Saturday, May 4, 2024

Life ain’t easy for a boy named Shushan

On April 22, William Wright posted “Shushan!” The title is a reference to a scene in Johnny English Reborn where a male flight attendant is wearing a name tag that says Susan. When Johnny’s sidekick questions this — “Sir, I don’t think he’s a Susan” — Johnny insists that it’s actually a Chinese name and should be pronounced Shushan. I posted my own syncs related to this on April 25 in “Susan, Aslan, and dot-connecting.”

Last night, May 3, I decided to check The Higherside Chats, a podcast I used to listen to fairly often but hadn’t checked in a long time. One of the recent episodes, posted April 11, is titled “Dr. Gregory Shushan | Near death experience in indigenous religion, afterlife journeys & resurrection.” So that’s a man named Shushan, as in the movie. The resurrection reference also syncs with the movie title Johnny English Reborn.

Dr. Shushan’s first name, Gregory, also caught my eye. The host is named Gregory, too. The Russian form of that name recently entered the sync-stream with “A vulture named Odessa Grigorievna, and Joseph Smith in a spider mask.”

Joseph Smith makes a brief cameo early on in the podcast. Discussing Gregory Shushan’s theory that near-death experiences have influenced afterlife beliefs in religions worldwide, Greg Carlwood says:

Yeah, I agree with you, and it seems kind of obvious because I think about someone like Joseph Smith and the whole Mormon religion. It’s usually some figure who has some mystical experience and then says they have some sacred knowledge of some kind to impart, some new tablets or something.

Joseph Smith never had a near-death experience, so that was an odd example to choose.


Ra1119bee said...

William and William Wright(WW)

I thought that the both of you ( William and WW) may find this interesting
as it has connections to not only names but in particular
William Wright's WW.
*** note: I did visit WW's blog today (May5 ) and what caught my eye
was the post titled : Walter White, Walt Whitman, and Pharazon.

I immediately thought : hmmmm, that's odd.

What's odd is after reading WW's post, I thought of a dream I had
in MAY of 2018, which I titled Walter Weaver :

Walter Weaver

I had a strange dream today . The dream is as follows.

I can’t recall of this dream, but for some reason I was with a man
whom I was very attracted to.
I remember kissing him, although I felt guilty as I knew I was
in a relationship with Marshall.

I was very attracted to this man. I knew his last name was Weaver,
and I felt that he was very wealthy and owned a chain of
Supermarkets (Grocery Stores).

At one point my sister was with us and I felt as if she was trying to ‘steal’
my boyfriend away from me.
I recall that she was secretly seeing(whom I though was my boyfriend),
which I felt that his first name was Walter.

However it turns out that my sister was actually seeing Walter's brother Greg.
I woke up

So, Walter meaning White ( according to William Wright)... and Weaver.
Could it mean: a Weaver of Light?

Also in keeping with recent syncs about spiders, very interestingly,
Spiders are Weavers.

From wiki:
"Orb-weaver spiders are members of the spider family Araneidae."

Also and speaking of Weavers, WEB's and spiders (oh my! )
check this out from the Waldorf School(s) ( link below ):

"The Being of the Internet is esoterically best understood on the basis
of Rudolf Steiner’s Dornach lecture of May 13, 1921. ( Note the Date in MAY )

Copy and Paste:
"The Imagination of the Spider Web
It is frightening how poignantly Steiner described this spirit world in comparison with the world situation of today:

And from the earth will well up terrible creations of beings who in their character stand between the mineral kingdom and the plant kingdom as automative beings with super-natural intellect, an immense intellect. When this development takes hold, the earth will be covered, as with a web, a web of terrible spiders, spiders of enormous wisdom, which however, in their organization don’t even reach the plant status.

And last but not least do recall I shared information and my perspective
on your blog before about Princess Charlotte (Charlottle's Web ) and
Queen Elizabeth's casket. (see link)

Rudolph Steiner' Speech:'s_Web

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Interesting, Debbie. The name Greg also relates to this post, obviously.

Just for the record, though, Walter itself doesn't mean "white." The connection is that the two Walters that WW posted about -- Walter White and Walt Whitman -- both have last names that means "white" or "white man."

