Sunday, August 18, 2024

Beware of avant-guard dog

Last night or this morning I read William Wright's post "Bees and Dogs and more cereal fun," which included a repost of this image:

The dog is billed as the Amazing Talking Dog, but what does it say? "Woof!" For that to be in any way amazing, I guess it must be literally pronouncing the word woof rather than just barking. The paper goes on to say that an animal that could spell would be even more amazing than one that could talk.

This afternoon, I posted "Repeat: STOP. You MUST NOT hop on Pop." I posted this portrait of Martin Luther and wrote about seeing a person who was dressed like Luther in the picture but who, in contrast to Luther's "Here I stand," had to sit down in a situation in which people would normally stand.

What does the Amazing Talking Dog have to do with the Sitting Luther? Nothing, I would have thought. The sync fairies apparently disagree, though, since this evening I checked the Barnhardt Meme Barrage and found this:

It's a dog wearing clothes that look like Luther's in the portrait, and it's sitting on a chair. The dog is holding a sign with the word "Woof" written on it, implying that it can spell and is thus even more amazing than the Amazing Talking Dog. Like the Talking Dog, though, all it has to say is "Woof."

The "Beware of Avant-Guard Dog" sign is even relevant. In William Wright's latest post, "Circular saws and 'Will you step through?'" he writes:

Either before or after this, I was looking at what I thought was that piece of homework I shared in my earlier post with the Amazing Talking Dog and the Spelling Bee.   However, replacing much of that were other words written on the paper.  I missed most of it, but remember the phrase "Beware the friendly Wilson".

So we have the word "Beware" directly associated with the Amazing Talking Dog.

No idea so far how to interpret these links. I merely log them for future reference.


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

The avant-guard dog's sign looks like the number 300. This number is associated with dogs, and with the standing/sitting distinction, in Judges 7, where Gideon has his 10,000 men drink from a river. The majority "sit," getting down on their knees to drink, but 300 lift the water to their mouths with their hands and lap "as a dog lappeth," so that they can remain standing while they drink. These 300 are chosen to go with Gideon against the Midianites.

William Wright (WW) said...

Woof also goes back to the word for "Fabric or Textile" and from there to "Weave". A story, or words, is what is sometimes woven, as was the case with Charlotte's Web (and the analogy of both Bad and Pink Spiders).

Avant-guard was used originally in military terms as the "Advance Guard" but later in artistic terms (as this Dog surely is portraying himself as an artist) as having new and/ or experimental and unusual ideas.

Ra1119bee said...

Isn't the Woof ( Wolf ) the 'animalistic ' twin of the domesticated Dog?
The Wolf is usually quiet except for its communication
among its tribe.
copy and paste from wiki:
"Gray wolves howl to assemble the pack, usually before
and after hunts, to pass on an alarm particularly at a den site,
to locate each other during a storm or while crossing
unfamiliar territory, and to communicate across great distances"
If you think about the Woof in those terms regarding
communication, the WOLF is pretty amazing indeed~

The domesticated dog barks as it is always in need of want
thus the reason for its bark.

So, the wolf and domesticated dog
although, like twins, appearing to be the same, they're not.
Which goes back to our duality nature in this duality dimension.
Good/Evil, Black/White, Male/Female Yin/Yang etc etc.
All ( albeit different) are two sides of the same coin.

Recall my 'two wolves' experience that I shared with you.

If you haven't already do check out the movie Dances with Wolves
with Kevin Costner playing the protagonist John Dunbar.
Dances with Wolves was one of my fav movies of all times
as to me its storyline was one of defying that which is expected
of us. Which I believe that the Wolf, being untamed, represents as well.

Also, In the woof illustration my eyes were drawn to the double EE's in
the word bee, as I wondered why the EE's were written
in capital letters.

E of course is the 5th letter in the alphabet and EE
( 55 a master number ) is very significant as well especially so in the Nicholas Cage movie Knowing.
Which Knowing is another one of my fav movies.

