Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Where is Peter's mind?

The most censored publication in the history of the world has recently been using this as its header image (reformatted for legibility):

I'm not cool enough to know most of this music, but several of the band and album names caught my eye. The Dead Milkmen, for instance, tie in with the Milk/Malk/Milkommen theme. I've discussed the ambiguity in unpointed Hebrew between Milkom and malkam, "their king," so the Dead Milkmen could be Dead King-men. Then nearby is the Smiths album The Queen Is Dead. Echo and the Bunnymen tie in with echoes on William Wright's blog and Devil Bunny here. Depeche Mode's Behind the Wheel is a link to the Dangerous Potter's Wheel.

The only album in that header image that I really know and listen to, though, is Surfer Rosa by the Pixies, and my mind instantly went to what is probably its most iconic track (featured in the soundtracks of such blockbusters as Fight Club and Big Ass Spider!): "Where Is My Mind?"

St. Peter has been very much in the sync stream both here and at William's blog. In particular, the tradition that he was crucified upside down has repeatedly come up in different contexts. In his latest post, "Leaping from Lion's Heads and Peter's Keys," William connects Peter with the boy in House of Danger who has to access the power of a spinning disc inside his head, and he also hints that the legend of Peter's "walking on water" may actually refer to space travel. With that in mind, check out the opening lyrics to "Where Is My Mind?"

With your feet on the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, (Yeah) yeah
Your head will collapse, but there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself

Where is my mind?
Where is my mind?
Where is my mind?
(Where is my mind? Where is my mind?)
(Where is my mind?)
Way out in the water, see it swimmin'

There's a reference to being upside down, and then "try this trick and spin it," the only possible antecedent for it being your head. The final result is that you'll be "way out in the water."

The lead singer's stage name, Black Francis, is also synchronistically interesting.


Ra1119bee said...

You wrote: "There's a reference to being upside down,
and then "try this trick and spin it," the only possible
antecedent for it being your head.
The final result is that you'll be "way out in the water."

My response: and yet another reference to:
water, being upside down and head in water and spinning.
Sounds like a Man Overboard (Fall of Man) sync, at least to me.

Note that the link I sent you of the 1969 song Spinning Wheel
by Blood Sweat and Tears, also speaks of the water
in this last stanza.

Copy and paste:
Someone is waiting just for you
Spinnin' wheel, spinnin' true
Drop all your troubles by the riverside
Catch a painted pony on the spinning wheel ride
I also found the reference to painted pony interesting and found
in etymology it means a pinto. A white and dark colored (usually
black) spotted horse.

I googled wiki and found that the writer of Spinning Wheel added
the painted pony wording because he had a crush on Joni Mitchell
who was a folk singer in the late 1960's and Joni had written
a song titled: The Circle Game.

I found the chorus of The Circle Game interesting especially
the reference to the Carousel of Time.
I commented previously many times about my perspective
about our souls traveling on The Wheel of Time, but
I found the etymological meaning of Carousel interesting as well
especially this: "from Latin carrus "two-wheeled wagon"

The reason why the 2 wheels wording caught my eye was because
my recent comment about BI-cycle , The TV show The Prisoner's
High Roller aka Penny- Farthing Bicycle and the connection
to Ferris Wheels.

copy and paste: The Circle Game
And the seasons, they go round and round
And the painted ponies go up and down
We're captive on the carousel of time
We can't return, we can only look
Behind, from where we came
And go round and round and round, in the circle game
Another 'spinning' song from back in the day was The Beatles
Fool on the Hill (a fav or mine!, link below)

At last but not least, yet another spinning wheel
to join the spinning syncs which is this:
Back in the day, Christmas of 1961 'Santa' brought me
a Little Red Spinning Wheel.

Little did I know that 63 years later, I'd come to see the hidden
message of the little Red Spinning Wheel which is this:
It was an Eight Point Star symbolism.

A 'hidden reminder that this duality dimension
is under Maritime Law perhaps?
If you look closely, you'll note
that The Eight Point Star is/has been hidden EVERYWHERE ,

And yet another red and yellow (Man Overboard symbolism)
is a toy spinner called Whee- Lo.
Hmmmm, Whee -Lo kinda sounds like We Low, as in: We are Low, no?

Whee Lo was marketed in the late 1970's which of course
I was an adult by then, but I think my cousin might have had a Whee-Lo
, but again, do note the yellow and red symbolism.

