Saturday, August 24, 2024

The unreadable Chip, Leo, Ebber, and the Rainbow Connection

This morning, I read William Wright's latest post, "France, Iowa, Des Moines, and Chip-monks.... Who would have thought?" Chip-monks came from my post "Round leaves and chip monks," in which I connected William's posts about Alvin and the Chipmunks with my dream about a circular engraved metal plate which was called a "chip" in the dream. In my post "The Gospel of Luke on lobsterback," I had connected this "chip" with a shrink-wrapped "round book" in a 2020 dream of mine. William's latest post connects the Chip with a prophecy in the Book of Mormon about a "sealed" book, and I left a comment saying this fits with the round book in my dream. In the "Gospel of Luke" post, I even wrote:

And "I wanted to look through it but couldn't because it was shrink-wrapped" -- what is that but another way of saying, "I cannot read a sealed book"?

So the Chip is something to read, but it can't be read, because it's sealed.

This evening, I was tutoring a student, helping him with a listening exercise. He listened to a recording that said this:

Tina is asking her friend for help. What did Tina see on her computer screen?

Hi, Jonathan. I'm wondering if you can come over and give me a hand. I was trying to open a file, but I kept receiving an error message. The file is a short film I made for my biology project. I saved it to my computer yesterday, but now I can't open it. Can you help please?

Then he had to choose which of three possible error messages Tina saw:

He correctly chose answer A, which says:

Cannot read from the source file.
Item type: Video Clip
Size: 10MB

Wanting to make sure he had really understood and wasn't just guessing, I asked him why he had chosen that answer.

"Because it says 'video chip.'"

"Actually, it says 'video clip.' That means a short video taken from something longer."

Why did he make that particular error? Subconscious telepathic contamination from his teacher? Wouldn't be the first time. Read as he read it, the error message says that it "cannot read from" a "Chip" -- perhaps because it's sealed?

The error itself is a sync. In "Chips, clips, and the eclipse," where I report my Chip dream, I also report seeing the word clips, misreading it as chips (a natural error, since it was on a container of French fries), and connecting that with the Chip in my dream.

Ever since Chip Monks came up, I've been thinking about Eggmonks, a type of fantastic creature invented by my brother Joseph when he was very young. Eggs have been connected with hidden golden treasures, and thus with Plates, so I thought the Eggmonks might have something to do with the Chip Monks. The thing is, I have reams of family juvenilia, preserved in a massive tome called the Scarlet Notebook, and I couldn't remember which of his stories had Eggmonks in it. After checking a lot of them, I finally found the elusive Eggmonks in a 40-page story called At Last, Something Besides These Boring Plains! (The title sort of rhymes with that of this blog, which alludes to this couplet from Phantastes: "From the narrow desert, O man of pride / Come into the house, so high and wide.")

So the story has Eggmonks -- "Eggmonks are a race of egg shaped creatures with wings, legs, a face, and toes, the number of which increase with age" -- but nothing about them jumped out at me as notable. What did jump out at me was this passage, the first time the two characters Leopold and Ebber appear together (typos in the original):

As they walked towards that boat Jats had an idea, "Why doesn't Goober and Gus sing us their song while we walk? We can make it the theme song for our expedition!"

"A great idea!" said Fillip, "sing away!"

Gus and Goober gladly obliged.

"Wow! That is a great song!" said Fillip when they were done. "Lets sing it again, all together now, a one and a two and three four five!"

Everyone but Leopold and Ebber burst into song. Ebber didn't like singing, but he liked to song good enough. Leopold, on the other hand, didn't mind singing, but he couldn't stand the song.

By the time they finished the second rendition they where at the boat.

There's been a little sync theme lately about the name Leo(n) Egbert. William has interpreted it as having to do with Peter or Pharazon, but it very obviously must also have something to do with our mutual acquaintance Leo, whose last name is Ebbert (separating the names for reduced searchability, Leo). The juxtaposition of the names Leopold (for which Leo can be a nickname) and Ebber fits right in with this pattern and seems to emphasize that it's not just about eggs and Humpty Dumpty but also somehow about Leo.

The context in which Leopold and Ebber appear together is that the group is singing a song as they prepare to board a ship, and it's going to be the theme song for their expedition.

