost exactly 12 parsecs from Earth.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...