Whee-Lo by Tarco - "The ORIGINAL Fidget Spinner!"

Joni Mitchell - The Circle Game (Official Audio)

The Fool On The Hill (Remastered 2009)

Blood, Sweat & Tears - Spinning Wheel (Official Audio)

Ra1119bee said...

Another UPDATE!!

Today, Aug 14 I was looking at another interesting video of a documentary
interviewing Patrick MCGoohan and his creation The Prisoner.
This video was in my YouTube feed which because of the algorithm
makes sense why this vid would appear in my feed.
Well, Lo and Behold!! the sync Faires once again showed up.

In the video McGoohan is being interviewed about the Prisoner
and there are several clips of certain episodes throughout the interview.
One clip showed an episode and in the background I heard a familiar
tune which was Pop Goes the Weasel!!
Once again, I'm thinkin' to myself : Seriously??? What's the odds?

So I stopped the video and googled Pop Goes the Weasel
and The Prisoner and sure enough not only did information about
Pop Goes the Weasel appear in this wiki article, but also reference
to the Penny Farthing BI-cycle, spinning, wheels
and water!! (oh my!)

Here's the copy and paste from wiki:
"The closing credits appear over a drawing of the
penny-farthing **bicycle, the logo of the Village, that slowly
assembles in stop-frame animation.

After the bicycle is fully assembled, the shot changes to one of Rover,
the large, white, balloon-like Village guard device, rising up
through **water and bouncing into the distance.

the article continues:
"In the originally planned version of the closing credits,
seen in the alternative version of "The Chimes of Big Ben",
Rover is not shown.

Instead, the image of the bicycle frame fades out to leave only the wheels. The wheels then begin
to ***spin faster and faster transforming into Earth (little wheel)
and the Universe (big wheel).

The Earth, ***spinning on its axis, flies toward the camera
and explodes into the word "POP".
(This is an acronym for "Protect Other People" which is referred
to in the episode "Once Upon a Time", and also in the show's
occasional use of the song "Pop Goes the Weasel".)
Keep in mind I just found this video today and I did NOT KNOW
that the song Pop Goes the Weasel had any connection whatsoever
to the 1967 TV show The Prisoner!!

It appears, at least for me in my life, that synchronicity occurrences
are getting stronger and stronger and much more often.
However I really don't have an explanation, at least for now,
as to why.

For example :
another interesting sync happened to me a couple of days ago.
Recall I shared with you that Marshall
and I had to put our beloved friend Jacob to sleep on July 31 of
this year and my strange synchronicity experience
of seeing the Jayco RV as we were driving home from the Vet Hospital.

Well lo and behold, a couple of days ago, Marshall was watching
a YouTube video on his laptop. The channel content of that particular
creator is about being prepared in uncertain times.

Marshall 'follows' this guy's channel quite often, but not everyday.
I 'v looked at a few of this guy's videos in the past, but not

What was odd is I was walking into the room where Marshall
was looking at the video and I just happened to glance
at the computer. The creator who appeared to be in his garage
on that particular video was talking on the subject of being prepared .
Lo and behold in the background was a Jayco RV with
the blue jay logo.

I pointed to the screen and said to Marshall:
Do you see that? OMG, what's going on??!!
What's the odds?

Usually the creator of this particular channel films his videos
in various locations especially around his farm. I asked Marshall
had he (Marshall ) ever seen a video of this guy filming
in his garage with his Jayco RV in the background
and Marshall said no.

Sync Faries be busy...

The Prisoner : "In my mind" whole documentary

Ra1119bee said...


I found the full episode of The Prisoner on youtube
titled: Once upon a Time.

Once upon a Time is the episode
listed in the wiki page
that makes reference to Pop Goes the Weasel.

What's also in this episode is Number 6's 'handler'
using nursery rhymes and repetition to manipulate number 6.
Humpty dumpty is sung by Number 6's
'father/Papa/handler, as is Pop goes the Weasel.

Also yet another symbolism (not hidden) in this episode
is a 'spinning' Eight Point Star.
Also in this episode is the dutiful Butler.

The Prisoner 16 Once Upon a Time

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Some pretty striking syncs, Debbie! I'll watch those videos as soon as I get the chance.

Ra1119bee said...

Yes, please do watch a few of the links if you get a chance.

