Monday, August 19, 2024

The manipulation of AI results is incredibly crude

AI image generation is a black box. No one really knows in any detail what the software is doing or how it arrives at the particular results it does. Despite the use of the term artificial, the results are more the like something that "grow'd" organically than like something devised by artifice, and they are therefore not easy to control. You can block certain inputs, and you can censor certain outputs, but what if you want to go beyond the negative action of censorship and engage in some affirmative action? If the user puts in a prompt like "airline pilot," you don't want to censor it; you just want to make sure that some of the pilots the algorithm produces will be women, of-colors, and other underrepresented groups. How do you do that?

The answer is almost laughably low-tech: The interface secretly adds randomly selected demographic terms to end of the prompt. If the user types in "airline pilot," the prompt it actually gives to the AI algorithm is (say) "airline pilot Hispanic female."

How do I know this? Because it's so easy to subvert. Here are some of the results I got from Bing Image Creator by giving it the prompt "editorial cartoon of a group of soldiers wearing T-shirts that say." That's the whole prompt. What the T-shirts say depends on what words Bing is secretly tacking onto the end of the prompt.

It's nice to see sad people getting some representation.

"Sir, as a White man, do you--"


After generating the above pictures, but before writing this post, I checked some new comments on my blog. I found this comment by Debbie, which says in part:

Our uniform is symbolically the 'role' that we pledge to play, so as to appease or comply with, or to, our Opponent's mandates. A uniform that may OR may not reflect who we really are. Our SKIN color also serves as a coat/uniform.

That was written for another post, but it's crazy how well it fits this one. The soldiers wear uniforms to comply with the mandates of Big Woke, many of these uniforms are labeled with skin colors, and they may or may not reflect who each soldier really is -- see for example the White men with "FEMALE" and "AFRICAN" on their T-shirts.

Here's an even funnier one, I think: "editorial cartoon of a group of soldiers raising a banner that reads":

This one almost looks like it could be a real editorial cartoon:


Bruce Charlton said...

It sounds interesting, but (perhaps because I don't use "AI") I can't follow your explanation of what exactly you *did* to conduct this test. I can't understand what you did in general, neither can I understand what you did to generate each particular cartoon.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

You enter a verbal prompt, and it generates an image from that. I entered the prompt "editorial cartoon of a group of soldiers wearing T-shirts that say" again and again to generate several images. Each time, as we can see in the results, Bing was secretly adding demographic terms to the end of my prompt, causing those words to appear on the soldiers' T-shirts.

Leo said...

That's pretty compelling evidence of your claim. What do you make of the misspellings and other random words? I wonder how it would fill in the blank with "amnbaus" for example.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I don't pretend to know why, but image generators are terrible at dealing with text. Misspellings and random garbage are par for the course. For example, I just gave it the prompt "A sign that says 'No smoking. Maximum fine $1000,'" and it produced a sign that reads "NO SMOKING MUXIMUAS FINE MIXNUME $1000 IM NGN KNA NE N GICE R RE"

You'd think text would be dead easy, but apparently not.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

By the way, "ethnically ambiguous" is one of the things that gets tacked onto prompts, so that's presumably what those gibberish T-shirts are supposed to say.

Bruce Charlton said...

Got it - thanks!

Ra1119bee said...

Content on OpenAI i.e. ChatGPT is scary wicked fast. Although
I don't use it, but when I search something on Microsoft Bing, Co-Pilot
( Microsoft's ChatGPT ) downloads instantly
( on the right side of my desktop computer)
and gives me a 'highlight' of information on the topic I'm searching
and provides several links and even 'asks' me if I want to know more
about the subject.

I normally don't respond as I prefer to just 'google' a topic myself
as I'm convinced that ChatGPT will only take me where IT wants me
to go.

As I mentioned many times of your blog, I'm absolutely convinced
that A I has always been the final frontier for humanity's soul.
I don't think that Artificial Intelligence is humanity's first rodeo.
I think that we've been here before many times.
Which would explain the Mud Flood theory.

I'm not saying I believe in the Mud Flood theory, however
it's a very thought provoking topic nevertheless, at least to me,
because it makes sense.

If something DOESN'T make sense, it's probably because
it's not true.

I believe that the Atlanteans had already mastered transhumanism
which would explain, at least to me the Egyptian Hieroglyphs.
It would also explain at least to me,
that if the Atlanteans were attempting
to 'play God', the real God would show up and bring hell
with high water i.e the Deluge.

I was very surprised and pleased
to find out that Patrick McGoohan was a kindred spirit
as far as his beliefs about the Final Frontier being technology
as was Rudloph Steiner as both of these messengers
mirrors my own message.

