Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Earth accuses earth: The Pericope Adulterae (Notes on John 7:53-8:11)

Over at Fourth Gospel First, I explore this apocryphal but thought-provoking episode.


ben said...

I wonder if he wrote it upside down (for him, facing the accusers) making it even cooler.

I agree with what you wrote towards the end; it's about how a person is motivated in the moment. Is the person internally-clear rather than corruption-animated (envy, resentment, etc). So the whole question of what to do with the adulteress is illegitimate because corruption-motivated by the accusers.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Careful, ben, you'll get me started on ambigrams again.

One Pop it's okay to hop on

The syncs are entraining again. This is wild. My last post, " Assorted syncs: Damn it Gym, Ace of Hearts, Imlahil ," mentioned see...