In re-visiting The Prisoner series these last couple of days ( sparked by
your posts about Hop on Pop and my comment about
Pop Goes the Weasel and your 'spinning' post and my response
about spinning wheels, Bi-Cycles and Ferris Wheel ),
I have enjoyed all the new info I've gathered about The Prisoner and especially Patrick MCGoohan whose perspectives seem to have
mirrored my own , especially concerning technology.

Also interestingly in the intro of the Prisoner,
Number 6 drives a sports car with a YELLOW Hood
( the back part and sides of the car was British Racing Green ).

The actor McGoohan was also, it appears,
paying back a Karmic 19 debt and he was also a Pisces.
McGoohan's birthdate was March 19 and my birthdate is Feb 19.

Of course I absolutely did not know and most certainly
did not understand the Karmic 19 debt
significance at that time.

However now and knowing the why
of a Karmic 19 debt I can see why McGoohan perspectives,
especially about spirituality but also about the future of technology
would have been very very important to him to try to 'warn'
his audience about a very probable future.

A Karmic 19 debt means : a Soul who has abused power
in a previous life, especially the Sacred Science knowledge power,
and it's pay back time this lifetime.

Many 19's are visionaries and very alternative in their thinking
and communications.
Mike Burry ( The Big Short ) is a 19. ( see link )

I think I mentioned that my older sister and I used to watch
The Prisoner back in the day, however The Prisoner
was Way too advanced for us as my sister was 13 and I was only12.

The only reason why we were excited when The Prisoner
came on every week, and begged our grandfather to allow
us watch it was because The Prisoner was a
British production and my sister and I were HUGE Beatle fans
and we loved everything having to do
with the British Invasion of the mid to late 1960's.

Also The Prisoner episodes were 'zany' much
like the Beatles' movie : Help.

We also loved the 1960's British show The Avengers
with Diana Rigg and her 'groovy mod clothing
which The Avengers was also 'zany' but many of those
episodes' content (both Avengers and The Prisoner)
was 'symbolic and a hidden message and way ahead of its time,
or perhaps predictive programming?

One memorable Avengers episode was The Cybernauts
which was not only about the future's rise of robotics
but GPS and Artificial Intelligence as well. ( see link ) 

So, thank you for sharing your links on your recent posts William.
They sparked a renewed interest in The Prisoner for me, and
especially Patrick McGoohan, who appeared
to have been a very kindred spirit of mine.

Everything is connected, no?

The Big Short (2015) - Dr. Michael Burry Betting
Against the Housing Market

The Avengers | The Cybernauts

Ra1119bee said...

I forgot to add this about the clip link of The Big Short
with Michael Burry 'shorting' the housing market in 2005.
Note in the clip the many scenes having to do
with a white 'cup'.

The first cup scene was abt marker/frame 2:53.
Note the GOLDman. sign.

Most all of the scenes in this video clip (where Burry is sitting
at a table with the Bankers ) shows Burry near a white cup
or in one clip starting at marker 4:12--4:15 Burry clutching a
white 'cup' which is exactly how I clutched the white
Styrofoam cup in my 1997 Hale Bopp dream.

I'm only pointing this out about the cups is because
of a previous sync stream about cups here on your blog,
and my comments about my perspective
of the symbolism of 'cups/chalice and the female
which is water and intuition.

Considering that Michael Burry served as consultant
on the film, and actually appeared in the movie ( see
the link : Major Investor Confronts), I don't
think the 'cups' were a coincidence.
The real Mike Burry is shown ( in the Investor clip)
standing by the door
talking on the phone starting abt marker 0:12--0:17.

Note that in this scene the real Mike Burry
and all of the employees at Scion are wearing blue
shirts, including Christoper Bale who of course plays Mike
Burry in the movie.

Interesting considering your recent 'blue shirt' syncs recently
here on your blog.

Another interesting clip (Burry Closes Scion)
is at the end of the movie
where Burry was proven right about the Housing crisis
of 2007/2008, which he predicted and shorted in 2005.

Note in that Closing Scion clip Burry mentions his ONE EYE.

If you get a chance, and if you haven't already do check
out The Big Short.
Marshall and I saw it when it was released in the theaters
in 2015 and I loved it and bought in on DVD.

The Big Short (2015) - Dr. Michael Burry Betting
Against the Housing Market

The Big Short (2015) - Major Investor confronts
Dr. Michael Burry [HD 1080p]

The Big Short (2015) - Dr.Michael Burry closes Scion Capital
(Final Letter to Investors)

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...