Leo's most recent comment on my blogs, as of this writing, was on my post "Thoughts on the Astronaut Nephi theory," where one of the things he wrote was this:

You'll notice these tales and rumors of the straight road occurred exactly where Nephi builds his ship: "along the shores of the sea". What I envision in 1st Nephi is Lehi's crew are among those "permitted to find" the Straight Road and it is upon that Road that they set sail. Think of the Rainbow Connection Kermit the Frog sings about (although I think Sarah McLachlan does it better). You know, the one that "calls the young sailors" like in Tolkien's description.

Okay, it's about ships and a song, but that's kind of a weak-sauce sync, right? O ye of little faith!

As soon as Leopold, Ebber, and the others have boarded the ship (of which Ebber is the captain), we are introduced to the first mate, Bofred, whose defining character trait is -- get this -- that he's constantly singing "The Rainbow Connection" to himself. Here's his entry scene:

Just then an average sort of human came walking up singing. "Some day we'll find it, the rainbow connection, the lovers... the dreamers... and Meeeee! 'allo cap'in."

"Hello Bofred. Lets get going," said Ebber Scrubs.

"So, so cap'in." said Bofred, then he sand. "So We've been told, and some choose, to believe it. I'll prove them wrong, wait and see..."

Here he is again four pages later:

They heard him singing as he came up, "Some day we'll find it, the rainbow connection, the lovers, the dreamers and me. Hullo cap'."

"Bofred, there is a storm coming up, get two men at each sail, I want to ride this storm as long as possible."

"Sure cap." said Bofred, "Will you be doing the rudder?"

"I don't know. I can't decided if this storm is going to be big enough that I will want to take the main flipo sail."

"Hmm..." said Bofred looking out at the storm cloud, then he started singing under his breath, "Some day we'll find it the rainbow connection... I think that it will be a big one cap' it feels like it."

Another four pages later, this time with a bit of "St. Judy's Comet" thrown in:

Just then the hatch opened and in came Bofred singing, "Some day we'll find it, the rainbow connection... hmm hmm so we've been told, and some choose, to believe it, I'll prove them wrong wait and see... little boy, little boy, wont you lay your body down."

Later on the same page:

"Now what do we do?" asked Fillip as he sat on the rolling floor.

"Some day we'll find it, the rainbow connection..." sang Bofred very loudly.

"I said, What do we do now?" said Fillip louder.

"So we've been told, and some choose to-- What did you say?" sang Bofred."

"What do we do now?" said Fillip again.

I trust I've quoted enough to establish my point. Whatever the "theme song for the expedition" was supposed to be (the one Leo and Ebbert refused to sing), Bofred sees to it that the actual theme song is "The Rainbow Connection."

Sorry about this, Leo. You may not be interested in sync, but sync is interested in you.

Note added: Even the passing reference to "St. Judy's Comet" turns out to be relevant, as William has connected the Chip with the Sleepy Ones.


William Wright (WW) said...

Reading this post reminded me that last December Leo also left a comment on my blog that referenced the Rainbow Connection. Interestingly enough, he did it in the context of sleep.

I had written a post with "Part 1" of those words from January and February 2022, and Leo had made a comment with lyrics from the Rainbow Connection.

In that way, although his name links very strongly to Leo and Ebber, he is like Bofred, who sings the song on multiple occasions and in different settings. The real Leo has 'sung' it now on multiple blogs.

Here was his comment:

For the words that come in the strange land between sleep and wakefulness, I think the experience is captured well in the third verse of Rainbow Connection. (Sarah McLachlan sings it best imo)

Have you been half asleep
And have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name
Is this the sweet sound
That calls the young sailors?
The voice might be one and the same
I've heard it too many times to ignore it:
It's something that I'm supposed to be

Here was the post where his comment can be found:

Ra1119bee said...


part 1

You wrote; "You'll notice these tales and rumors of the
straight road occurred exactly where Nephi builds his ship:
"along the shores of the sea". What I envision in 1st Nephi
is Lehi's crew are among those "permitted to find" the
Straight Road and it is upon that Road that they set sail.

Think of the Rainbow Connection Kermit the Frog sings
about (although I think Sarah McLachlan does it better).
You know, the one that "calls the young sailors"
like in Tolkien's description".
My response:
And yet, here we are once again, a reference to a ship/boat.
The steering wheel aka the eight point star.

The Penny-Farthing, also known as a high wheel, high wheeler
bicyle in the 1960's The Prisoner series. The Bi- Cycle
meaning 2 cycles ( Spiritual and Physical) which we 'ride'
those two cycles on the Wheel of Time.
If we are able to maintain our Weight ( EGO )
we are able to peddle and progress, but if we become unbalanced
on our Bi-Cycle, we fall down.