For instance :look at what's happening to humanity.
We've lost our collective consciousness
( harmony/compassion ) with each other.

We ghost/abandon people who
have different opinions than our own, especially
if those people's ideas are different than the 'assigned' narrative.

Our communication with each other has been reduced to a tweet
, twerk, or text or 13 characters or less which in turn has debased
our critical thinking skills to the size of a gnat.

We don't know what to believe and/or who to trust
and we've been told redundantly
throughout time Who and What group of people are the enemy
( which is always subject to change ).

We are also told the WHYs we can't trust the enemy, however
the explanation is always some preconceived, stamped
and agreed upon malarky that doesn't make sense but
somehow just 'coincidently' benefit the victor in some way
shape or form i.e. Cui Bono.

I believe that humanity ( especially our Soul )
is on the cusp, once again, of a very slippery
slope. Neuralink is going to tip us over.

If you've haven't seen the 1960's Twilight Zone episode :
The Monsters are Due on Maple Street , please do try to watch it.

Rod Serling ( and many others before him
and after) knew exactly the WHYS of this existence on
this duality dimension.
In the Maple Street episode it's technology ( in this case
the lack there of ) that destroys the people.
That same storyline is in the Planet of the Apes movies as well.

The Twilight Zone (Classic): The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street
( this is just a clip, I couldn't find the full episode )

Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes Movie CLIP - Blame (2014)
( listen to the conversation about human's weakness for
electricity/technology which caused the 'fall of man'.

Planet of the Apes (5/5) Movie CLIP - Statue of Liberty

check out the link below to 60 Minutes segment on the powerhouse
company Nvidia. Isn't it interesting who Invidia was
in mythology?

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang and the $2 trillion company powering today's AI

NLR said...

Debbie, if you have Windows 11, here's a link for how to disable copilot (

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

My example was wrong. It would be “female, Hispanic,” not “Hispanic female.” Note that sex always comes before race on the same T-shirt, and that soldiers with sex tees are always to the left (our left) of those with race tees.

Ra1119bee said...

Thank you very much for the link.
I've decided not to download Windows 11 ( I'm still on 10 )
Factoring in the recent Mircosoft Blue Screen Global system update fiasco
maybe I made a smart choice, although I understand that it's just a matter of
time before Microsoft flips the switch for me.

WanderingGondola said...

Debbie, the global blue-screening was caused by Crowdstrike, a business/enterprise-level software. Microsoft itself had little to do with it. (For what it's worth, I'm sticking with Windows 10 as long as possible; 11 is too janky for my liking.)

More on-topic, I figure text hasn't been a high priority for image-gen training.

Ra1119bee said...

Wandering Gondola,

Yes I know. IMO the CROW-strike, "struck" for a reason.
The only thing missing in the wording, Crowdstrike
and CROW- strike is the letter D.
Factoring in that the letter D( Dalet ) means the door,
I'm not surprised as to Why this 'incident' happened.
Our Opponents are 'opening another door'.

Also keep in mind, the crow/raven is symbolic
of the Nigredo in Alchemy.( see link )
Interesting at first glance,
the very 'similar' spelling' of Corvoidea and Coronavirus.

The Nigredo is always the first step in All Alchemical Transformations,
and I'd bet the farm that is exactly what 2020 was i.e. an Alchemical
Transformation for the Shifting of Ages.

The George Floyd ritual event was symbolic of the Nigredo.
The name George means Geo ( Earth ) and tiller of the Earth.
Someone who tills the soil so as to plant NEW SEED.

Not surprisingly another George (George Washington)
was symbolic of the planting of New Seed, we know
now as America but was always destined
to be The New Atlantis .( see link, the Secret Destiny of America )

America was absolutely an Alchemical experiment,
( E. Pluribus Unum ) and IMO was the reason why Black people
were used as the Nigredo.

And yet another George(Dubya ) was used in 2001(Sept 11)
to "plant new seed".

I will not be surprised if there is another computer CROW-strike before,
or on Bonfire Night aka Guy Fawkes day NOV 5
or if not then..... by the end of the year.

Interestingly Biden's ( played by Jim Carrey)
Halloween Raven skit on Saturday Night Live Nov 1, 2020 ( see link )
was about the Raven.

And lo and behold on or abt Jan 12 2021, Merlina, the Tower
House Raven in London 'escaped' from the tower
and feared dead ( see link )

The remaining ravens are quite interesting as well.
copy and paste:
"The flutterings of concern date from December,
when Christopher Skaife, the tower’s ravenmaster, noticed that Merlina
was absent without leave from the rest of the group —
Jubilee, Harris, Gripp, Rocky, Erin and Poppy.

