Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Giraffe on the "big fat planet"

I've been thinking about my 2021 dream of spindle-legged giraffes walking across farmland -- a dream which was recently brought back to mind because of its connection to the Little Skinny Planet, where "skinny" giraffes are livestock. I noted that in the dream "the giraffes looked somewhat less real than the surrounding countryside, as if they might have been some sort of holographic projection."

I can't seem to find the post anywhere on his blog, but some years ago (in or around 2009, the heydey of Internet synchromysticism), Richard Arrowsmith starting connecting giraffes with the star Sirius. One of these links was the Toys"R"Us logo, which used to feature a hidden Sirius (if each quotation mark is seen as a tiny lowercase i) and a blue star, and of course their mascot of Geoffrey the Giraffe.

Another of Arrowsmith's giraffe-Sirius syncs was from one of the Harry Potter films. I remembered this as someone having a vision of Sirius Black with a giraffe walking past in the background, and because it was a magical vision the giraffe looked slightly "unreal," just like the ones in my dream.

After a bit of searching, I found the scene, from The Prisoner of Azkaban. It's actually a magically animated painting, not a vision, but the effect is the same: The giraffe walks like a real giraffe but has a slightly unreal quality because it is a painting. Sirius Black himself is not on screen, but the Fat Lady says his name just after the giraffe walks past:

I don't think I ever saw this film, and I only read the novel once, in 2005. Apparently, the Fat Lady (an animate painting) is a sort of gatekeeper who asks people for a password. When she refuses to give Sirius the password, he slashes her painting with a knife, and she flees for safety to a different painting. In the novel, she ends up in a map of Argyllshire (lots of little skinny islands there!), but in the film she tries to hide in a painting of several hippopotamuses grazing on the African savanna, and it is in the background of this painting that the giraffe walks past.

This scene is pretty much the opposite of a planet where all the animals are little and skinny. The Fat Lady (that's what she's called) is obviously big and fat, and I assume hippos were chosen because it would be natural for her to try to hide among animals that are also big and fat. I suppose the giraffe was added just to make the painting look more dynamic, since the hippos aren't really moving around much.


William Wright (WW) said...

Sirius is a double star system, with Sirius A and B.

Sirius B = Sirius Black? If so, an interesting play on words perhaps, as it is a White Dwarf star, but also 'black' in the sense that it is burned out core, much fainter and smaller than Sirius A and also a shell of its former self. And there is the dwarf/ little reference.

I read that if Sirius B were at its peak (returned to being a Blue Star), the combined Sirius stars would cast shadows on Earth.

Interestingly, as I just typed that I looked over at my oven (typing this by my kitchen) and remembered that its brand name is BlueStar.

I had a dream in 2020 that I was 'abducted' (placed in a bag with another individual) and flown by helicopter somewhere. When we arrived at wherever it was, the helicopter transformed into a small plastic toy helicopter that I could hold in my hand. Never made any sense, but I did think about it when I read your commentary on Toys R Us.

William Wright (WW) said...

One other quick thought on the Toys R Us logo:

The R is backwards in all iterations, I guess to portray it as kind of a crazy, fun place, or something that a child wrote? Interestingly, R said backwards would be "Ra", which is the Egyptian name for either the Sun itself, or the Sun God. Based on this, you might guess where I would go with El-Anor as literally the Sun-Star...

Also interesting (to me) is that the letter R is the only letter that I am aware of that one is said to be able to 'roll' with their tongue. So, you could roll this backwards r, and literally have a rolling stone... in a way.

This Sun Star as the link between "Us" and what the Toys represent?

Probably just seeing shapes in clouds, but there you go.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

In Russian, the backwards R is the pronoun I, and is pronounced “ya.”

William Wright (WW) said...

What story would you get from that?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Nothing yet, just throwing it out there.

Ra is probably a better link. Some Egyptologists identify the left wedjat eye (which looks like R) with the Eye of Horus and its mirror image with the Eye of Ra.

William Wright (WW) said...

I don't know if better, but did have the Stone story attached to it (what doesn't)? You had mentioned potentially crafting more stories from some of the links, so I was just curious if that one generated anything for you.

WanderingGondola said...

What about that Vampire Weekend song? Backwards-R hey!

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

WW, that dream about the big helicopter transforming into a little toy helicopter sounds like something out of an Ant-Man movie. You've been thinking about "anty" heroes recently, no?

WanderingGondola said...

This evening, after reading some of 1 Nephi -- Tree of Life, iron rod, river, Israel and whatnot -- I ended up falling asleep for a little while. Whatever it was I dreamt about, upon waking it felt like a "eureka" moment, but as typical most of it vanished on return to full consciousness. All I can remember now is the equation of two things, and that both Mary (am presuming the Virgin Mother) and the manner of Sirius Black's death -- being knocked through a strange veiled archway, implied to be a gate between this world and the afterlife -- were mentioned or involved.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...