I think I shared with you that along with the number 4,
being significant in my life are also the numbers 14/41, 5, 11 and 19.
I was born in 1955.

In the movie Knowing the little girl Lucinda( who was a psychic ) warned
in a detailed chart of numbers( that she wrote in 1959 ) of tragic events
that would occur throughout history. At the end of the chart Lucinda
wrote ( backwards) EE.

The reader of the chart would assume that those
two characters ( EE ) would mean 33 given the fact
that the entire chart is composed of numbers, not letters
however in the movie we find that indeed the two E's are
letters referring to Everybody Else.
EE being 55.

Five is the penta and is also the balance ( mid point ) between
1-10. 10 fingers, 10 toes. The mid point can also be seen
as a crossroads, which crossroads are a very significant part
of transformations which means change.
To be able to change something is a very powerful
ability because it means we have Freedom ( Free Will )

If you saw The Prisoner episode I linked titled; Once
Upon a Time,( re-posted below )
recall Number 6 insisted and was defiant
that he was number 5 not 6.

And speaking of defiant wolves, check out the trailer
of the 2013 movie starting Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio in :
The Wolf of Wall Street

Dances With Wolves (1990)

Knowing (1/10) Movie CLIP - Disaster Codes

The Wolf of Wall Street Official Trailer

The Prisoner 16 Once Upon a Time

Ra1119bee said...


I just found this information that lo and behold connects
to a few of my recent comments and links.

I'm writing this early morning of 8/19. Last night
in my previous comment I wrote about the movie Knowing.

I decided to revist that movie after writing my comment
as , although I've seen it many many times, I had a curiosity
to see it again to see if there was more symbolism that perhaps
I've missed before. I think the last time I saw Knowing
might have been several months ago, maybe in the spring of this year.

Anywho, a few hours before I decided to watch the movie,
Marshall asked me had I seen a News report
about a Ferris Wheel that caught fire which of course that got
my attention considering that I had just written
several comments recently about Ferris Wheels here on your blog.

Marshall didn't know about my recent comments
on your blog however of course I've spoken to Marshall many times
in the past about the information
I've gathered and my connection of the dots
and my perspective of the WHY of the Ferris Wheels and the
reason why I believe
that they are in our ( humanity) collective consciousness.

I thought it odd the timing of the 2 gondolas on fire
on the Ferris Wheel in Germany. Especially
the date of the incident being Aug 18th and many news reports
being on the 19th.
Why that's odd is, in the movie Oct 19 th is when the solar flares
hit Earth and of course sparks the beginning of the End of Times.

I also noted a few other interesting puzzle pieces
that matches my puzzle pieces which I hadn't seen before.

The first one being The Eight Point Star in the window
of the grade school classroom where the little girl Lucinda
was a student in 1959.
There are several Eight Point Stars in this movie.
There is also a vesica piscis.

Also regarding the 8 point star in the window,
keep in mind that windows, gates, doors and bridges
are all portals.

Also, there is a scene where the protagonist John
( played by Nick Cage)
is giving a lecture in his classroom (at MIT)
about synchronicity. On the wall behind John
is a clock which the time just "coincidently: displays : 11:11.
(see link )

And last but not least there is a scene where Jack and Abbey
( Lucinda's adult daughter) is walking in Lucinda's trailer
in the woods. On the wall there are many news clippings
that Lucinda had predicted over the years.

What's very interesting is ; there is clipping of an illustration
of a Burning Wheel which of course immediately
remined me of the burning Ferris Wheel in Germany.

I couldn't find a video clip of that particular scene but the illustration
is the same one in the wiki page of the Ophanim.( see link )

Also what's interesting is the black stones throughout the movie
which there has been stone syncs recently in your blog.

All of this begs the question( at least to me ): " What's the odds?

clock 11:11 at MIT ( at abt marker/frame 0: 20--0: 25 or so )
knowing clip 1

Ra1119bee said...

I forgot the Ferris Wheel link.

Ferris wheel in Germany catches fire at music festival, injuring at least 5

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...