Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Gorgon apes and potter's wheels in the House of Danger

In my last post, "Perseus with the gorilla's head," I discussed the cover of an Encyclopedia Brown book and said I assumed the Mexican-looking boy on the cover was a race-swapped Encyclopedia Brown (which is fair enough, I suppose; they didn't call him Encyclopedia White). Wanting to check this, I started to type encyclopedia brown race into the search bar, but Google suggested that I might want to search for encyclopedia brown racist instead, and I thought, sure, why not. This led me to a 2012 blog post called "Goodbye Encyclopedia Brown: Thank you Donald J. Sobol," where one of the commenters on the very positive original post opined that the stories were "problematic," "racist," "sexist," and as if that weren't enough "may possibly [have] been a bit transphobic."

It was two of the other comments that got my attention, though. One person wrote:

I still remember the one where the squirrel backed down the tree – for some reason that memory gets triggered every weeks when I watch the little grey beasts.

Apparently, in one of the stories Brown determined that someone was lying because he said he saw a squirrel back down a tree, whereas real squirrels always descend trees head first. This interested me because when William Wright wrote a post connecting St. Peter with Alvin and the Chipmunks, I left this comment:

The word chipmunk comes from an Indian word referring to how the animal descends trees "upside down," or head first. Perhaps a tie-in with the tradition that Peter was crucified upside down.

Another commenter on "Goodbye Encyclopedia Brown" wrote:

*Sigh*, yet another memory of childhood comes to an end. Sobol’s books, along with others like “Choose Your Own Adventure” books were great. I and many kids I went to school with began reading regularly because of such books.

I, too, read lots of Encyclopedia Brown and Choose Your Own Adventure books as a kid. My clearest memory of the latter series is of a book that had some yellowish-brown apes on the cover. Early in the story, a man is menaced by these apes and is literally scared to death. This made a deep impression on me, as I spent quite a lot of my early childhood in a state of terror, often with "monkeys" as the focus, and so I was horrified by this discovery that, apparently, it was possible to be so scared of monkeys that you would just drop dead.

In my "Perseus" post, I connected a gorilla suit on the Encyclopedia Brown cover with the head of the Gorgon Medusa. Medusa was so hideous that anyone who looked at her would turn to stone -- that is, they would die by being petrified, a word which is also used to describe extreme fear. Clearly, the Choose Your Own Adventure book, with the man who dies of terror after looking at some menacing apes, fits right in with this theme.

After a bit of googling, I managed to find the book I was thinking of. It's called House of Danger, and this is the cover of the edition I read as a child:

In the background, you can see the scene I remembered: a man lying dead on the ground, having been literally scared to death by the apes. I found the book on archive,org. Here are the relevant pages:

Here, for the sake of searchability, is the relevant text:

"Help! Help!They're after me," the man cries. Halfway to the gate, he drops to the ground as if he had been hit by an invisible hammer. You dash through the gate and run toward the fallen figure. But something stops you in your tracks. Three snarling animals materialize in front of the house.

What are they? you wonder. Can they be huge chimpanzees? They look mean and angry. For a moment, you are frozen to the spot.

Then, if you try to help the fallen man:

One hand of the fallen man is covered with a brown leather glove. This hand is grasping a small, triangular piece of paper. You bend down and take the paper from his fingers, and examine it for a message. It is blank on both sides. Just then the man gives one terrible gasp and lies still. Your knees are weak. This man has been frightened to death!

Browsing a bit in the book, I was surprised to discover this:

"Now is the time to learn how to use your new powers -- and quickly. First, imagine a disc spinning in your brain. I know that sounds a bit vague, but try it and you'll see."

"I can see it," you say, "a brilliant white disc. It's almost blinding, even though I know it's not real."

"That's good," says the professor. "You are starting off well. The disc acts like an electrical generator, but it generates mental energy instead of electrical energy. Now let the energy build up -- then aim it at the force field the chimps are creating around us. Steady now. Ease in the power. Careful! Concentrate even more."

If you turn to page 55, it continues thus:

There is a grinding sound, followed by a deep rumble that makes the entire structure around you tremble. Then there is a tremendous pop -- like the one you hear when the filament in a light bulb breaks, but much louder.

So this is a spinning disc which can be used as a weapon and is therefore dangerous. It's located in a person's brain and so could be destroyed by decapitating that person. And it produced "a tremendous pop." Obviously, this makes me think of "Joseph and the Dangerous Potter's Wheel." A potter's wheel is a spinning disc, and Joseph "kills" it by "cutting off its head." In this he is assisted by the Pop-in-the-Jack, and in fact the word pop (as in "Stop! You must not hop on Pop!") is what brought the Potter's Wheel story to mind and prompted me to post it. Actually, it was this Barney video Debbie linked, in which a jack-in-the-box is associated with the word pop.

