Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Two cunning wise ones, "wizards," Blue gowned

In a hypnopompic state this morning before fully waking up, I was thinking about Jay Leno and how odd that he of all people -- someone in whom I had no interest and about whom I knew virtually nothing -- should have appeared in my dreams. In my hypnopompic reverie, I latched onto the fact (discovered in my post-dream research) that Leno always dresses in blue denim when he's not on TV, and that this must shed some light on the meaning of the blue clothing worn by Tim in my dream, by Tim and Patrick in the Alizio story, and by the two wizards in the Joseph story. I started thinking about various terms for blue denim clothing. Denim itself ultimately means "of the sanctuary," while Levis comes from the tribe of Levi, the priestly lineage -- Aaron! Didn't Aaron, the high priest, wear a blue robe?

At this point I was fully awake. A quick word search on a Bible app confirmed that, yes, the only "blue robe" mentioned in the Bible is the one worn by Aaron (Ex. 28:31, 39:22). But Aaron is just one person, and the Blue Wizards are a pair. I had a hunch that I should look up the etymology of jeans. I already knew it -- it comes from Genoa, and Genoa means "knee" -- but I looked it up anyway, and saw something that I probably wouldn't have noticed had I not just been thinking about Aaron:

Did you notice it, too? Jeans comes from the Old French name for Genoa, which was Jannes. Jannes and Jambres are the names given by tradition and in the New Testament (2 Tim. 3:8) to the "wise men" or "magicians of Egypt" (Ex. 7:11) against whom Moses and Aaron faced off in the court of Pharaoh. I had previously mentioned that in the Joseph story and Mushroom Planet we have two Wise Men, in contrast to the traditional three, but in Jannes and Jambres we have a biblical set of two Wise Men. One Midrash has it that they left the Pharaoh and followed Moses out of Egypt.

Yesterday, thinking about Jay Leno and his blue denim outfits led me to "Blue Jays," the album by Justin Hayward and John Lodge. I assume that the album title has no reference to birds except as a pun but refers to Blue J's -- Justin and John, the two Moody Blues members whose names begin with that letter. Jannes and Jambres would be another such pair of J's.


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Shortly after posting this, I was on the road and saw a motorcyclist dressed all in blue denim. Her license plate was MRJ followed by some numbers. I take this as synchronistic confirmation that I'm on the right track here, focusing on the blue denim clothing of Mr. J.

William Wright (WW) said...

You may have already noticed, but Jean is another form of the name Joan. Joan was the being you highlighted in your last comment on my blog as the only one you implicitly trust, and that the syncs brought you to. I assumed you meant Joan of Arc in your comment, but what you wrote was only Joan.

In French cultures, I understand, Jean is used in a masculine sense (vs. feminine in English). Jean-Luc Picard, a character from Star Trek, for example.

Jean-Luc is actually a remarkable example given everything you've highlighted, and mixing in some Elvish magic and names.

You have already indicated Jean as pointing to a male named Jannes, one of Pharaoh's wizards. "Luc" or "Luk" means "Enchantment, magic" in Elvish. Thus, the name Jean-Luc, in one form, is "Jannes the Magician/ Enchanter". Interesting, huh?

Proceeding down the rabbit hole, this Enchanter-Magician rides around space in a starship, and is portrayed by an actor named Patrick.

Anyway, fun with names.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

A bald actor named Patrick, no less. Picard suggests Prika-Vlein, while Stewart is etymologically related to sty.

As for a possible link to Joan, I’d want something a little stronger than the very common name Jean/John. It’s interesting to note that she was burned as a witch, though.

William Wright (WW) said...

Actually, Picard is probably a more direct translation than you give it credit for... as you noted in your work on Prika, we get tiny or small from pik/pic- without even having to drop the 'r' in this case.

In Elvish, 'arda' is another name for world/land/earth/etc. So, Picard(a) is literally "small world/ land".

There is likely a double meaning with 'pic-', however, as besides small is also means "to lessen, dwindle, wane". Thus, a dwindling or waning world is perhaps referred to.

This could relate to Nephi's vision and the angel's explanation in 1 Nephi 12. Might be worth a re-read given other things mentioned there, including the great and spacious building. It describes a land populated by people who will have become dark and who have 'dwindled' in unbelief.

In my story, that land and those people exist on another world, and it the state that they still exist in today. As Moroni wrote in Mormon 8, that whole land was in a state of total war, and no one knew the end of it. People assume that Moroni was talking in hyperbole, but he may have meant that more literally, and that war still goes on today among a dark and dwindling people. In fact, Moroni wrote to those people as a voice from the distant past telling them that they need to lay down their weapons... if he meant the Native Americans with that warning, it seems pointless as the Conquistadors, the US Calvary and smallpox kind of took care of that. A better explanation is that these people still fight on with their weapons and still have yet to heed the call to lay them down.

And on Joan, doesn't have to be Jannes - I was just using your example. It could very well be John, which seems like a much more positive spin and doesn't have to throw Joan under the bus necessarily. In fact, again in my story and words, it was with John-Thingol that Joseph was counseled to come home with in his rescue of 2019/2020, and with whom he eventually did... a modern story or spin on your own William Alizio account and the Blue Wizards.

I guess if you are asked to go somewhere with someone bearing a common name, it might be good to be sure whether they are of the Jannes or John variety. One might be an impostor or imitator of the other.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...