Monday, January 4, 2021

That flag again!

Once you've noticed something, it's everywhere. Found this flipping through a random children's book (Flying Colors by Robert G. Fresson) at a secondhand bookstore.

Sound familiar? That's how I began a December 6, 2020, post at The Magician's Table. What I found was an illustration of a red sun and a yellow sun, a theme which I had been exploring at that time. I can repeat the same intro verbatim today. I happened to go back to the same secondhand bookstore, for the first time since December 6, and happened upon the still-unsold Flying Colors again. I thought I'd try to find the red and yellow suns again, but instead I opened up to this:

Yes, that's Joan of Arc's flag, discussed in detail in my recent post The first rainbow flag and then again in In the cards. This is a very incomplete "guide to flags from around the world," omitting numerous countries -- but it includes this, and I happened to open up to it.

A week ago I didn't even know there was any particular flag associated with Joan of Arc, but once you've noticed something, it's everywhere.


Francis Berger said...

That settles it. I'm including St. Joan of Arc in my prayers from this day forward.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Noticed your name in big blue letters at the top of the photo, did you?

I’ve been praying to Joan as well — only the second saint to enjoy that particular honor. (The first was Michael the Archangel, at the suggestion of mutual friends of ours, in extraordinary circumstances I trust you will recall.)

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

In connection with my “In the cards” post, notice that the flag of France has been broken into three card-shaped objects. Blue is on our left and red on our right, corresponding to the blue and red rings of the fortune teller.

Francis Berger said...


Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...