Thursday, January 21, 2021

What're you going to do, bleed on me?

So Joe Camel has been invited to the White House, and Trump has flown. What do we say, Clickhole 1, Tarot 0?

At the risk of coming off like the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, this isn't over.

From time to time, in moments of ebbing faith, I have turned back to the cards for confirmation that Trump really is going to win after all, and the message has always been consistent and unambiguous -- until today, just hours before the inauguration, I asked one last time, "Is Trump really going to pull this off today?", drew a single card, and got this:

If the Tarot wanted to say, "No, actually, Joe Biden's going to win this one," what clearer way to do so than by giving me the one card in the deck that actually has his initials on it?

One way to interpret this -- the reasonable way, surely -- is that it was indeed Trump's destiny to triumph, as the cards and all the other syncs had been saying all along, but that at the last minute he chickened out, failed to live up to that destiny, and changed the future. The omens were true ones, but in the end all things that depend on human agency gang aft agley.

That would be a reasonable take, I think. The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. But you know what comes next: Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

Did the omens, the cards, the sync fairies really change their story? Didn't they insist that I take Biden seriously back when I was still thinking of him as Walter Mondale 2.0? After assuring me that Trump would win, didn't they then proceed to drag me out of bed at 3:00 a.m. in the middle of the election and make me post about Joe Camel being invited to the White House -- making sure to do so before there were any signs that Biden might actually win, so that the curve-ball would seem real and not just an attempt to cover my ass? And didn't they tell me on January 19 that the date to pay attention to was the day after the inauguration? Has anything actually happened yet that should make me say I was wrong?

So my completely unreasonable interpretation is that, yes, January 20 was Slow Joe's day. Every dog has one, they say. But looking at that card, I don't just see pillars labeled J and B. I see a young woman wearing a cross, with an arc at her feet. I see an unopened scroll half-hidden in her robes, a veil behind her, secrets that have yet to be revealed. And I remember that I have already identified Joe Biden with those pillars, and Trump with the Samson who brings them down.

And what did Biden himself just say in his inaugural address? "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."

Now come back and take what's coming to you, you yellow bastards! I'll bite your legs off!


David Earle said...

I noticed the antichrist phenomenon on full display during this inauguration.

Surely the Lord doesn't appreciate it when demons quote scripture and pretend to be on His side?

Heather said...

Today, before I saw this post, I asked the cards, "Who is Trump?" I turned over a single card, which was Death. At first I thought it meant he would die or become irrelevant. But then I realized that's not what I asked - I asked who he is, not what will become of him. The death card shows a great culling, carried out by Death himself. Well, I'm rather new to Tarot, so we'll see.

Junnies said...

Is Trump really going to pull this off today?

Not today...

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

What deck were you using? Is the Death as the reaper (Marseille) or Death as the rider on the pale horse (Rider-Waite)?

Heather said...


A said...

Could the B&J “backwards” and the lady out front be representative of the VP? She placed something on top of the Bible that was concealed before being sworn in (book for another religion?)

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I didn’t see that. (I missed the actual swearing in, which was apparently done ahead of schedule.) I didn’t make the connection between the woman holding a Bible on the card and a woman actually being sworn in on a Bible with JB. Golden Dawn tradition also associates this trump with the Hebrew letter Gimel, which letter is supposed to represent a camel.

Heather said...

A few minutes before I saw these two comments, I asked who Biden is, and got the Hierophant.

Heather Shaler

A said...

I didn't know if it's possible that the woman could represent the Camel because of the explicit Christian symbols, but we see that people now can falsely abuse these things.

The image does look traditionally Marian (with the moon at her feet) - and maybe the fruit on the tree (Mary is the new Eve). I don't know what the moon at feet means though.

A said...

So I saw another version of this image (from the side) where it looked like she had placed something-else on top of the real Bible.

However on this image, the one she is touching clearly says "Holy Bible" - but you may still validly be suspicious about it! If you look closely it certainly doesn't look like a normal Bible. It is a case of sum sort and it bulges in the middle. It is most definitely something other than a normal paper book. What is in the case that she is actually using to swear in? It is some object that isn't simply paper, but causes the "Holy Bible" case to bulge awkwardly in the middle, then slim down at the edges.

A said...

I'm a bit disappointed the synchronicity fairies let us down, or perhaps it was the heart of a man turning away from a possible destiny.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...