Thursday, May 30, 2024

Humpty Dumpty sat on the counter

William Wright has a new post up, "Leon Eggbert and Sun-Moon Time," in which he analyzes that name: Leon Egbert, which was included in some of his "words." He begins by respelling the last name with a double-g and interpreting it as Egg-bert.

As I've mentioned before, the TV aspect of my childhood education was sadly neglected. However, one program I did watch religiously was Sesame Street, being a particular fan of the Bert and Ernie sketches. When Q*bert came up back in 2021, I thought of this:

And when I saw Eggbert, I thought of this sketch:

As the scene opens, we see Ernie with a feather duster and what looks like a small stone (cf. Vaughn J. Featherstone) but turns out to be an egg. The egg is just sitting there on the counter, much like Humpty Dumpty on the wall, and Bert asks Ernie to "put my egg away, please" -- that is, to "put Humpty Dumpty in his place again," as in the version of the rhyme favored by Ludovicus Carolus, that most holy illuminated man of God. Ernie begins making excuses and giving reasons for not restoring the egg to its proper place, to the point where we begin to suspect that, like the king's horses and men, he can't. Finally, the exasperated Bert says, "Drop it, Ernie," resulting -- thanks to Ernie's literal-mindedness -- in Humpty's having his great fall. As in my "Humpty Dumpty revisited," Humpty is still sitting on the wall (or counter) when he cracks.

The first element in the name Egbert doesn't actually have anything to do with eggs. It is related, rather, to our modern word edge, and the name as a whole means "bright edge," with the "edge" generally understood to be that of a sword. I think this fits with William Wright's ideas about Pharazôn, who did terrible things but whose story perhaps ends in redemption. In the Book of Mormon, the imagery of a bright sword represents the repentance and redemption of people who were once murderers:

Now, my best beloved brethren, since God hath taken away our stains, and our swords have become bright, then let us stain our swords no more with the blood of our brethren. Behold, I say unto you, Nay, let us retain our swords that they be not stained with the blood of our brethren; for perhaps, if we should stain our swords again they can no more be washed bright through the blood of the Son of our great God, which shall be shed for the atonement of our sins (Alma 24:12-13).

(There is perhaps a link here to "Makmahod in France?" Joan's sword was stained when she found it -- both literally and perhaps also figuratively with a long history of bloodshed -- but she kept it bright and never used it to shed blood herself.)

As in Egbert, so in Schwarzenegger does the egg element mean "edge." Arnold's surname indicates someone from Schwarzenegg -- "Black Ridge." This black edge obviously complements the bright edge of Egbert. Schwarzenegger has featured in past syncs here primarily in his role as Hercules in Hercules in New York. Interestingly, Hercules has recently resurfaced, and in connection with a ridge. In "Pumpkin-eating lizardmen, and Marshall Applewhite," I refer to a passage in Pausanias. Here it is:

On crossing the river Erymanthus at what is called the ridge of Saurus are the tomb of Saurus and a sanctuary of Heracles, now in ruins. The story is that Saurus used to do mischief to travellers and to dwellers in the neighborhood until he received his punishment at the hands of Heracles. At this ridge which has the same name as the robber, a river, falling into the Alpheius from the south, just opposite the Erymanthus, is the boundary between the land of Pisa and Arcadia; it is called the Diagon.

William Wright's identification of Humpty Dumpty as a bright egg possibly ties in with "With?" -- a bit of doggerel riffing on a nonsensical passage in Ulysses. The last two stanzas but one are as follows:

Xinbad the Phthailer maketh oft
Our polyvinyl chloride soft.

And last of all comes Darkinbad,
Who is Brightdayler hight,
Who'll go down in the dark abyss
And bring all things to light.

The sync fairies drew my attention back to this just yesterday. I was talking with a friend who runs a high-end cable company, whom I hadn't seen in six months. She told me about a problem they were having with the jackets of one of their new products, which were formerly made of PVC but recently changed to a different material because of pressure to phase out PVC in the European market for environmental reasons. The problem was that the new material was less flexible than PVC, causing it to crack slightly when the cables are braided. As I said, I hadn't seen her in half a year, and we very rarely talk about manufacturing issues in this kind of detail anyway, so hearing that so soon after I had randomly written about the softness of PVC (because I thought Phthailer suggested phthalates) was a noteworthy coincidence. In the same conversation, she happened to ask how to say "hail a cab" in English, which also ties in with the poem -- "Hinbad the Hailer traveled far / By riding in a yellow car."

In the next stanza, Darkinbad the Brightdayler goes "down in the dark abyss." In "Pumpkin-eating lizardmen," I had cited Aleister Crowley's reading of "Humpty Dumpty":

Humpty Dumpty is of course the Egg of Spirit, and the wall is the Abyss -- his "fall" is therefore the descent of spirit into matter . . . .

It's a little weird to say the wall is the Abyss -- surely he falls from the wall into the Abyss? At any rate, when I wrote the Darkinbad quatrain, I had no thought of Humpty's being "bright" or going into an "abyss"; these links were later supplied by William Wright and the Great Beast, respectively.


