Thursday, August 8, 2024

Malk and banned books

In "King Malk's crown," I connect a comedy sketch about "Malk" (as a variant pronunciation of milk) with a video that connects a John Malk-ovich character with the coronation of Charles III. The latter video includes a clip from the coronation in which people say, "God save the king!"

Wandering Gondola left a comment linking to clip from a 1995 episode of The Simpsons, featuring both "Malk" (as a cheap substitute for real milk, apparently) and a school band playing "God Save the King." (Since the cartoon is set in America, they're presumably playing "My Country, 'Tis of Thee," but it's the same tune.)

Here's a still of the "Malk" carton:

And here's another bit that caught my eye. A teacher, complaining about her school's inadequate budget, says that "the only books we have are ones that were banned by other schools." Here are the banned books:

From left to right, we have:
  • Tek War (by William Shatner)
  • Theory of Evolution (John Maynard Smith?)
  • Sexus (the first book of Henry Miller's series The Rosy Crucifixion -- Rosicrucians, Debbie!)
  • 40 Years of Playboy
  • Steal This Book (by Abbie Hoffman)
  • Hop on Pop (by Dr. Seuss)
  • The Satanic Verses (by Salman Rushdie), a special "junior illustrated edition"
This is mostly stuff we might imagine stodgy right-wingers wanting to ban -- evolution, sex, counterculture, blasphemy -- plus Tek War and Hop on Pop. I'm sure the Dr. Seuss book was included because in the 1990s it would have been the least offensive book imaginable, making the idea of it being banned from schools humorously absurd. The Simpsons is notoriously prophetic, though, and in 2021 several Dr. Seuss books were indeed "canceled" for their showing too much diversity. I was just thinking about the anti-Seuss movement a few days ago because William Wright posted about a book by Mo Willems, and Willems was one of the three ringleaders of the Seussophobic crusade.

Going back to "Malk," it originally entered the sync stream because of the Hebrew word malkam, "their king," and the possibility that the original text had been Milkom, the god of the Ammonites. The "Malk" carton on The Simpsons says "Now with vitamin R." This, combined with the king connection and the association of milk with cereal, make me think of King Vitaman cereal. (We sure do talk about cereal a lot on this blog, don't we?)

When I did a Google search for king vitaman cereal, one of the first results was an article that was, strangely about King Vitaman cereal and books (books that make 40 Years of Playboy look downright wholesome by comparison!) being banned from schools: "King Vitaman & The Anti-Woke Trend of Book Banning." Those two topics have absolutely nothing to do with each other, of course, but for some reason someone just happened to put them together in a post.

The juxtaposition of The Satanic Verses and Playboy is also a link to Devil Bunny.


Ra1119bee said...

Yes, It would make sense that the Powers that Be would ban any Rosy communications considering that the Sacred Science Knowledge is occulted for a reason which that reason being: not to be 'given' to the uninitiated.
Ignorance is bliss?

I see there is reference to the number 40 in that group of books.
Recall my comments about the significance of 40.

What really caught my eye however was the book: Hop On Pop.
Most of us, especially children for whom Hop on Pop was written, would immediately think that Pop means father or dad or papa.
Which interestingly Papa is a Maritime International Signal Flag,
The blue Peter.

Also in etymology:
pop (n. 1)
"a hit with a smart, explosive sound,"
Check out the storyline of Theodor Seuss Geisel's ( who was a Pisces)
book Hop on Pop ( link below )
Note in the storyline reference to a lot of the recent syncs which are these:
falling down
Sirius ( pup/canine)
Hill and Will ( two el (L's) )

Also note that many of Dr. Seuss' illustrations in his books
including Hop on Pop, have a lot of YELLOW and red and orange
(orange being a mixture of yellow and red) color schemes.

Also Interestingly the word Seuss sounds very similar to Zeus.

And although you may think that Theodor Seuss Geisel's work wasn't political
at all and there were no 'hidden agendas' or symbolism in his work,
I beg to differ.

Everything is political, especially Geisel's work
and including The Simpsons.
Do we really think the fact that many of The Simpson's predictions coming true on the World Stage is a coincidence? (see link ) Or more
likely than not the script writers have privy to a playbook than most of us
do not.