The description of the pop -- "like the one you hear when the filament in a light bulb breaks" -- also reminds me of one of the stranger experiences from my missionary days. When I was stationed in Moab, Utah, I made the acquaintance of a young man (I remember his full name but probably shouldn't post it) who seemed to have the ability to burn out incandescent light bulbs by concentrating on them. I don't know if it was some kind of trick or genuinely paranormal, but he would concentrate on a lit light bulb, and it would grow brighter and brighter until it made a loud pop and went dead.

Perhaps he, too, had a Dangerous Potter's Wheel in his brain.


Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
And speaking of Spinning Wheels,
The spinning wheel is in our collective consciousness,
I believe, for a reason.

I believe that wheels are symbolic of The Eight Point Star of Ishtar
and/or in Buddhism the Dharma : the Wheel of Time.

The Eight Point Star of course is a steering wheel of a ship.
I believe that this duality dimension is under Maritime Law.
We are told that Earth 'spins', albeit slowly.
The word World is very similar to the word WHIRL.
Note the Whirling Dervish ( link below )

Also speaking of spinning wheels
Recall my many comments about the Ferris Wheel
which is a Sun Wheel.
In just about every developing country ( particularly in
major cities ) you will find a Ferris Wheel,
including the most recent 2022 Ferris Wheel in Moscow called
The SUN of Moscow.

To name a few others :
The London Eye which is very iconic and featured in a lot of movies.
There is also a Singapore Flyer Ferris Wheel
The High Roller in Las Vegas,
Ain Dubai in Dubai
Redhorse Osaka Wheel in Osaka Prefecture Japan
Bay Glory in China
Sky Dream in your 'neck of the woods' ( Taiwan)
Melbourne Star
Check out the complete list in the link below.

You will note that ALL of these Ferris Wheels are very near
a water source. The reason being : water is a conduit
to the other side.
The Ferris Wheels were all built near an ocean, or lake
or a water fountain.

For example Skyview Atlanta is located near a fountain
called The Fountain of Rings in Centennial Olympic Park .

In the desert of Vegas, the High Roller sits very close
to the Fountains of Bellagio which boast a very impressive
water display every night and was featured in the 2001 movie
Oceans 11 (see link)
There's that 11 number again! The El's are Everywhere!

Do we really think all of these Ferris Wheels were built
for our 'entertainment?
I personally do not think that they were.

The bicycle (BI-cycle ) meaning 2 cycles also has significance .
In the 1960's TV show The Prisoner, in the building
where the 'controllers ' operated from there was
a Penny-Farthing Bicycle ( see link )

What's odd, is just today Aug. 13, as I was looking for a video
clip of The Prisoner to link to you that hopefully showed a scene
that included the Penny-farthing.
Lo and behold I stumbled upon this interesting clip
which I HAVE NOT seen before.( see link )

The narrator in this clip points out hidden symbolism
in The Prisoner series. It features not only the bicycle
but also, A BUTLER!
Recall our recent dialogue about
the symbolism and connection of The Butler and Donald Trump's rally.
How odd I thought.

The narrator also speaks of the symbolism of the Butler serving tea
and the narrator also drinks from a 'teacup in this video clip.
Recall my previous comments about the my 2003 Tweed
dream and a teacup.

In that dream a White man in a tweed
jacket and holding a tea cup and saucer was following me
in a cave. The man pointed to my crystal pendant
which I wear IRL and told me that he would be with me for nine
more years.

2003 ( when I had the dream ) plus 9 years is 2012.
Interesting in this video clip starting abt marker/frame 2:20
shows 4 men sitting in a CAVE.

Recall my many comments about the number 4 and my
personal connections to the number 4 being a 'doorway'.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
Also I would like to stress, I DID NOT know or see
The Prisoner Symbolism video
before today, certainly not back in 2003 when I had the Tweed
dream. You Tube wasn't even launched until 2005.

Although I recall my sister and I watching The Prisoner
when it aired in 1967 , The Prisoner was really
a bit too 'advanced for 12 and 13-year-olds.

I did buy a DVD box set of the Prisoner if nothing else for
nostalgia reasons. However I have not looked at the DVD's, perhaps
one of two episodes but that was way back when I first bought
the DVD set on Amazon which was around 2009 or so
which was way after my Tweed dream.

It was the 2003 Tweed dream , my 2003 11:11 dream,
my 1997 Hale Bopp dream, my 1974 Past Life Reading
and many more esoteric experiences
and dreams ( many premonition) that led me to
the Monroe Insitute in 2005 to try to find out what it all meant.

So, connect my perspective to what you wrote
here in your post taken from page 55 ( my birth year btw!)
In this post you wrote:
"That's good," says the professor. "You are starting off well.
The disc acts like an electrical generator, but it generates
mental energy instead of electrical energy.
Now let the energy build up -- then aim it at the force field
the chimps are creating around us."
Also adding support to my perspective about the true purpose
of the Ferris Wheel, and what you wrote here about
the electrical spinning disc ,is this:
as I'm sure you know Nickola Telsa's Wireless experiments
were performed at Colorado SPRINGS which is on the
104 meridian west.

