Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Orion, Oriana, Orellana

Yesterday, May 14, I posted "Orion on May 6, 2024 (Taiwan time)," documenting a sync involving that constellation.

This morning I remembered that the 1995 James Gurney book Dinotopia: The World Beneath, which I have posted about here before, has a character named Oriana -- as if a feminine form of Orion. Looking up that old post -- "Syncs: The World Beneath" -- I find that it is dated May 13, 2023, almost exactly one year before yesterday's Orion post. Oriana's name does not occur in the text of the post but can be seen in one of the images I posted from the book:

Oriana's half-key must be combined with Arthur's to form the "completed spiral key" which opens the door to the World Beneath. (Arthur is another astronomical name, related to Arcturus.) This theme of two keys that must be combined recently resurfaced in my February 7 post "What's the second key?"

In yesterday's post, one of the places where Orion turned up was in a Taiwanese magazine for students of English. This morning, just after looking up last year's Oriana post, I taught a student who uses a different English magazine published by the same company. Today's article was about the legend of El Dorado and included this reference to an explorer named Orellana:

In many dialects of Spanish, ll is pronounced the same as y, making this name extremely similar to Oriana. I don't think I would have connected Orellana with Orion had it not been for the intermediate link of Oriana.


MVT said...

I think I like the idea of somehow being in sync with some of your posts because it makes God seem more real, like maybe God (or some kind of spirits) is also communicating with me as well. Of course, they feel very random and I don't get the bigger message behind them.

I'm writing now because just a few min ago I was talking on my family's group chat and my sister sent us a picture of her ankle. She had a group of bug bites on it and she had taken a pen a connected them all. She joked that my dead grandmother was communicating a constellation to her. She said it looks like the constellation gemini.

Then just a few min later I go into and see your post. I click on and see the word "constellation". I think her bug bites look more like Orion really. I wrote her to tell her and she said, "Maybe! Looks like Orions belt too lol". My sister's name is Arianna. That sounds a lot like Oriana when you say it in a very American way (not in the Spanish way).
Who knows what this all means but I just that it was too neat not to bring up

MVT said...

I don't think I'll ever not feel embarrassed writing on these blogs but the sync impressed me way too much.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Super weird!

A couple of days ago I mentioned in passing the "bugs" that used to terrorize me as a toddler.

In a very early journal entry I dictated to my mom at the age of three or four (the journal has since been lost, so I can't confirm the date), I said, "The bugs came last night, and we went to the lab. They put a thing on my arm that made an H on my arm." My memory of this is that they had a little device with lots of tiny needles on it, and they used this to prick my arm in many places simultaneously, leaving a group of red dots arranged in an H shape. My intuitive understanding of this as a child was that they were trying to communicate the message "We won't harm you," with H + arm being a sort of rebus.

Gemini has a very roughly H-like shape.

I know asking strangers to email you photos of their sisters' legs is somewhat frowned upon, but I'd be very interested to see the bug-bite constellation for myself. I mean, seeing as how you're already embarrassed anyway . . . .

MVT said...

Haha! I even thought about posting the photo on here but realized I couldn't. Sure, I'll email it. Ill just never admit it to my sister. What's youre email address?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

wiltyc at protonmail dot com

MVT said...

Im not familiar with protonmail so

MVT said...


MVT said...

The email seems to have gone through so I'll just assume you got it. It's late over so good night!

William Wright (WW) said...

Helaman starts with an H

WanderingGondola said...

This got me looking back at our emails from last May. Having just read Sunday's rainbow post, my quotation of Wiki jumped out: "the skybax rose above the canyons and chose the rainbow as its sign".

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