It's interesting that during the Obama administration,
Michelle took several opportunities to read Geisel's work to children.
( see link ).
What's interesting about that in Geisel's work there was much bigotry
including against Black people, which begs the question, why would
the Obama's promote Geisel's work?
My guess is that the Obamas (along with many other Black elites
including MLK) were Boule. (see link)
In other words they All work for the same King aka The Eights.
There are no coincidences.

copy and paste from wiki ( see link ) :
"Seuss's cartoons (some made for advertisements) variously featured racist depictions of East Asians, Arabs and Muslims, black people, Mexicans, and Native Americans—in addition to misogynist themes.
A 1929 cartoon for Judge magazine depicts white men browsing a department store, where they examine a crowd of stereotyped black people labeled as "ni **ers" for sale as high-grade firewood".
I placed asterisks in the N word so as to avoid getting dinged by


HOP ON POP by Dr. Seuss Read Aloud

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I’d forgotten Hop on Pop had all that in it! Great catch.

By the way, Seuss never portrayed Black people as firewood. “Nigger in a woodpile” was an idiom for a source of trouble. The cartoon in question showed lots of idiomatic problems being literally for sale. You could buy flies for your ointment, needles for your haystack, and yes, niggers for your woodpile. Racially insensitive, yes, but no one would have read it as meaning the people were to be burned as fuel!

Ra1119bee said...

Yes, I understand what you are saying. I didn't mean to suggest
that I believe, nor did I take the wording: N in a woodpile,
as being literal.
I just copied and pasted that particular paragraph from the Wiki page
to make my point about Geisel's work and politics.

My overall point being is how agendas ( whether we are consciously
aware of those agendas or not ) are intertwined and occulted
into our existence in this duality dimension, no matter how trivial
and that includes Geisel's work as well as The Simpsons.

I believe that Dr. Seuss's 'rhyme heavy' work was used for a
physiological reason now known as the
Rhyme-as-Reason Effect. ( see link )
Rhyme is memorable.

Recall in the 1995 Orange Juice ( O.J Simpson ( another Simpson!! )
trial one of O.J.'s attorneys ( Johhny Cochran ) repeated phrase
regarding the ill fitted bloody glove:
"If it doesn't fit, you must acquit."

Not surprisingly it appears that not only the Druid bards,
many very successful songwriters, Theodor Seuss Geisel
'and the creators of modern day Rap music
understood/understands the power that rhyme and rhythm
has over both our physical and mental bodies.

My big picture point being this: I believe that we (humans )
are manipulated more so than we would like to admit which leads
to the question , as least for me : WHY?

And last but not least,
interesting Bart Simpleton( Simpsons') elongated head
and his sister Lisa's 8 point 'hairstyle/crown/rays , so
not as 'simpleton' as the Powers that Be might
want us to think, no?

Everything is connected.

Ra1119bee said...

Oh and of course, the Simpsons are Yellow.

William Wright (WW) said...

On a whim (and because I remembered reading William Shatner sci-fi books in as a kid), I looked up TekWar, as "Tek" seemed Elvish to me.

Tek means "Pen, Writing, to make a mark". It is the also thus the basis for Tekka, which means "Book".

So, TekWar would be "Pen War", "Book War" or "War of Writing". In conjunction with the immediate context in the Simpsons of a Book Ban, this meaning seemed extremely relevant for some of the themes running through my head.

Olaf said...

Vitamin R is probably a reference to Ritalin. So if there's anything about ADHD in the sync stream, there's a hit.

William Wright (WW) said...

Those Vitaman cereal shapes are supposedly yellow or gold crowns.

When I look at them, though, they seem to me to be suns or stars with holes in the center of them.

Olaf's point on Vitamin R and Ritalin is interesting. You can imagine "Malk" needing to incorporate something like that to get people to sit still, behave, and accept what is being taught in school.

One can analogize the LDS temple endowment where Satan is asked how the people are receiving his teaching. "Very Well", was his reply. Perhaps a strong dose of "Vitamin R" helps with that reception.