Please do recall my many comments
about my 2017 dream I titled Colorado Springs and the research
I found and my prediction about what I believe that Denver
( on the 104 Meridan West ) will be the new Capital of The New Atlantis,
we now know as America.

I found this interesting dialogue between Telsa
and Leonard Curtis, a patent attorney.(see link )
Note the reference to Water.

copy and paste; link below
"Come to Colorado Springs," wrote Curtis to Tesla, "and I can get you
all the land you want, rent-free from the Colorado Springs Company."

To Leonard Curtis, he(Tesla) wrote:
"My coils are producing 4,000,000 volts - sparks jumping from walls
to ceiling are a fire hazard.
This is a secret test. I must have electrical power,
****water** and my own laboratory.
I will need a good carpenter who will follow instructions.
I am being financed for this by Astor, and also Crawford and Simpson.
My work will be done late at night when the power load will be least."

Although I was aware of Telsa in 2017 when I had
the Colorado Springs dream, but consciously I did not know
that Telsa's experiments were conducted in Colorado Springs.
Also in my 2017 Colorado Springs
dream, there wasn't anything at all or symbolic of
Telsa in the dream.

And last but not least and speaking of spinning wheels,
check out the 1969 Boomer Fav by Blood Sweet and Tears
: Spinning Wheel
( link below)
Also the soul group the Detroit Spinners aka The Spinners and
the 1974 song :Then Came You

Everything is connected, no?


Ocean's Eleven (2001): The Bellagio Fountain Show


The Prisoner: Symbolism



Blood, Sweat & Tears - Spinning Wheel (Official Audio)

Then Came You-- The Spinners

Ra1119bee said...



I found another video ( just now today Aug 13 ) as I was doing a bit more
research about the TV show The Prisoner.

This video clip is of an interview with the actor Patrick McGoohan
who was the protagonist ( Number 6 ) in the 1967 TV show.

This video is comparing the TV show with the upcoming
15 minutes cities which have been discussed in social media
exposing the WEF and their plans and playbook
regarding the Great Reset.

I found this interview with McGoohan who was a '19',( born
March 19th ) very intriguing as McGoohan's perspective about
the future, especially concerning technology,
mirrors my own.

What's odd while looking at the video lo and behold
McGoohan discusses the last segment of The Prisoner
series (which The Prisoner was McGoohan's ideal )
... and he references a MONKEY!!.

What's odd about that is I just wrote a comment on WW's blog
(BEFORE I saw this Prisoner interview) and I shared my
somewhat lengthy perspective about whom I believe
the Apes represent, which I believe the Ape is symbolic
of our animalistic nature. In my comments on WW's blog
I made reference to the Planet of the Apes series of movies.

Do check out my comments about the Gorilla/Ape
on WW's Encyclopedia Brown's post).

So, lo and behold I stumbled upon this McGoohen interview
only several hours later after I commented on WW's blog.

If it wasn't for your post today
(which 'inspired me to write about The Prisoner) I would
have never found this interesting interview
and its surprise "find" in the 17th and final episode of the Prisoner
which coincidently was titled : FALL Out.
Recall my many comments about 'Falling Down
and the Fall of Man and the Fall of the American Empire.

The surprise " find" in the videos is this:
a Monkey was unveiled to be Number 1 in
the last episode of The Prisoner
which connects to my perspective about the Ape
being inside all of us.

What I heard McGoohen mention the monkey
(in the interview video ) my jaw dropped
and I thought: " What's the Odds??!

'Dem Sync Fairies be busy, no?

Was The Village The First 15 Minute City? | The Prisoner Puzzle

The Prisoner (1967/68) - Number 1 Reveal [HD] / Fall Out (1968, Patrick McGoohan) *** note Number Six ( Patrick McGoohan ) going' DOWN
a shaft to what looks like a 'submarine'.
In the video note the trickster.
Note the portholes ( ship symbolism).
Note the spiral staircase. Recall by comment about the spiral.
Note the crystal ball and the Whirl ( World Globes)


Ra1119bee said...


And yet two other 'falling down' events these two on Sunday Aug 11 ( which
was Marshall's birthday btw ) at the Olympics Closing Ceremony.

Tom Cruise's performance at the Closing Ceremony
was billed as one of the so called ' highlights ' of the Olympics, but
begs the question, at least to me, why not have Tom Cruise levitate UP
symbolizing progress of mankind and mankind's accomplishments
towards the future, as opposed to 'falling down' into a 'pit'.

The other falling down event was a character dubbed
the Golden Voyager wearing a 'shiny' Gold/Yellow and Black
costume, reminding me of a Bee.

Tom Cruise captivates with roof stunt at Closing Ceremony | Paris Olympics | NBC Sports

Fans react to the Golden Voyager & Other Moments from the Closing Ceremony | 2024 Olympics | E! News

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...