William Wright (WW) said...

While Bert is reading his book, of course.

Bert had a thing for the letter W, right?

It is also interesting to note that although Ernie is the un-serious one, his name means "serious". Or Sirius?

Ra1119bee said...

part 1

In your May 15 post titled; Humpty Dumpty revisited
You wrote:

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
The wall was high, and he could see
From there the top of every tree,
Observing as the leaves would turn
From green to gold, and some would burn
With orange or with scarlet hue,
And Humpty Dumpty saw that, too.
And looking down on gold and red
And orange, Humpty Dumpty said,
"Atop the wall's the place to be!
I've never seen as now I see!
From this my perch above the town,
What man or horse could talk me down?
For Humpty Dumpty is my name,
The Sitter o'er the Sea of Flame,
And I intend to see it all
And stay till the last day of fall."
~~​ ~~~~

My response :perhaps my comment is not on topic to this particular post, but I
think it's going to connect nevertheless as everything is connected.

In this poem, I found it interesting not only
to the Great Fall, but about the leaves turning to gold with orange.

I wasn't aware that there was more wording to the poem, other than
what's been taught in kindergarten.

I don't know if you've read any of my recent comments on WW's recent posts
but I go into detail about my perspective and significance of
what I believe is the Falling Down, Man Overboard , the color Orange, Red and Yellow
Golden Gates especially where it connects with Humanity and
The Global Shifting of Ages
and more specifically the Fall of the American Empire.

Maybe Humpty is not an Egg but symbolic of intercourse or the
'marriage' or the Big Bang of male and female and the milky way
being the juice from which the creation(offspring) is produced.

copy and paste from etymology:
hump (v.)
"to bend or raise into a hump," 1840, from hump (n.). Meaning "do the sex act with"

I believe that the phallic Washington Monument is symbolic of Osiris' phallus which Isis
gathered to reconstruct after being severed (Osiris's phallus )
and thrown in the water by Set.
Osiris rising is the reconstruction.
The Washington Monument 'sits' in the middle of the vesica piscis.
Refer to my recent comment about the Time Cover and Trump standing beside the broken
Washington Monument.

Interestingly whenever there is a depiction of a Great Fall,
there is always a water source nearby.
The Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool in DC is the Washington Monument's water source.

In the Beatles video I am the Walrus from the Beatles film
Magical Mystery Tour ( see link ).. ( and looking at this video with new eyes)
I think the video suggests exactly what I've described here about sex.

Maybe the offspring of the hump and dump is the eggman, which
maybe the eggmen are us ( Humanity ).

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
Which that would make sense, at least to me as I believe our Soul 'falls' away
and down from source ( God ) to enter this duality dimension which is the bitter sea.

The Soul does NOT want to be enclosed in the heavy physical body as you
made reference to in your post here: "I had cited Aleister Crowley's reading of "Humpty Dumpty":
Humpty Dumpty is of course the Egg of Spirit, and the wall is the Abyss -- his "fall"
is therefore the descent of spirit into matter .

Maybe when we fall in the bitter sea, we become (metaphorically) " the walrus."
Interesting this perspective about the walrus (link below)
copy and paste:
"Íslendingasögur and förnaldarsögur alike used sea animals in the stories that they told,
depicting these creatures alternately as mysterious monsters, valuable resources,
and catalysts of human conflict."

"As such, they illuminate such concepts as the division of land and sea, and complicate
the modern categories of natural and supernatural."

Also from wiki
"The origin of the word walrus derives from a Germanic language, and it has been
attributed largely to either the Dutch language or Old Norse.
Its first part is thought to derive from a word such as Old Norse hvalr ('whale') and the second part has been hypothesized
to come from the Old Norse word hross ('horse')."

The reference to horse was interesting as horse is mentioned in the Humpty poem:
From this my perch above the town,
What man or horse could talk me down?
For Humpty Dumpty is my name,
The Sitter o'er the Sea of Flame,
And I intend to see it all
And stay till the last day of fall."
As we all know, the last day of fall , is the beginning of winter.

In the Beatles vid, note all the orange and yellow.
I've commented on WW's blog about the significance of Yellow
with its twin El's (L).
Note in the: I am the Walrus lyrics of :Yellow-mattered custard
and letting knickers down which seams to support my theory regarding humpty.

In the video, the bus is symbolic of the movement of the collective.
Also note the drinking of 'milk' .
Interesting in the the lyrics of the joker and a quick scene to an African in painted face.

Another interesting connection to Humpty (and sex)
is from Shock G and the Digital Underground's 1990
hit The Humpty Dance. (see link)
In the video note Shock G's light blue and white jacket and white (furry) hat.
It's interesting that both the Beatles in the walrus video
and Shock G wears a white covering on their heads.

The Beatles - I Am The Walrus (Official Video)

Digital Underground - The Humpty Dance

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