Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head

This isn't a sync or anything, but all this talk of glove puppets made me want to listen to some early TMBG.

Oh, wait, maybe it is a sync. When I searched for the lyrics (which include, I notice now, "There's a pounding at the door"), this came up:

It was the Venn diagram that caught my eye, what with all the recent vesica piscis and overlapping circle syncs -- and, wait, why on earth is that the thumbnail for "Doctor Worm"? I've watched the music video for "Doctor Worm" a zillion times, and I'm sure there's no Venn diagram. It turns out theymightbegiants.com is selling T-shirts with this on them:

Doctor Worm is a link to Mr. Owl and the Metal Worm, of course. A "real worm" who "likes to play the drums" also syncs with the "all-insect rock band" The Bugaloos, which I recently discovered because Wayne Laryea (who played Johnny on Pipkins and got bonked on the head by "Michael") was a member -- as the keyboard-playing bumblebee Harmony.

What are you looking at, Johnny?

"(She Was a) Hotel Detective," another of the also-search-fors, has this line: "If there's a knock at the door, boy / Forget about it 'cause she's a / Hotel detective."

Anyway, this isn't really a sync post. Just enjoy the song. Give "Doctor Worm" a listen while you're at it.

Note added: Shortly after posting this, I ran across this Venn diagram meme from a year ago.


Anonymous said...

NGL your sync posts stress me out, but if FJB spontaneous combusts it will have been worth it.

Ra1119bee said...


You wrote: "Anyway, this isn't really a sync post"

My response:
I somewhat disagree with you as the Doctor Worm video has several interesting symbolic syncs.

My attention was drawn to the very obvious Horn symbolism, as I commented before about my 2015 Where's My Horn dream.

The obvious and several close ups of the O of the Horn and especially the blackness
inside of the horn, looks(at least to me ) very much like an eclipse of the sun.
Very obvious at marker/frame 0:24

Also the eclipse sync is very interesting given my recent comments and findings regarding the Locust Grove and Miamisburg Crop Circles, and my finding of the Nebra Sky Disk.

At marker/frame 0:36 on the RX prescription (which appears to be the back of the Doctor's head) but look closer, there appears to be hidden the Eye of Horus.
(see link about the RX and Horus)
Recall my comments about the One Eye.

The back of the Doctor's head illustration ( and the shading inside) also looks like a Mandorla Yoni Almond.

At marker/frame 0:43, also on the RX prescriptions, are two more eclipses symbolism which is hidden in the illustrations of what looks like 2 open mouths, which I assume may be reference to John Flansburgh and John Linnell as the two characters depicted in the illustrations, perhaps?

Also, looking at that illustration a bit more closely and differently, what appears to be the nose of the character with his mouth open, could be interpretated of the head of a woman perhaps and the wide open mouth ( O ).... the Yoni and its darkness perhaps?

That same Open Mouth Eclipse Image, on the RX prescription, appears several times in this video, especially obvious at marker/frame 1:35 and at the very end , marker/frame 2:59 of the video.
Interestingly at the end , the 2 RX's are now 3.

Also what was odd and drew my attention to the O's in this video
was a couple of days ago, I happen
to come across a youtube video titled Signs of Approaching Death ( link below ).

Listen to the narrator speak of the O sign ( at marker/frame 0:24 )

Although some people may not connect the yoni and the O with death, however the
meaning and symbolism is this: The Yoni is a doorway.

A doorway is where we GO IN.... OR GO OUT.

While reading They Must Be Giants wiki bio, I found it interesting that they travel
with a drum machine, and if you recall I went into depth about the Drum BEAT/RAP/STRIKE/BANG and the Root Chakra.

Also, last but not least you wrote the lyrics : (She Was a) Hotel Detective," another of the also-search-fors, has this line: "If there's a knock at the door, boy / Forget about it 'cause she's a / Hotel detective."

Hidden in the word Hotel is HOT--EL .
The Hot(ness) is the star Sirius.
El is a Hebrew God.

Also,Osirus is closely associated with Sirius, and Osirus is 'coincidently' painted green
in Egyptian mythology.
Osirus is the Green Man.
The Long Man of Wilmington was also known as The Green Man.

Also, the obelisk symbolizes the penis/shaft/pole of the Egyptian Sun god, Osiris.
Google an aerial view of the Washington Monument in Washington DC.

See the Osiris 'Pole (the Obelisk) sitting right smack dab in the middle of the vesica piscis?

Also,and another interesting tidbit concerning my comment about the 2 Johnnies ( Johnny Wilder of Heatwave ( Siriusly?)..... and the Mr. Pipkin's Johnny, is how the
name Johnny phonetically sounds like Yoni.

Everything's connected and hidden in plain sight, no?

All IMHO, of course;-)


Signs of Approaching Death

Ra1119bee said...


First of all in my previous comment about the Signs of Approaching Death YouTube
video, I wrote that the narrator references the O at marker/frame 0:24 however the correct frame number is 1:24.

