Friday, August 23, 2024

Men in sororities

No, nothing about tranny politics. Just logging a coincidence.

This morning I watched part of a YouTube video on a Mormon theme. One of the comments there, posted just hours before I read it, accused Russell M. Nelson of belonging to several secret societies, which it weirdly characterized as “sororities”:

Wasn’t Russell Nelson in some sororities like Skull and Bones, Beta Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Chi and Owl and Key? He has been part of secret societies no?

Fact check: mostly true.

This evening, approximately 15 hours after the above comment was posted, I was at the night market. where I passed a man in an Ace of Hearts T-shirt: white with a red heart above a red letter A. few minutes later, I passed another man — quite masculine, and even big and burly by East Asian standards — wearing a T-shirt that read “Three Surnames Sorority.”

Since it has something to do with “sisters,” and since I don’t know what else to do with it, I’ll end with this imperfectly remembered dream from last night:

I dreamed that I ran into a young woman who looked just like either of a pair of identical twin sisters I used to tutor ages ago. She looked to be the age they would be now, but for some reason I was certain that she wasn't one of the original twins, but rather "a new one." Even though it didn't make sense given the lack of an age difference, I thought she might be one of the twins reincarnated.

"Excuse me," I said, "but were you [twin's name] in a past life? Or perhaps [other twin's name]?"

She smirked and said, "You got the wrong girl, mister. The last time I incarnated was the Ice Age!"

As the dream proceeded, I kept running into this girl and finding that she was involved in all sorts of things behind the scenes, but I can't remember any of the details.


Lucas said...

If you can explain the secret sorority sorites paradox, they'll let you join.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I wouldn’t join any sorority that would have me as a member.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
And speaking of Secret Societies and Conspiracy theories
and 8 Point Stars and One Eye's, Oh my!
I personally have always found it interesting why
in a so-called Christian nation
( America ) there is SO much Egyptian imagery throughout
America but especially in DC which begs the question:
Where's Jesus in our nation's capital?
Not even a memorial or statue of Jesus near The Capitol or
The Lincoln Memorial Reflecting pool?

Of course churches do not count as far as having a
religious memorial because that's a given that
a church would have one.

The only thing that would answer the WHY of all
these Secret Societies symbolism
throughout America and would make sense,
at least to me, is this:
Most all of Conquerors of America and the
Framers of the Constitution were NOT Christians.
Most of them were Deists including Jefferson.

Much like John Dee it was the Elite who were navigators and aviators
alchemists, astrologers and astronomers,
mathematicians, occultists, proponents of eugenics
and depopulation, masters of divide and conquer.
They were highly educated and the elites of their day.

Supposedly George Washington, was a 'member'
of the Hell Fire Club in the UK.(see link )

Most of the Christians whom I've posed this question
to as to why there isn't any Christian symbolism throughout America responded :
"Well the Illuminati ( "illuminati" being a simpleton catchword
our Opponents have given us to refer to them by )...
infiltrated this country."

To which I responded:
Then why at some point in time didn't the Christians stop them?
What's that quote attributed to Edmund Burke ?:
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"
"Why is there a pyramid on the back of the United States currency
with a detached One Eye on a capstone?"How does an Egyptian
One Eye symbol have anything to do with Christianity?

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
And you might respond that the pyramid didn't appear on the currency
until 1935, but check this out. ( link below )
copy and paste:
"At the end of the US War of Independence, the Continental Congress
issued the first national currency, the American dollar.

The design of continental dollars was not much different
from colonial banknotes.
But it was on them appeared an unfinished pyramid, which you can contemplate on the back of the dollar bill."
Surely by 1935 enough Cristians would have gotten together to stop
the Illuminati's encroachment wouldn't you agree?
Oh, I forgot. in 1935, people were distracted because of The Great

Of course many people have responded to me regarding
my questions about the lack of Christian symbolism by saying
'Well there is a phrase on our currency that reads :
In God we Trust.
To which I respond : Yeah, but what God though?

And exactly what is written in that so called book (Bible?)
that every POTUS lays his hands on, on Inauguration day?
We just 'trust' that it's a Holy Bible, but do we really know that it is?

Coincidentally, Inauguration day, since 1937
just so happens to be on the cusp ( Jan 20 )
of Capricorn and Aquarius. Which both signs
but especially Capricorn are ruled by Saturn/ Chronos/
and the goat, which isn't Baphomet a goat?

I believe that America was founded by an elite cabal
who were looking for The New Atlantis on the 77 Meridian West
(God's Longitude/Ley Line ) see links below.
Those powerful entities in this duality dimension aka "the Cabal"
'signature and symbolism are throughout everything in America,
especially the Eight Point Star. The steering wheel of a ship.

I believe that the Christians arrived later to the Colonies
and many as indentured servants to help build
the empire by learning the trades and fighting in the Wars.

I also found it interesting, and perhaps you can correct me
if I'm wrong, but isn't there a One Eye symbolism at the Salt
Lake Temple?
Copy and Paste: link below
"The Salt Lake Temple, a significant landmark
for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
features several unique symbols, including the all-seeing eye.
This symbol, representing God’s omniscience and protection,
is engraved on both the east and west central towers of the temple."

As far as the twin sisters in your dream and reincarnation
and the ice age, I immediately thought of Agartha
and Operation HighJump.

The 77th Meridian - Part 1

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...