Sunday, August 18, 2024

Repeat: STOP. You MUST NOT hop on Pop.

My post "Stop! You must not hop on Pop!" ended (before the added note) with a warning to sheep not to hitch a ride with Pop -- "Pop" representing both the Roman Catholic Church (led by Papa Franciscus, the Pope) and the Church Formerly Known as Prince (symbolized by the "popping" Apricot Tree).

The Apricot Tree is a great image, actually. It appears to be covered with edible "popcorn" -- like the white fruit of the Tree of Life -- but, as the song reminds us, this is deceptive: "It wasn't really so, but it seemed to be / Popcorn popping on the apricot tree."

I'm not so great at taking my own advice, though, and this afternoon I attended Sunday school at the local Apricot branch, as I sometimes do on first and third Sundays, when they preach the Book of Mormon rather than the thoughts of Elder J. Humpty Dumpty.

I arrived a bit early and was waiting outside the classroom when the elevator door opened and out stepped Martin Luther. Well, actually it was Sister F., who teaches the Book of Mormon class, but her physique and facial architecture are uncannily similar to Luther's, and today she was wearing a long black gown and a backwards black Kangol driving cap of the type one associates with the actor Samuel L. Jackson.

It's impossible to overstate how very much like Cranach's iconic portrait of Luther she looked.

I should make it clear that I like and respect Sister F., a lot, and that her passion for and insight into the Book of Mormon is basically the only reason I ever darken the doors of that church. I realize that saying a woman looks like Martin Luther isn't exactly flattering, and that what I'm about to say is even less flattering, so I want to state at the outset that none of this is a judgment of her as a person. She just happened to be the vehicle the syn fairies commandeered to communicate a message that has nothing to do with her personally.

Luther appears in "With?" as Ninbad the Nailer:

Ninbad the Nailer -- there he stood
And did the only thing he could.

The references are to his nailing the 95 theses to the church door, and to his famous line, "Here I stand; I can do no other."

One striking fact about Sister F. is that, for health reasons, she doesn't stand. When she teaches her class, a small couch is carried into the classroom from the foyer, and she teaches from there. Here's a message exchange from a few months back, showing how I referred to her before I had learned her name:

So here we have someone who sits, because that's the only thing she can do, dressing up as Martin Luther, who stands, because that's the only thing he can do. An un-Lutherly Luther. A false Luther. (Again, I have nothing but sympathy for her health issues and respect for the way she shows up to teach her class in spite of them. Her unfortunate affliction is being used as a symbol.)

Today, after some of her characteristically insightful comments on the Book of Mormon, Sister F. went off topic a bit and talked for some time about how we should always follow the "prophet" (meaning church president Russell M. Nelson, the Apricot Pope), even when what he says seems strange. Although he may sometimes make mistakes or share his own personal opinions, we should always err on the side of assuming that whatever he says is the mind and will of God. As an example, she related how, despite serious personal misgivings, she had submitted to a certain Safe-n-Effective medical intervention because the Apricot Pope had told everyone to do so (and, she added parenthetically, because her employer had required it).

That was a bit of a wake-up call for me and made me realize that, despite the good aspects, this was probably not the kind of place I should be hanging out, or the kind of people from whom I should be imbibing wisdom.

As I walked out of the church at the end of the lesson, the Twisted Sister song "We're Not Gonna Take It" began playing in my head:

The mental image that accompanied this music was of a train station with people standing on the platform. The train arrives and opens its doors, but no one gets on. "No! We ain't gonna take it" -- it being the train.

My "Hop on Pop" post showed Pope Francis in a pickup truck, inviting sheep to "hop in." You hop in a car or truck, but you hop on a train, making it a better symbol of the Pop on which one must not hop.

In Chinese, you don't "take" a train; you "sit" it. The contrast between those who take the train and those who stand on the platform thus corresponds to that between the sitting and standing Luthers. I had occasion to explain this use of the word take just yesterday, when I taught this dialogue to my students:

As I posted the image now, the sign saying "8:28" jumped out at me. It's supposed to be the time, but I saw it as a scripture reference:

Yea, it shall come in a day when the power of God shall be denied, and churches become defiled and be lifted up in the pride of their hearts; yea, even in a day when leaders of churches and teachers shall rise in the pride of their hearts, even to the envying of them who belong to their churches (Morm. 8:28).


William Wright (WW) said...

A couple things that may or may not be relevant, but just mentioning them in case they are.

In a previous post on my blog, I had wondered about Lightning McQueen's race number, which is 95. It seemed close enough to Peter's 96 to mean something, but I didn't know what. It really jumped out at me that Luther is known for his 95 Theses.

Also, the warning to not hop on something (in the case of your post, a train) reminded me of the wagon dream I just wrote about. In that dream, I mentioned at the end feeling like I "needed to make a call and ask for some help to somehow find a way back on that wagon."

But I also realized in writing the post that the wagon may not actually be where one would need to get back on, as it was missing the most important 'tool' (the circular saw) and wouldn't take a person where one might want to go.

Ra1119bee said...


Part 1
Do recall my comment about what I believe to be the connection
of Hop on Pop and also Pop goes the weasel.
Recall I mentioned that maybe the 'key' of both nursery rhymes
are the weasel itself.

Please refer back to my previous comment on your
Stop. You Must Not Hop on Pop post,
where I go into detail regarding the weasel and deceit
which I believe has connections to your post today.