I also want to add to my previous comment about the O being a doorway and yoni symbol,
and that I'd like to connect that thought to the OWL and WHO.

As we know, the Owl is also symbolic of knowledge and knowledge ( given the fact that knowledge can and does 'open' windows of opportunity for us) is therefore powerful which in its (Knowledge) Positive Polarity can be used for Good....OR can be used for Evil, depending on the intent.

Windows can also be portals to 'another place'.
All Portals simply being gateways.
Doors/Gates/Windows/Tunnels/canals including
the birth canal , all portals.

I'm sure you're familiar with the saying:
The eyes are the windows to the Soul.

Also interesting is Microsoft logo of 4 colored 'windows' and the white space in between
the cross/X.

Microsoft , The gateway to knowledge through windows.

WhO is like GOd?---maybe yOu (us)... as Our sOul is connected to GOD ( as I personally
believe the Soul to be connected to God.
The Soul being the place where creativity, intuition and where knowledge
is stored from lessons learn and lessons taught.

KnOck KnOck KnOck--- WhO's there?...

IMO, of course...

Ra1119bee said...


I just thought of another interesting Oooh being a connection to 'knowledge'
and that would be : g O O g l e.

Google is also an EL and it's also a G.
Yo' G?

Two OO's are also similar to Eye.
Eyes of Owls?

John Dee signed his correspondence to Queen Elizabeth : OO7

O O being and meaning; For Your EYES only.

G is also the 7th letter of the alphabet.

So maybe John Dee was the first Yo' G?

OhiO also has the two eyes

And last but not least, Steve Jobs last words has been reported to have been..
Oh Wow.... Oh Wow.... O Wow

Steve Jobs had a lot of the same Astrological planet placements as I, as Jobs was born on
Feb 25, 1955, and my birth Feb.19, 1955.

Everything is connected.
There is nothing new under the Sun..


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


When you first mentioned "Yo G," I said that I had once been known as "G," and that the nickname made about as much sense as George Costanza wanting to be called "T-Bone" -- a reference to this classic Seinfeld episode:


In the episode, George's efforts to get his coworkers to call him "T-Bone" result in their giving him the nickname "Koko the Monkey" instead. Starting at the 3:12 point, you can see the jersey George's coworkers gave him, with "KOKO 00" on the back. "Double zero?" says Jerry. "It's ooh," George explains, "as in ooh-ooh-ah-ah."

"G" also happens to be the current nom de blogueur of our friend over at the Junior Ganymede. A couple of years ago he was featured in a synchronicity relating to "Who?" and Adam/Michael.


That post ends with a dream in which "G" and I watch an animal defecating together, after I call attention to it by shouting "Look at that!" -- a scene pretty clearly inspired by Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children. A man on the street calls out to Saleem, "'Watch this!' and proceeds to extrude the longest turd I have ever seen. 'Fifteen inches!' he calls, 'How long can you make yours?' . . . I call back: 'Seven on a good day,' and forget him."

Fifteen and seven are O and G, the very letters you have been discussing.

Ra1119bee said...


Remember G I Joe??

Ain't learning all of this Fun???

I know it is for me, because it's like 'finding' treasure,
as Everything is Connected.

The Gold (Knowledge) is and has always been there inside of our Soul, hidden
in plain sight.

I absolutely don't believe that God would abandon us into this duality dimension Earth
aka the wilderness/forest without instilling in our Soul the Powerful Gift of Gold aka Knowledge to help us get back Home.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road...

There is nothing new under the Sun.

Do you Agree G?

ben said...

and now K for knowledge...

O, G, K - 15, 7, 11 like my doors again

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

KOKO - double knockout

Just now I Googled the release date for "B.O.B. (Bombs Over Baghdad)" -- wanting to see if it was before or after the advent of "Baghdad Bob" on American TV news -- and was informed that people also search for "Mama Said Knock You Out" by LL Cool J.

WanderingGondola said...

Heh, Doctor Worm can't hear the doorbell ring, so he leaves his front door unlocked! There's also a cartoon doctor at 1:35 who puts his hand into a guy's head.

On the Hotel Detective, this line comes right before the ones you quoted: "The dumbwaiter's a monkey." Looking for the song on Youtube, I soon discovered it's the first of a trilogy. There's something about a worm-hole in the third one.

Debbie, that vid on death signs was fascinating. I have to wonder how many of those signs are evident in the increasing cases of Suddenly...

Oh, Gondola is another G. This week I've been syncing a little on my very moniker, which I picked for the meme. The other day a friend shared two vids of a guy on a date, his girl acting as a video-game NPC, with all the wonky programming and animations that implies; the second one starts off on a Venetian gondola. Yesterday, a different friend shared an odd animation based on various funny cat photos, two of them being quite gondola-like.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


I didn't catch that about the doorbell -- just like the gates to the Emerald City!

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...