Friday, June 3, 2022

We can’t stop him, folks.

In one of Iris Murdoch’s novels, the main character, an author of pretentious “literary fiction,” admits on his death bed, “I wish I had written Treasure Island.”

Well, I wish I had written these three blog posts. I gather that my tastes in humor put me in a minority, but I consider them to be absolutely perfect. This is James Joyce level talent, folks. Quite possibly the best thing ever to come out of the Rwandan Internet.

(UPDATE: Et tu, Rwanda? I've updated the links, as the site is now being hosted by Indonesia.)

I know most of my readers are much too classy to read Andrew Anglin, so here are the links to these perfect posts you might otherwise never see.


Bruce Charlton said...

Agreed - absolutely brilliant, surreal humour.

But you and I differ in an important respect: you take notice of song lyrics, while I very seldom do.

So, although I had heard the Duke of Early song multiple times over the years (especially in the Darts cover version), I had not taken any notice at all of what was being said in the verses. Therefore, I had to backtrack and re-listen before I could appreciate this. It was worth it.

Ben Pratt said...

Absolutely brilliant indeed. I also had to refresh on the lyrics. I'm glad I did.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...