Ra1119bee said...


Hmmm.... Ok, so the correction is that both Walters' SURNAMES means white
and/or White Man.

I think my overall point was and IMO, the synchronicity
of the TWO WW's with my 2018 dream about Walter Weaver and William Wright's post,
especially what I believe to be a connection to a much bigger picture, regarding a SPIDER/Weaver connection.
The spider being in your recent syncs as well, no?

When I had the Walter Weaver dream in May of 2018, I recall thinking at
the time that the two WW's were a part of the symbolic message of the dream.
The Double U's in English.
Recall the recent syncs on your blog regarding the Twins
and the parallel.

Also, regarding your correction of white referring to the two Walter's surnames
as opposed to their first names, I personally think William,
that you are splitting hairs.

Doesn't symbolism and the esoteric require us to think
OUTSIDE the box of the illusion, so as to see the Big Picture, which there always is one.
The big picture is usually hidden or is so very far off into the distance,
that we have to climb or fly higher to see.
When we can't see the forest for the trees, we're limited.

If you haven't read the Rudloph Steiner speech that I linked, please do
check it out especially where it concerns : the WHITE, Spiders
and the Weaver's Web and technology.(oh my!)

Interestingly, I just found the article about Steiner and I'm somewhat in awe
as it appears, at least to me, that the author's perspective about technology
being the final frontier of our 'opponents' great quest, mirrors my own perspective
and it appears Steiner's as well.

Recall my many previous comments about why I believe that Transhumanism via A I
has always been our opponent's Big Picture i.e. their final frontier
for humanity's Soul.
I don't think this Great Reset is humanity's, or our opponent's, first rodeo.

Also, interestingly this 60 Minutes episode (link below)
(which appeared on my youtube feed last night May 4 )
just coincidently appeared after I read the article about Steiner.

Everything is connected.

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang and the $2 trillion company powering today's AI | 60 Minutes


Ra1119bee said...


I just want to add a couple of more thoughts if I may, especially
where it concerns 'names'.

As mention in my previous comment about technology, I linked the 60 Minutes
episode about the tech company: Nvidia.

According to Wiki:
" Vidya (Sanskrit: विद्या, IAST: vidyā) figures prominently in all texts pertaining to Indian philosophy – meaning science, learning, knowledge, and scholarship. Most importantly, it refers to valid knowledge, which cannot be contradicted, and true knowledge, which is the intuitively-gained knowledge of the self. Vidya is not mere intellectual knowledge, for the Vedas demand understanding"

Of course the words Vidya and Vidia are not Exactly the same spelling, but interestingly
this description of the Sanskrit meaning mirrors the same purpose of this tech company,
as it does my comment and perspective in regard to the intuition i.e the big picture.

The letter N (Nvidia ), of course would mean 'in' as: Inside of.
In this case Inside of Vidia/Vidya.

I especially found this part of the statement interesting: "more than mere intellectual knowledge "which IMHO, 'intellectual knowledge would be the same as 'splitting hairs'.

..... also this about true knowledge which I equate with knowledge from the Soul,
which I've shared my perspective about many many times on your blog :

...."and true knowledge, which is the ***intuitively-gained*** knowledge of the self.
Vidya is not mere intellectual knowledge, for the Vedas demand understanding."

And speaking of names ( and a little nonsense now and then)
recall one of my previous comments about Shirley Ellis' song: The Name

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang and the $2 trillion company powering today's AI | 60 Minutes


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

In 4chan-speak, vidya means video games.

Ra1119bee said...


Hmmmm.... Yes, I agree that name would make sense for a tech company which started out
in video games. However, what and more importantly why did Christoper Poole
originate the word vidya from?

Also I wonder what's up with the ONE EYE symbolism
of Nvidia's logo, which also looks, at least to me, very much
like a Golden Mean/Milky Way spiral as well.

These Big Picture connections are my point as far as my previous comments
about that which is 'hidden'.
The answers ( i.e solutions/Big Picture ) to most 'riddles' are always hidden.

