Thursday, January 7, 2021

In hoc signo vinces?

One-card Tarot reading today: "What's going on in Washington?" And the answer come back* . . .

And -- okay, you're not going to believe this, but . . .

The caption reads: L'espee couronnee, ensemble deus fleurs de Liz, reluisans iadis en l'enseigne de la Pucelle d'Orleans, est un perpetuel moniment de la defense et proteccion de France.

The French is a bit archaic, and I don't really know French anyway, but the meaning is clear enough: I just happened to draw the one Tarot card that features the standard of the Maid of Orleans.

Here is the document granting Joan a coat of arms, drawn by Charles VII himself.

* I knew that the line "And the answer come back . . ." came from Chico Marx but couldn't remember the context. Looking it up now, I find it's from Animal Crackers.

In a case like this that is so mysterious, you gotta-a get-a the clues. You gotta use-a the Sherlock-a Holmes method. You say to yourself, "What happened?" And the answer come back, "Something was stolen."


Bruce Charlton said...

My first thought on seeing the first card was - stabbing the King (i.e. President). Treachery...

But that can't be it, if this was Joan's arms - it maybe means the King sustained (put into his place?) by the military - The Sword Upholds The Crown - or something like that?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

It's not necessarily either/or, Bruce. There's certainly plenty of king-stabbing going on in Washington as well. (By the way, I'm kicking myself now for not paying more attention to the not-exactly-subtle Pence/fly omen back in October.)

A said...

@Wm, I thought you'd be really interested in the Biblical symbology too. The timing (Epiphany) is interesting to begin, but I also saw the video of Pence receiving his 30 pieces of silver/coin after playing Judas. All of the "Trump republicans" immediately denied/rejected him (like Peter, etc.). Trump crucified (all social media accounts have been killed) and media calling his simple speech terrorism, insurrection, etc. He issues an ambiguous statement that looks like defeat. Now silence for 3 days?

His opponents certainly seem fearful enough to want to suppress any "false news" of him resurrecting (rumors of using 25th amendment, denying him any way to reach the public, etc.)

Though Trump's blood wasn't spilled yesterday, there was the blood of an apparently innocent woman who could definitely represent Trump (or perhaps a Joan figure, she has a long history of combat & military service).

A lot is going on!

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Do you have a link to the video? I saw the screencap on Vox Popoli but couldn't tell what was really going on. I mean, they obviously didn't literally give him 30 pieces of silver.

A said...

Here is the video:

Yes, it's not a literal 30 pieces - but it seemed very symbolic (including the way it was given, exactly as you give someone a bribe)

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

That’s weird. Whatever’s going on there, why would they do it in public?

By the way, I can confirm that that is indeed a Masonic handshake. (I’m not a Mason, but Joseph Smith was and ripped off some of the handshakes.)

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Modern French: L'epée couronnée, ensemble deux fleurs de lys, reluisant jadis en l'enseigne de la Pucelle d'Orléans, est un perpétuel monument de la défense et protection de France.

English: The crowned sword, together [with] two fleurs-de-lis, which in days of old shone forth in the sign of the Maid of Orleans, is a perpetual monument to the defense and protection of France.

Corrections welcome from anyone who knows the language better than I do.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...