The young sailors you made reference to are also known as
SE-men ( SEA-Men ), which we all are from Semen,
sailing in this bitter sea.

We are Birthed ( much like a ship is 'birthed' when it arrives at a dock
ready for the goods to be unloaded.
Our physical vessel( physical body ) is
( especially in developing countries) birthed by a DOCK-tor ( Doctor)

You wrote: "Just then an average sort of human came walking up singing.
"Some day we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
the lovers... the dreamers... and Meeeee! 'allo cap'in."
My response:
As far as the rainbow bridge connection and especially
where it concerns the 'vessel'(which it is the vessel that crosses
the bridge).

In Alchemy the vessel/flask holds the Peacock.
copy and paste: ( asterisks mine ) see link
"In alchemical writings, certain symbols, including humans, birds,
and animals, stand in for particular stages of the alchemy process.

The peacock, with its colorful feathers, serves as a metaphor
for the phase when the greasy black contents of the
alembic suddenly turn iridescent in the ***flask, producing
a rainbow of colors like the shimmering reflection of light
in an oil slick. It is known as the peacock stage,
or the chemical**** rainbow.
In my previous comment to Wandering Gondola,
I mentioned that I believe that Kamala is the redness stage
also known as the Rubedo in the Alchemical Experiment
we currently know as America.
The Rubedo is the final stage of the Alchemical Transformation.

If you recall the very last time a Rubedo ritual happened
was on Nov 22, 1963 on the 33 degree parallel on
a street called Elm( ELm).

The shooter of Oswald was Jack RUBY ( Rubinstein).
The Rubedo ending of that stage of the Alchemical Transformation
of America was: The Ending of Camelot. ( see link )

Interesting the names Camelot and Kamala sounding somewhat
similar, no?
Of course C and K are interchangeable.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
Also your reference to St. Judy
which made me (being a Boomer) think of a 1967 song
by John Fred and the Playboy Band called: Judy in Disguise.

Coincidently, I was just listening to Judy in Disguise
a week or so ago. I had forgotten all about it and haven't heard
it for years.

Interestingly the recent 'weasel' syncs having connections
to something cloaked/DISGUISED or fake/DECEIVER
( like a 'weasel' ) all very appropriate
as to what is happening on the World Stage today.

Also, and given that the hippy dippy song Judy in Disguise
was released in 1967, the same year of The Beatles Sgt. Pepper album
especially the hippy dippy song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,
I believe share a connection.
The Lucy lyrics also mentions ' a boat on a river'.
Another boat sync.

I wouldn't be surprised if Judy and Lucy aren't one and the same.
Lucy of course is Lucifer.

And last but not least and speaking of ships, if you get a chance
check out a very powerful Netflix series titled:1899.
Much of what I've been sharing with you over these past
few years (as far as my perspective about the Big Picture
of the puzzle of our existence in this duality dimension )
is surprisingly the message of this movie.

As stated, my 'puzzle pieces have come to me over a lifetime
( more than 60 years ) of esoteric experiences and dreams
( many premonitions) which I've connected the dots to ( puzzle pieces )
and have formed my perspective after a gazillion hours
and years of research from a vast spectrum of ideologies.

When I saw 1899 on Netflix in 2022,
I was very intrigued as I believe that
the message of 1899 mirrors my own
especially about the Wheel of Time, the Eight Point Star ,
wearing a mask or cloak in which to deceive or hide
and the Fall of Man and us ( humanity ) choosing
to Jump ( MAN OVERBOARD ) after gathering Weight
and succumbing to our Ego. ( see both links below )

Everything, including that which is hidden, is connected.

1899 Trailer

1899--The Passengers Jump off From the Ship

Judy in Disguise (with Glasses)

The Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

Ra1119bee said...


And speaking of nautical connections,
I'd like to add a couple of more thoughts to your reference to the sailor.
As I made mention to the Sea-Man ( semen ) the word sailor could
also mean someone who knows the Lore of the Sail ( as in Sail-lor)
or perhaps the Lure of the sail.
copy and paste:
lore (n.)
Old English lar "learning, what is taught, knowledge, science,
doctrine; art or act of teaching
The sail being a journey/excursion on the seas.

I also find it interesting that the word Heroes
sounds very similar to He Rows i.e. he who rows.

