Friday, January 1, 2021

And when we touched the powder off . . .

I've already identified Lin Wood as the "alligator" in "The Battle of New Orleans" (allegator = maker of allegations) -- and, like clockwork, they've filled his head with Qanon-balls and powdered his behind. He's just let loose with a rash of highly specific allegations -- including that Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself because he is still alive -- so off the wall that people are asking if he's lost his mind. Vox Day's comment:

Given that some of the objects of his criticism have publicly threatened defamation lawsuits, either Lin Woods is off his rocker or he is in possession of hard evidence. 

By the way, I'm getting a pretty strong Hickory vibe from this guy, who even bears a certain physical resemblance to Andy Jackson, and whose name is basically Wood Wood Wood. (Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood. Lucian, from a Latin root that means "grove" as well as "light"; Lincoln as in Lincoln Logs; even Lin means "wood" in Chinese.)

Also: I'm not sure why I didn't think of this before, after posting so much about Old Hickory and also citing Aleister Crowley on the Kabbalistic interpretation of nursery rhymes.

Hickory, dickory, dock.

I think dickery means something along the lines of "shenanigans," or maybe just being a dick. In this case, though, I think the relevant meaning comes from the old use of dick to mean "detective." Dickery means detective work, collecting evidence.

Dock: "in the dock" means "on trial."

The mouse ran up the clock.

To "run up the clock" means to drag things out, treading water until the deadline arrives. Both sides are doing this, so I'm not sure who or what the "mouse" is.

The clock struck one,

The traditional deadline is 12:00 midnight, so the clock striking one means things not being resolved until after the usual date.

The mouse ran down,

Vehicular assault? Running out of steam? Running down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico? It all depends on the identity of the "mouse."

Hickory, dickory, dock.

1 comment:

A said...

The clock struck 1 = 2021.

This next week. The first week of the first month of the first year of this decade is when all comes to light.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...