Sunday, August 4, 2024

Dijon Butler and Elder J. Humpty Dumpty

Last night I listened to this Ward Radio episode with Dave Butler:

Butler has some ingenious readings of the Bible and Book of Mormon, some more plausible than others. The host, Cardon Ellis, is someone who didn’t make a great first impression when I first encountered him, but recently he’s becoming increasingly based.

Near the end, Dave Butler says;

We have neglected the Book of Mormon, and we do it lots of ways, by not reading it, by not preaching with it, okay? I would love to see us stop quoting the thoughts of Elder J. Humpty Dumpty on every subject and just read the Book of Mormon instead.

To Mormons, “Elder J. Humpty Dumpty,” though a novel expression invented on the spot by Butler, is immediately understandable as a dismissive reference to the stereotypical “general authority” (high-ranking church leader): a stodgy, self-important, bald old man who uses an initial. I’m not sure how it started (perhaps with the need to distinguish the Prophet’s nephew Joseph F. Smith from his illustrious predecessor), but initials are de rigueur for GAs. Referring to “Russell Nelson” or “Dallin Oaks” without the initial will be perceived as slightly disrespectful and will mark one as a “blue shirt” Mormon.

First initial plus middle name is a particularly iconic pattern, and recasting any name in that form will give it a GA aura. When I was a missionary, it was a running joke to quote rock and roll lyrics in a solemn tone of voice and attribute them to Elder J. Douglas Morrison, Elder D. Patrick MacManus, etc.

After listening to the podcast, I was sufficiently intrigued to look up Butler’s book In the Language of Adam. I was surprised to discover that, though he seems to go by Dave in real life, he had published it as D. John Butler. Given the Humpty Dumpty comment, I have to think this use of his “GA name” was deliberate, the author’s little private joke.

D. John sounds very similar to the way many Americans pronounce Dijon, a city in France but for Americans primarily a variety of mustard, one made with wine rather than vinegar. Butler comes from the same root as bottle and originally referred to the person in charge of a household’s wine.

William Wright’s August 1 post “Faith as a bottle of mustard” has bottle in the title, emphasizes the use of wine in the mustard-making process, and has a lot to say about the city of Dijon.


Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
Speaking of butlers and crowns and wine and dark yellow (almost brown)
mustard ( Oh My! ), in particular Dijon mustard, interestingly
there is yet another, connection to the current Olympic Opening Games Ceremony.

The Seine River, which is where the Pale Horse 'ran', in the Opening Games Ceremony
has interesting connections to Dijon, which you mentioned Dijon France in this post.

And perhaps you may think these synchronicities that I've found are my gig
and not yours and therefore doesn't connect
however I'd beg to differ as I personally don't believe in coincidences.

I believe and perhaps you would agree, that symbolism is universal,
and being so, will always be subjective to the 'eyes of
the beholder, which I respect that, but again I personally
don't believe in coincidences, especially symbolism that has obviously
been created and hidden by someone and for those who have eyes to 'see'
and ability to decipher the code so as to find the gold,
which I personally think that gold to be knowledge.

Knowledge for All of Us(Humanity) so that we can evolve.

It's the weight of ignorance that separates us and stunts our growth.

Sacred science esoteric knowledge via intuition, dreams
have always been the key,IMHO.

Having said that,
I found this interesting about Sequana :

"In Gallo-Roman religion, Sequana is the goddess of the river Seine,
particularly the springs at the source of the Seine,
and the Gaulish tribe the Sequani.

The springs, called the Fontes Sequanae
("The Springs of Sequana"), are located in a valley in the Châtillon Plateau,
to the north-west of Dijon in Burgundy, and it was here, in the 2nd or 1st
century BCE, that a healing shrine was established"

the article goes on to say:
A bronze statue of a woman, draped in a long gown and with a diadem on her head,
represents Sequana"

The diadem reference caught my eye
especially after reading your previous post about crowns.

Ra1119bee said...

part 2

The butler of course being in the sync stream lately, sparked
by Donald Trump's (the last trumpet (HORN) rally in Butler PA.

The Sequana connection to the Pale Horse' running' in the Seine (at night)
is noteworthy because of course the water connection which is female.

The Moon, being the Holder of HORNS (recall my 2015 Where's My Horn dream)
***The moon being a shining one (see interesting link below about Luna)

Also not surprising is that Celene Dione performed
in the Opening Ceremonies wearing a 'silver' dress.

a name of the moon goddess, equivalent to Latin Luna, from Greek selēnē
"the moon; name of the moon goddess," related to selas "light,
brightness, bright flame, flash of an eye."
This is reconstructed to be from PIE root *swel- (2) "to shine, beam"
My point being is this: WHY?
Why an Iron horse, Zeus ( see link )
floating down the Seine river
which the Seine obviously has very historical and mythological roots.

I googled Iron and the Moon, and lo and behold found this:
copy and paste:
"For the 1st time, scientists confirm the moon has
a solid iron 'heart' just like Earth." (see link)
Recall I shared my July 14,2014 Moon River dream.

All of this begs the question and is perhaps the answer to the meaning of
the puzzle pieces which may be this: are we on the cusp of a New Age aka
The Great Reset? That cusp being the rise of the Matriarchy?

And if that is the case, you might wonder how Obama (and my prediction about
Obama ushering in a Triumvirate Governance) fits into the Matriarch narrative
and I would reply: I think Obama is Gay. Which if you've been looking at recent
events at the Olympics you'll understand my perspective about this new normal.

Connect the dots.

We live in VERY interesting times.

And last but not least, and this has connections to your UPS brown post,
I thought about this Boomer fav by Herman Hermits(which I had a big crush
on Peter Noone ;-)

Sanofi – The Paris 2024 Games Opening Ceremony
(*** Pale Horse, Zeus the Iron Horse)

Herman's Hermits "Mrs. Brown, You've Got A Lovely Daughter" on The Ed Sullivan Show

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