Don't think the name CERN is hidden symbolism for Cernunnos?
And speaking of CERN, and you probably already knew this, but Peter Higgs
just 'coincidently' died on April 8 2024, eclipse day.

Interestingly, and again speaking of CERN and the eclipse,
there has been a whole lot of wicked weather lately.
Check out JFK's speech on weather modification in 1961.
Think Kennedy knew about the Dust Bowl of the 1930's?

And speaking of weather, starting at marker/frame 3:44--3:52 or so,
check out Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang 'speak' about predicting weather.

Everything is connected, no?

President John F. Kennedy On Weather Modification

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang and the $2 trillion company powering today's AI | 60 Minutes

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

In Latin, invidia means envy or spite and is closely associated with the idea of the "evil eye."

Ra1119bee said...


And that too ( the evil eye ) would be appropriate considering
what I believe to be the final fronter (philosopher stone)
of our opponent's game plan for humanity, which I personally
believe, is the Übermensch via Artificial Intelligence.

I know I've stated this a gazillion times on your blog, ( and another gazillion
times to friends and family and anyone who will listen) but
I believe that humanity is on the precipice of a spiritual war for
our souls.

I believe that is why all of the esoteric events, dreams and syns are happening
now so fast and furious.
Not just to you and I but to all of us who have understanding of the signs
and the Universal Language of symbolism and can critically think and connect the dots
as to the meaning of the messages given.

That's why I believe in the extreme importance of seeing the big picture,
and when we do, and IMHO, our responsibility is to share that vision
and especially the information, with others.

Ra1119bee said...


I just googled Nividia's website and Lo and behold
lookie as to what I found, which I'm not surprised in the least bit.

Do note that I found this information AFTER I made my previous comments
and theory about Nividia here on your blog.

Copy and paste:
"The NVIDIA logo is the main symbol of the company's brand and visual identity.
It consists of the name NVIDIA in a bold font and a stylized "elliptical eye" that also resembles the letter "e". The logo is inspired by the Latin word "Videre", meaning to see or perceive, and possibly by Horus, the ancient Egyptian god of the sun who had two eyes."

Everything is connected.

WanderingGondola said...

4chan's use of vidya didn't originate from Poole/moot himself. Know Your Meme mentions an episode of King of the Hill.

Interesting, I'd assumed Nvidia's name stemmed from something like envision. According to Wiki: "Nvidia initially had no name and the co-founders named all their files NV, as in "next version". The need to incorporate the company prompted the co-founders to review all words with those two letters, leading them to "invidia"."

Nvidia's primary product line is graphics cards (GPUs). Though in the past several years they've also become useful for crypto-coin mining and AI training, before that, the main consumer-level use of GPUs was for gaming.

BTW, Nvidia's branding is green, while rival company AMD uses red. (My current computer has an AMD GPU, part of my reasoning being they're more supportive/"open" with Linux, which I installed alongside Windows.)

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Well, invidia is "the greene-ey'd Monster which doth mocke the meate it feeds on."

I remembered I'd posted that line before, and a search turned up this post:

It also mentions Tennessee and God/dog, as in these recent posts:

Ra1119bee said...


Also, and perhaps you've already found the Invidia wiki page,
but check out this entry below:

Copy and paste :
"Modern usage of the term

The name of the Nvidia Corporation comes from Invidia in Roman mythology."
IMO, this has a WAY deeper meaning (and objective) than a video game,
which is not surprising because we're talking about a huge transformative
Shifting of Ages.From the Industrial (iron) Age to the Silicon(data)Age,
and truth be told, especially from our opponents' perspective, us
HUEman's are no longer needed, which would explain why
thousands upon thousands of people are being laid off(Globally)
in the tech sector even as we speak, and IMO,
it's just the beginning.

Interestingly that same topic was discussed in the 60 Minutes video,
which of course is not surprising.

This Great Reset is not our opponent's or humanity's first rodeo.
There's nothing new under the sun.

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang and the $2 trillion company powering today's AI | 60 Minutes

Britbong dolphin (600, 300)

I dreamed that Byron showed me something he had drawn: a simple pencil sketch of a dolphin with a caption under it reading "britbong do...