Deceit of course meaning 'not trustworthy ,i.e. not real.

Perhaps by uncovering deceit ( which is chaos)
we find truth which completes the puzzle
of our existence here in this duality dimension.

Many of us think this 'illusion' is real on this duality dimension
, and IMHO, it's not. The Woof, Wolf ( Canine) also serves
as guide to help us navigate through this duality dimension.
You make reference to the Wolf/ Woof/ Canine in your post:
Beware of avant-guard dog.

Note that a twisted sister are two sisters. Recall 'twins' being
in the sync stream some time ago on your blog.
Duality has huge significance in this duality dimension.

Copy and paste lyrics ; We're Not Gonna Take It
Oh, you're so condescending
Your gall is neverending
We don't want nothing, not a thing from you
Your life is trite and jaded
Boring and confiscated
If that's your best, your best won't do
Note throughout the song, the lyrics suggest that the singer
is tried of just trusting and believing in something
that was once known and accepted as truth,
however the singer no longer believes in that illusion
because he/she has seen through it.

You wrote; "So here we have someone who sits,
because that's the only thing she can do,
dressing up as Martin Luther, who stands,
because that's the only thing he can do.
An un-Lutherly Luther.**** A false*** Luther."

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
Of course , something false is deception.
Connecting these dots I believe supports my theory
and sentiment of weasels being symbolic
of deceit, which is very very significant
to the overall (Big Picture) concept of The Prisoner,
which is :we're all prisoners to the illusion.

Number 6 refused to believe in the illusion.

Referring back to the Twister Sister:
A sister is also a Nun which of course has
connections to Pop/Pope.
You wrote that you respected Sister F however in the same
' breath' you speak of her literally (but perhaps
also metaphorically) as not being able
to stand on her own two feet/legs.
Our 'legs' symbolically give us strength to : walk our talk.

The lyrics to Not Gonna Take It Anymore continues:
"(You're all worthless and weak!)
We're not gonna take it anymore
(Now drop and give me twenty!)
Oh, we're not gonna take it (A pledge pin?!)
No, we ain't gonna take it (On your **uniform**!)
We're not gonna take it anymore
Our uniform is symbolically the 'role' that we pledge to play,
so as to appease or comply with, or to, our Opponent's mandates.
A uniform that may OR may not reflect who we really are.
Our SKIN color also serves as a coat/uniform.

In the Tv series The Prisoner, the weasel was actually the system
itself that controlled the people via the illusion.
The people in the village were only prisoners because they allowed themselves to be so which I think was the Big Picture
message of The Prisoner.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 3
Also in the last episode of the 17th Prisoner series
( Once Upon a Time ) the weasel was unveiled to be inside
of Number 6, hiding as the Moonkey.

I too believe that we ALL have the weasel inside of us.
It's called our Ego/ EVIL/DEVIL.
Interestingly the word D-evil spelled backwards
is LIVE, without the D of course.

The D is very symbolic however because
the letter D is the door/doorway, which I believe
we 'choose' to allow the devil to come in and gather

Recall my many comments about my perspective
of how our Weight (gained from our overindulgence
of our EGO) causes us to Fall Down.

I think that's also true of our legs. If we don't have control of our legs,
( like Sister F ) we fall down.

Copy and paste; link below The Prisoner

The Finale
“Once Upon a Time” and “Fall Out”
"Now… what is the most evil thing on earth? Is it jealousy? Is it hate?
Is it revenge? Is it the bomb? What is it?
When one really searches it’s only one thing,
it’s the evil part of oneself that one is constantly fighting
until the moment of our demise.
The Jekyll and Hyde if you like, but on a much larger scale.
— Patrick McGoohan, on the final episode of The Prisoner"
This quote on the Final Episode of the Prisoner ( Once Upon a Time)
mirrors my perspective EXACTLY.

IMHO, when we succumb to our ego we destroy not only
ourselves as individuals but also our collective consciousness
( our harmony with our fellow man/woman) depicted in The Prisoner
as the village).
The reference to the Great Plains and 8:08 in the photo
of : The dialogue at the train station is interesting.

88 is HH, a very significance number and letters to the Aryans?
The Great Plains are also is in North America. The NORTH.
Recall my many comments about The North.

From wiki"
"Northern Great Plains
Herd of Plains Bison of various ages resting in Elk Island Park, Alberta
The Great Plains as seen in Minnesota's upland prairie at Glacial Lakes State Park
The northern section of the Great Plains, north of latitude 44°, .
44 of course is a master number, but also equals EIGHT when added.
Also 88 is The Keys of a Piano.
Perhaps we're being told WHO is really 'playin' us?

Recall my perspective
about WHO are The Eights ,
The Eight Point Star of Ishtar. Perhaps the Eights
are the 'spinners' who make this World, Whirl
and perhaps we humans are the Rubberband Man
which like a rubberband is able to be twisted
so are we because we are so pliable and willingly
and able to hold the 'illusion' together
in a tidy bundle for our Opponents to control us
. ( see Spinners link below )

And last but not least, the Kango hat with its logo
of the Kangaroo.
A Kangaroo 'hops' on its legs, no?

I also found this interesting about the Kangaroo:
copy and paste (link below)
"It all points towards an extremely successful animal,
that's superbly adapted to its environment
and a whole range of habitats and ecosystems and it's why
kangaroos are so successful today,"
Everything is connected.

The Rubberband Man -The Spinners

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