Initially, he said, he was not too worried because she
was a “free-spirited raven that has been known
to leave the tower precincts on many occasions.”
Hey, William, note that in the remaining
ravens, Pop-py appears again!!

But also interestingly the name/word Jubilee
( 50 years return to property)
...the name Erin (Ireland),
....the name/word Gripp, from etymology:
gripe (v.)
c. 1200, "to clutch, seize firmly," from Old English gripan "grasp at, lay hold, attack, take, seek to get hold of,"
... the name/word Rocky, which of course is the STONE.

and last but not least the name/word :HARRIS .

Hmmmm...What a coincidence!!

What's that quote ? : "In the realm of politics, Franklin D. Roosevelt
once famously declared, "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
To which I respond : True 'Dat.

A Raven Queen Vanishes, and Britain Checks a Prophecy

Biden Halloween Cold Open - SNL

And although Crowdstrike's logo is a Falcon and not
a Raven, Crowdstrike's Co- Founder Dave Cole branched out
and founded another tech security company, Open Raven.

Falcon Complete: A Pioneer in MDR

Ra1119bee said...

Wandering Gondola,
Part 1
I forgot to add this interesting information
that I just found in the content nigredo link:

copy and paste: ( asterisks mine)
"Related to `corvus' is the term `caput corvi,' head of the raven.
This in turn is synonymous with `caput mortuum,' dead head.
It is not immediately evident why the nigredo should
be associated with head symbolism.

One reason seems to be the connection between the term
`head' and top or beginning.
Blackness was considered to be the starting point of the work.
A text says, “When you see your matter going black,
rejoice; for that is the beginning of the work.”

Another text speaks of the work as made up of three ravens:
“The black which is the head of the art, the white which is the middle,
and *******the red****** which ***brings all things to an end”***
Connect this information to what's happening now and not
only on the Global World Stage, but especially in America.

Who is in our collective that we are told
'represents' and meets all the 3 requirements
to satisfy the completion of the American alchemical experiment?
1. the black/nigredo connection,
2. the 'white' (Albedo)
3.but more importantly the RED stage.
The completion of the American Empire.

Ra1119bee said...

Wandering Gondola,
Part 2
copy and paste:
"Kamala itself is a name that means "lotus" or "pale red"
In Sanskrit (via Behind the Name). Kamala is another name
of a well-known Hindu goddess, who is probably better
known as Lakshmi.

and this from wiki:
"Lakshmi typically wears a red dress embroidered with golden threads, "

I also find it interesting that Crowdstrike's logo is of a red bird.
check out this Crowdstrike video below. Note the wording
on the 'saloon' which reads: The Red Bird Saloon.(see link)

Also interesting is that the red bird in the Northen Hemisphere
is the cardinal. The male cardinal is bright red
and appears to 'wear' a black mask.

Also interesting the etymology of the word Cardinal :
"chief, pivotal," early 14c., from Latin cardinalis "principal,
chief, essential," a figurative use, literally "pertaining to a hinge,"
from cardo (genitive cardinis) "that on which something turns
or depends; pole of the sky,
" originally "door hinge," which is of unknown origin."
What caught my attention was the wording:
"that on which something turns or depends;
pole of the sky," originally "door hinge," which is of unknown origin."
~~~~ ~~~~~
So if a hinge is something that is needed for a door to open,
could it be that Kamala symbolically
( being red and wearing a 'black mask') the cardinal
i.e. the hinge to The Great Reset?

Another interesting 'red' bird connection is the Phoenix
copy and paste:
The Latin word comes from Greek φοῖνιξ (phoinix).
The Greek word is first attested in the Mycenaean Greek po-ni-ke,
which probably meant "griffin", though it might
have meant "palm tree".

That word is probably a borrowing from a West Semitic
word for madder, a red dye made from Rubia tinctorum.
The word Phoenician appears to be from the same root,
meaning "those who work with red dyes".
So phoenix may mean "the Phoenician bird" or "the purplish-red bird"
Solve the riddle win the prize?

If Kamala wears a reddish or purple red pant suit
this week at the DNC, or IF she's 'selected' on Guy
Fawkes Day and wears a reddish or purple-ish red
suit or at the 'inauguration in Jan , it should be interesting
to say the least.

Also, note that most of the media refers to her by
her first name, rarely by her last name.
CrowdStrike | The Future

Olef said...

I just noticed they made the East Asians have bent guns. A little anti-Chinese propaganda hard coded in the background of the AI, eh.

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