Sunday, June 26, 2022

Why the Liararchy allowed Roe v. Wade to be overturned -- and why gay "marriage" is next

Roe v. Wade
was never the Satanic ideal. The ideal was never for abortion to be legalized by judicial fiat, without the people's consent. Much more effective, in terms of damnation, would be a public referendum on the matter, implicating as many people as possible -- not only those who commit abortions, not only a handful of judges, but millions of voters consenting, like Saul, to the deaths.

But that wouldn't have worked in 1973. The people wouldn't have consented.

So the first step was forced legalization -- leading, slowly but surely, to normalization. Now, after 50 years of abortion being an established constitutional right, the issue is returned to the people, on the understanding that by now the 50-year psy-op will have worked its magic and the majority will be willing to take Moloch's side. After 50 years of Roe, many have been personally involved in abortions. Many others know and love people who have. Many others may see the whole issue differently when it is framed as taking away a constitutional right rather than granting a new one.

In the case of gay "marriage," the normalization process has been orders of magnitude faster, due to propaganda power undreamt of in the 1970s, and the time is probably already ripe for Obergefell v. Hodges to be overturned as well. The social pressure for voters to support gay "marriage" will be even stronger than for abortion. Abortion is generally private, and you probably don't even know which of your acquaintances have been involved in one. "Marriage," in contrast is very public and is central to a person's identity. By now many of us have friends or relatives who are gay-"married." How many -- even among those who opposed such practices in the past -- will be willing to vote to annul those unions?

Of course it is possible that this strategy could backfire, and that the people when given the choice will refuse to choose evil, but I think the Liararchy is fairly confident that won't happen. And even in their worst-case scenario, you still get a hell of a fight, an explosion of hatred on both sides, and another step closer to the pure chaos beloved of Sorath.


Bruce Charlton said...

I agree with your general point.

There is a kind of bemused delirium evident among pro-lifers - suddenly! (they believe) Evil Santa has given them exactly what they have been asking for Christmas for 50 years.

...And therefore, they infer, Evil Santa must have secretly repented and become good. Since Evil Santa is so powerful, this means a better world has begun.

On the contrary; I believe that Evil Santa is still just as evil (or more so) than a couple of months ago - and therefore when ES gives us a surprise special present, this was not done for good reasons, nor with good intent.

Evil Santa's present will turn-out to contain a booby-trap.

William Wildblood said...

I see we all think the same thing about this. It's almost certainly a trap or trick of some kind which will be used to advance the programme further. Your theory makes a lot of sense. I fear that people who put too much heart and energy into contesting this or that outer manifestation of evil can be easily deceived into missing its inner machinations and long term strategy. How can I put this without being misunderstood? Abortion may be an evil but not abortion is not necessarily a good.

Anonymous said...

or its God helping Putin decide whether its moral to nuke the West or not. If enough states vote to keep abortion then Putin is justified in disregarding our lives as worthless.

Ra1119bee said...


Keep an Eye on the aftermath of the Supreme Court Decision, announced
on the heels of the Summer Solstice.

It's interesting that Clarence Thomas was just recently in the media spotlight.
Keep in mind my prediction about the End of the American Empire at the Shifting
of Ages, and the ushering in of a Triumvirate Governance and The New Atlantis.

It something happens in politics; you can bet it was planned that way----
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

buckyinky said...

OK Denethor

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


Please! It’s “OK Jeremiah”!

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...