Monday, August 26, 2024

When no one was looking . . .


Ra1119bee said...


When someone or something is forced into our
collective consciousness
IMHO, there is always a reason why, including
and especially so the archetype of the trickster/clown/joker
whom I believe Kamala to be.

Keep in mind the very true quote by FDR-- "If something happens
in Politics you can bet it was planned that way."
Many people today have no clue whatsoever as to why
or what that quote means as many people are so firmly entrenched
in the illusion and can't see or comprehend anything beyond it
which 'coincidently' is the same message of a 1979 movie titled;
Being There.

 I stumbled upon this very thought-provoking video (link below)
today and although I've never seen the 1979 movie : Being There
I was very intrigued with the movie's plot especially
this video creator (Gad Saad's) perspective of an eerie similarity
of the protagonist in the movie (named Chance played
by Peter Sellers)... and Kamala Harris.

Here are a couple of interesting videos.

The first youtube video is the channel's narrator perspective
of why he believes Kamala's connection to the movie.
There are several comments (none by me)
in the comment section which I thought interesting
especially this one as it mirrors my own perspective :
copy and paste:
"The big difference is that in the film, they actually believe in Chance.
They’re not trying to manufacture him, they really don’t know his real situation. They think he’s a fountain of wisdom.
Harris is completely manufactured by people who have no misgivings
or illusions about her. It’s one of the most cynical things ever.
These people have apparently reached a point with the machine
that they control every bit of it.
I think this will be a test to see if a completely unremarkable,
unlikeable person can be made into their presidential puppet
by propaganda alone.

1. The 1979 Movie That Predicted Kamala Harris's Ascension

Below is the movie ( Being There)...original trailer. Note
that starting abt marker/frame 1:43--1:50 in the bedroom scene
there is a rather large Crystal Octagon by the woman's bedside.

Yet another 'hidden' Eight Point Star symbolism, perhaps?

Also in the trailer it appears that there is an older Black woman
in this movie who is trying to unveil Chance for what he really is,
and not what other people are trying to make him to be.

Interesting that Gad Saad's video should randomly appear
in my YouTube feed.
When I watched the video I thought of your post
of the many Cackling Kamala photos ( wearing her
Purple-ish red Phoenix Pant Suit ) and I decided
to comment on your post.

I noticed in the photos that you posted,
Kamala is wearing her Purple'ish Red
Phoenix Pant Suit.

I also find it interesting that in this movie, Chance is a gardener.
Please recall my many recent comments
and perspective about the symbolism of the Earth Tiller.

Also in the trailer clip, listen to the older Black women
make reference of being White in America.
Interestingly her sentiment has been flipped'
in 2024 to the lie that Kamala is a One Drop Black.

Partus sequitur ventrem, the Black Code, Jim Crow, One Drop
aka Hypodescent, and America's War on Drugs
were all contrived and written as divide and conquer fodder
but more importantly to maintain a cheap labor source.
via the peonage system.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Unfortunately many people especially Black people
still believe the illusion ( 'It is what we say it is' ) and continue
to swallow it hook , line and sinker.

Kamala Harris is multiracial as many of us('Black' people)
are in America.

2. Being There - Original Theatrical Trailer

Here is another video that is more of a critique of the movie.
I would think that if you're planning to watch the movie,
this would be a 'spoiler alert'.


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Good find, Debbie. As I’ve said in another post, I think Kamala embodies the spirit of Kek more even than Trump did.

Ra1119bee said...

Here is yet another: Being There critique video. ( second link below )
Note that on the other video I previously posted
( first link reposted here ) is the original trailer
of Being There.
Starting about marker 0:52--0:59
note the Black woman makes reference to a Jack Ass.

A male Donkey is a Jack Ass.
A donkey is the Democrat party's mascot.
Coincidence or planned?
Keep in mind FDR's quote about politics.

Being There - Original Theatrical Trailer

The more I have researched this fascinating connection of this movie
to what is going on right now on the World Stage, I'm convinced
that what I have predicted about the Fall of the American
Empire is, more likely than not, going to happen.
We're always given signs.
I don't think we've seen the last of Obama because

I believe Obama he is going to be of the 3 Triumvirs
of ' the clean up crew'.

Here is the recent video I've found today.
Note the reference to comedy. If you recall a previous
comment I made about Kamala, I shared my perspective about
Kamala being the archetype of the trickster/joker which
I am convinced that his what she has been' "created' to symbolize.
The reason why Kamala's so called One Drop is being forced
down our throats is because it's symbolic to the Alchemical
Transformation of America.
Kamala is serving as both the Nigredo ( the beginning )
AND the End ( The Rubedo ).
2 sides of the same coin.
I went into detail about this on a previous comment
in response to Wandering Gondola.

And make no mistake, the powerful whirlwind of chaos
that the joker can stir is NOT
or meant to be ( in any way shape or form ) funny.

If you've seen the Batman movies especially The 2012 movie:
The Dark Night Rises, you'll note that the Joker is
SERIOUSLY ( Siriusly) a hot mess.

Note starting abt marker/frame 2:58 the bedroom scene
where the two people are watching a TV show of an interview
with Chance. Note the reference to ' unknown, and surprising'.

If you recall I shared my perspective about Obama
appearing out of the 'blue' ( as I personally had NEVER heard of
the 'community activitst' Barack Obama
before 2004 when he was a Keynote speaker at the DNC ).

Surprisingly Barack Obama sure did a Zero to 60
in only 4 short years and was selected ( oops I mean elected )

I believe that both Kamala and Obama were created to be
(gardeners aka Earth Tillers) just like the simpleton Chance
in this movie, which chance is an oxymoron as ' by chance'
has nothing whatsoever to do with Politics.

Also note that the movie Being There, was released in theaters
on DEC 19. Recall I shared my perspective about the number 19.
Also check out the movie poster in the wiki link below.
Interestingly in the poster Chance is levitating in the air, carrying
a suitcase ( which a suitcase is a bag where we 'carry'
our 'uniforms/clothing/coat of skins/) which
our uniforms may OR may not represent who we
truly are, very much like a mask.

Chance is also carrying an umbrella. Which an umbrella
serves as protection against storms.
This movie poster image of Chance also reminds
me of Mary Poppins! ( see link )

And there's that POP sync again!

Anatomy of a Gag: BEING THERE

(Original 1964) Mary Poppins Theatrical Trailer

Lucas said...

You had me in the first 4/5's, not gonna lie, and that's a lot!

Mighty in Writing

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