Monday, August 15, 2022

Little darling, the smile's returning to their faces

At long last, a minority -- a very small minority -- of the Taiwanese are beginning to dispense with their Science Masks. I know it doesn't mean much, but it's still nice to be able to see sometimes up to six or seven complete human faces in a single day. Even such a small change has a perceptible effect on the overall atmosphere and drives home just how brutal, barbaric, and anti-human the whole Science Mask policy has been.

I know it's meaningless -- no one has repented -- but it still makes me happy. There's no sense in it, no logic, it's instinct. I love the sticky little leaves as they open in the spring, the blue sky -- that's all it is.

1 comment:

WanderingGondola said...

It's such a relief to see some whole expressions and hear unmuffled voices again! I made use of a medical condition to get a covering exemption, but most people aren't so "blursed" and having to go through the System was a pain. I hope enough people are aware of and won't forget the evils pushed on them.

Far as I've heard, my area's covering rituals are now down to public transport and "health"-related areas. Compliance has been 60-70% on my bus routes, but with little enforcement; on the other hand, my sole doctor visit so far this year was equal parts amusing and frustrating. Maybe 50% of people are still choosing to wear the things in general, that's harder to judge.

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