TekWar is also about a drug that affects the brain called Tek, which people use to go into something that isn't reality or truth.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I didn’t notice until just now, but Vitaman is just like Malk in that it changes i to a.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

King sometimes gets the same treatment, e.g. “We wuz kangz.”

Ra1119bee said...

Also interesting in the Simpson's clip, the students in the band
are rehearsing a song, My Country Tis, of Thee, and when the teacher
leaves the room the boy says: 'now we can play the forbidden music"
which that song is Pop Goes the Weasel.
Interestingly another reference to Pop.

I found this wiki information interesting about the song
Pop Goes the Weasel:
"In their monthly newsletter, the society referred to the song
as "street music" on the level of "negro tunes",
saying it was "contagious and pestilent".

In another newsletter, the society wrote, "Worst of all..
almost every species of ribaldry and low wit has been
rendered into rhyme to suit it."
Rhyme, Rhythm, Rote and Repetition is how we (humanity) are
controlled. Through Sound.
Those are all 'R's by the way.

There is an old school rhyme and song called School Days
about the 3 R's which goes like this:
Readin', Ritin', 'Rithmetic' taught to the tune of the hickory stick.
(see link )

In etymology the word Pop ( n.1) meaning:
'a hit with a smart, explosive sound".
A hickory stick to the hands or buttocks is most certainly a 'hit'.

Also regarding control and repetition:
What's that quote? “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”,
is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels.
Among psychologists something like this known as the "illusion of truth" effect."
And last but not least, check out the Barney and Friends TV show clip
where Barny and a young girl are singing Pop Goes the Weasel.
See the Eight Point Star in the window? Also the clown/trickster
on the toy.

Also I forgot to add this: not only are the Simpson's yellow
but almost all of Dr. Seuss' characters in Hop on Pop are yellow
as well.

Barney - Pop Goes the Weasel

SCHOOL DAYS dear old Golden Rule days
'Reading writing ‘rithmetic words lyric text sing along song

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add this interesting link :

How liars create the ‘illusion of truth'

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Hop on Pop, Pop Goes the Weasel — it’s clearly “pop” that’s forbidden.

Ra1119bee said...

Yes, I agree. But I wonder WHY?
Why is Pop the connection?

I found this in wiki dictionary:
"move, appear, or emerge suddenly:
"a head popped out of the back of the wagon" · "another thought popped into my mind"
release, open, or engage (something) quickly or suddenly:
"he pulled a can of beer from the refrigerator and popped its tab"
Interestingly the P Maritime International Signal Flag
is Papa ( The Blue Peter)
Pop of course also meaning father, Papa, dad ect.

copy and paste about the Blue Peter: see link
"The signal that a ship is about to sail and that all persons
concerned should report on board. It is a rectangular flag
with a blue ground and a white rectangle in the centre.
It also represents the letter ‘P’ in the International Code of Signals.
Recall that I've commented on the Maritime Law many times
here on your blog. Recall my recent comment to you about
the Netflix series 1899.

This Oxford reference (see link ) to the ' ship is about to sail' certainly
connects to the dictionary meaning: release, open, or engage
(something) quickly or suddenly."

Especially to 'open' as in through a 'doorway' or portal
, which is what we do when we sail from port to port.

Note in the Barney clip, the eight point star in the window which
is round like a ship's porthole.
Also of course the eight point star of Ishtar is a ship's steering
wheel and the Union Jack which John Dee a master navigator
coined the term; The Sun never sets on the British Empire.

Or perhaps it just means that Papa's got a brand new bag?

James Brown ~ Papa's Got A Brand New Bag (1965)

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add this about the Papa and the Holy See( Seas?)
which has connections to fish.

pope, (Latin papa, from Greek pappas, “father”), the title, since about the 9th century, of the bishop of Rome, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church.

The title pope or papa (abbreviated PP.) is officially used only as a less solemn style.

Ra1119bee said...