I recall my brother (who was in the Navy in the 1980's )
telling me that all of the shipmates(sailors)
were required to wear their white Crackerjack uniform
each time they pulled into port.
My brother was also a snipe as he worked in the boiler room.

Of course on the box of the Crackerjack popcorn
(there's that word POP again! )
was the mascot of Sailor Jack and his dog Bingo.
Of course Crackerjack Popcorn, way back in the day,
was intertwined with Baseball.(see link )

I just did a quick google search on the Crackerjack
uniform and found this website(link below)
and information that I did Not know before which is this :
copy and paste:
"Unlike the rest of the uniform, the service hat, or “Dixie Cup,"
has no such practical history. It seems to be an accident of fate,
simply the most convenient selection after the Navy tried a series
of different hats. Apparently, sail canvas made for excellent material,
and the white Dixie Cup was born."
When I read that about the Dixie Cup, I immediately remembered
in my research about the beginnings of the Styrofoam
cup which its predecessor was the Dixie Cup.

Recall I shared with you my March 24 1997 Hale Bopp dream
in which the Space Man gave me a white Styrofoam
cup which contained a milky quartz crystal.

In that dream, the first thing I saw (sitting in the backyard
of the house where I grew up (IRL) was the Space SHIP.

Perhaps Aviators and Navigators are one and the same.

Baseball "Take Me Out to The Ball Game" (1908)

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Interesting that both times he mentioned that he particularly likes the Sarah McLachlan cover. There’s a name with an interesting etymology!

William Wright (WW) said...

Ha - nice.

Sarah MacLachlan is also potentially interesting given your own dreams. Your vulture, Odessa Grigorievna, you originally called Sally. In one of my posts referencing the name Sally, I commented that Sally means the same thing as Sarah - which is Princess.

Earlier I had already guessed that Odessa, despite being portrayed as female in your dream, represented Peter-Pharazon, and thus Sarah-Sally = Peter Pharazon, at least in one context or symbol. In fact it was in thinking of your vulture and another character named Gregor that I first started developing the idea of Peter and Pharazon being one and the same.

If we substitute Prince in for Sarah in this name (adopting the male version), and have Lachlan mean something like Norway, per your Wikipedia article (and then have Norway mean "Northern Way", as it does), you have a really nice name for Peter.... Prince of Northern Way.

I have guessed it is from Peter (or his Head, I suppose) that the path "North" must start, and here we have in Sarah MacLachlan's name something referencing this perhaps.

And so you could have Leo "really" saying, when he emphasizes more than one time that of all possible "Rainbow Connections" it is "Sarah's" version that he prefers, is that of all possible bridges or paths on which one could travel or sail, that it is on Peter's that he prefers. And that would make sense, since it is from Peter's Head (or his Mind/Memory) that such a bridge needs to be walked in order to get where one needs to go (per Indiana Jones).

William Wright (WW) said...

Also, because it popped in my head:

Lightning McQueen is a character that I have likened to Peter, particularly after he adopted the "Dinoco Blue" (Blue being the color of Peter, or Simon the Chip Monk). Here is a very recent post on that, which also has the "Play for Patrick (Peter)" symbol.

Care to guess the name of Lightning McQueen's love interest in the Cars franchise? Sally.

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add that the dog Bingo on the Crackerjack Popcorn Box
was originally a black and white 'spotted' dog, very similar
to the illustration of the dog on the Woof photo that you posted.
(see link )

And speaking of Sally, don't know if you knew this but
in 1956 the rock n roll artist Little Richard released a song
called ; Long Tall Sally.

In 1964, the Beatles( who were admirers of Little
Richard's work ) released a cover of Long Tall Sally
on their Second Album including 'adapting' ( some say plagiarizing)
Richards' signature Woo Woo Woo...

Little Richard - Long Tall Sally

The Beatles -Long Tall Sally

Leo said...

To clarify, WJT, it's not that I am uninterested in sync, I just prefer to watch rather than join in -- not unlike Leopold and Ebber in the tale you shared now that I think about it. Sometimes it's b/c I know I'm not very good at it and other times it's because I don't like the "song" that much. Regardless, this is all pretty fascinating. It is funny I keep shilling for Sarah. But hers really is the best version.

Mighty in Writing

My last post, " Alex Schwarz and Arnold Strong ," ended with the tentative conclusion that I needed to investigate the wife of Arn...