Thursday, August 8, 2024

Round leaves and chip monks

The other day, I snapped this photo of a sign on an old out-of-business restaurant:

It's not a great photo, but the name of the restaurant was Round Leaves, and the accompanying logo is a picture of some leaves which don't look particularly "round" but which are gold in color. This got my attention for several reasons. First, "leaves of gold" have been in the sync stream recently as a reference to the Golden Plates. Second, although the Plates translated by Joseph Smith were rectangular, round plates have come up from time to time. In my April 1 post "Chips, clips, and the eclipse," for example, I recount a dream in which I found a "chip" on Annunciation Day. I write:

I remember little about this dream. I know that I put the word chip in quotation marks [in my dream notes] because the object was referred to as a chip in the dream but due to its size -- a flat disc some 10 inches in diameter -- I thought upon waking that plate was more accurate. It was made of some light-colored metal (color perception in this dream was poor) and was covered with engravings. The environment in which it was found -- an indoor area full of dead leaves -- suggested the abandoned restaurant I started exploring back in July 2022. This is not the first time I have dreamed about finding "plates" in such a place.

So that's a round metal plate with engravings on it, found in an "area full of dead leaves" which reminded me of an "abandoned restaurant." In the photo above, a sign at an abandoned restaurant shows leaves which could be seen as either golden or dead, and calls them "round."

Not only is Round Leaves an abandoned restaurant, it's extremely close to the abandoned restaurant, the one I've explored many times and have dreamed about finding plates inside. And when I say extremely close, I mean extremely close -- 32 meters according to Google Maps.

Shortly after making the above connections, with Round Leaves, the other abandoned restaurant (which was called Tea Work), and the "chip" in my dream, I read William Wright's latest post, "Alvin, Chipmunks, Wisemen, and "a chance to find if all we've dreamed in dreams was true,"" in which he proposes that the three main characters in Alvin and the Chipmunks represent the Three Wise Men and then goes on to connect the Wise Men with other characters in his story.

My first thought was that the Wise Chipmunks are not rodents but Chip Monks -- that is, holy men tasked with taking care of "chips" (plates) like the one in my dream. In my dream -- and included in William's post title is "a chance to find if all we've dreamed in dreams was true."

I'm not yet sure what to make of that or if it even makes any sense, but the syncs seem to be pointing in that direction.


William Wright (WW) said...

I had thought of Monks yesterday in looking at the Chipmunks, but couldn't do a dang thing with Chip. I like this - makes sense to me, if that matters.

I just left a comment on your other post about "Tek" and its relation to writing, books, and 'marks' (like one would make on plates), and ultimately a "War of Books". One guess is that perhaps the 'chips' entrusted to these Wise Men become part of that War or conflict, which likely involves the Great and Abominable Church which has kept back or distorted what is found on those records.

The GAC has its records, and the Wise Men will have theirs. Or something along those lines, maybe.

WanderingGondola said...

Heh, I just looked through some old tabs and found "Chips, clips, and the eclipse" among them. Must have forgotten about it after making those comments.

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...