If you were responding to my comment, I absolutely agree with you.
I actually wrote that as a sarcastic remark and posed as a question insinuating how our opponents manipulate us and have created
this illusion ( duality dimension) to keep us ignorant and distracted from the truth which IMHO I believe
the truth is found in our soul ( which I believe our soul is connected to God ).

I believe our Soul transcends linear time and space which is a power source
which is why ( I believe ) our soul has always been our opponents final frontier. Transhumanism via Neuralink via Artificial Intelligence .

I believe that they are resetting this Industrial Age illusion
to transition to The Silicon Age which we are on the precipice of now.

I believe that knowledge from a vast spectrum of ideologies
( the good , the bad and the ugly ) is power and applied knowledge is Freedom ( Free Will ).

IMHO, our opponents are masters of their game especially regarding
divide and conquer. I don't underestimate them and as my mother used
to say: always give the devil its due, which meant at least to me:
Always know what your opponents know and know their playbook,
because that's the only way we (humanity) can challenge them.
We can't fight that which we can't see or understand.

Do I believe that They believe that Ignorance is bliss for us?
Yes, I absolutely do.
Which would explain why tweets , text and 13 characters or less
is how we now communicate with each other
and if we go 'off narrative' we are ghosted/canceled.
Critical thinkers need not apply.

Like I say I believe that they are damn good at their craft, because look
how far down we( humanity collectively ) have fallen, courtesy of
our opponents and their spun illusions.

However and IMHO, our opponents are only as good
as we allow them to be.

All in my humble opinion, of course.

William Wright (WW) said...

Pop as in "Father", I would imagine. It would be the Father that is banned.

Ingwe-Peter would be my guess as to who this Father is (obviously!).

And Debbie seems to be on the same train of thought, at least partially, with her reference to the Blue Peter (or Simon the Chipmunk) as well as the Holy See or Pope (since Peter is considered the first Pope).

The ban would be on both him and anything he might have written or said (i.e. his Book), thus the Book Ban imagery.

My guess is there are plenty of people, on our world and others, who rather both him and his book remain silent.

William Wright (WW) said...

Quick follow up: After posting, I had a thought that the banned book in question (and the 'unpersoned" or banned individual) may have something to with that vision you saw of the Jay Leno book titled "Who's abducting you?". Seems that Jay (represented by the Blue Jay and the Blue Jean Denim he likes to wear) might have the answer, and people don't want that coming out. Would explain the reaction to that name in your dream, as well as the title of the book you saw later.

Ra1119bee said...

Interesting you should mentioned Jay.

Last Wed, Marshall and I had to put our beloved best canine friend
(Jacob) to sleep. We rescued Jacob aka little J (a mutt) in 2014
at a rescue and the Rescue had already named him Jacob
which we liked and kept that name.

As most canine's do ( that is, choose a favorite) Jacob chose
me as his bestest buddy.

After making the decision to let him go at the Vet Hospital, Marshall
and I were driving home and the entire way (about 40 minutes or so)
I was very quiet and asking Jacob (in my heart) to please show
me a sign that we made the right decision. I didn't tell Marshall
that I was thinking about this.

As we were driving several country roads towards home,
we came to the bridge that goes over a highway.
As soon as we crossed over the bridge right in front of our car,
was an RV.
Not thinking anything special about that
as we live near a state park and of course RV's are not uncommon
especially at this time of year.

I then glanced up and saw the company's name on the back
of the RV which was: Jayco.
Above the name, was the company's logo which was a bird ( a Blue Jay)
with outstretched wings. I immediately told Marshall to look at the RV
and I then told him what I had been saying to myself about asking
Jacob to give me a sign.

The RV turned to the right at the stop light and we turned to the left
towards home.
When we got home I googled the company as I had no clue whatsoever
about that company before last Wed.

I also found it interesting that the company's name Jayco
sounds very similar to Jacob, except of course it's missing a B,
which me, being Debra, I'm the Bee.

It's incidents like this that has convinced me of that I'm
on the right path as far as believing in the esoteric.
It's not everybody's truth,
of course I understand and respect that, but it is mine.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Sorry to hear about Jacob, Debbie. My condolences.

Ra1119bee said...

Thank You William,
much luv

Mighty in Writing

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