Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Michael the glove puppet and X the Owl

Back on August 17, Bruce Charlton posted an episode from the old children's TV show Pipkins (which I had never heard of), in which Hartley Hare buys a glove puppet named Michael and uses it to "be naughty" -- bonking someone on the head, stealing food, etc. -- always saying, "It wasn't me! It was Michael!" 

I didn’t actually watch the video until a couple of days ago. The name Michael caught my attention, of course, given the recent syncs related to an archangel by that name, but I couldn't see any connection between an angel and a glove puppet used by a hare as an excuse for "being naughty." Then I went back on YouTube to watch it again, searching for the video instead of clicking Bruce's link. I got a different video -- identical to Bruce's, except that it begins with Hartley announcing, "This episode is called 'The Glove Puppet.' He's called Michael after our director" -- meaning Michael Jeans, the creator of the show.

So in a way it really was Michael doing all those naughty things! Michael the puppet is controlled by Hartley Hare, who is himself a puppet controlled by Nigel Plaskitt, who is an actor saying and doing as directed by -- Michael!

After writing the above, I took a break to do some simple housework and put some music on. It only took a few minutes, so I only listened to one song:

I think of this as basically Linkin Park (plus Mike Shinoda, who is also Linkin Park) -- but the instrumentals and some of the background vocals are from Train, a group I know only for that awful song that sounds like Dobie Gray minus the soul. I looked up the Train song used in the above video. It's crap, too -- as usual, Kill_mR_DJ redeems it -- but the name caught my attention: "Angel in Blue Jeans." Fancy running into a song called that just after discovering that Pipkins was created and directed by someone called Michael Jeans!

The general appearance of Michael the glove puppet, particularly his very large nose, made me think of another such puppet: Lady Elaine Fairchild from Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.

Michael (left) and Lady Elaine

I hadn't thought about Mister Rogers' Neighborhood in ages, and looking up images of Lady Elaine led me to a character I had completely forgotten about: X the Owl, the blue owl who lives in a tree, says "How in the world are ya?" and takes correspondence courses from O.C.S.

This got my attention not because of the general owl theme in recent syncs, but because I have specifically connected Mr. Owl (from the palindrome) with Michael the Archangel. I first made this connection in "The Locust Grove crop circle," the original link being the word who. Owls say "who," and the name Michael means "Who is like God?"

This morning (August 24) I received an email from Debbie with the subject line "Strange Owl Synchronicity." She had stopped at a gas station near Cincinnati (and therefore not far from Locust Grove) and found that someone had drawn an owl on a brick wall at one of the pumps.

Just above this owl, on the white material at the top of the wall, someone had written "WHO?" -- with an X inscribed in the O.

If memory serves, this is only the second time in my life anyone has emailed me a photo of graffiti. The first time was three days previous, on August 21, when an anonymous correspondent sent me this:

Note added: How did I miss this little sync wink in the Pipkins video?

It's not just that there's a green door; there's a moment when there's nothing but a green door on the screen.


Ra1119bee said...


That white material at the top of the pump where the word WHO was written, is concrete. However I don't know what the person used to write the word but to me it didn't look like it was written with a marker or a sharpie.

I don't know how long the owl drawing and the word Who had been there of course, or if the same person who drew the owl and wrote the word, were one and the same.
Marshall hasn't been to that part of Mason in many many years, nor have I and we have never
been to that gas station.

As I shared with you in my email, the entire experience was very strange as to why and how Marshall and I just coincidently stumbled upon that owl, as we wouldn't have been there or in that area if the restaurant we wanted to go to ( and I thought would be open) wasn't.

Also at the gas station I was on the passenger side in the car, and the brick pump was on the drivers side. If Marshall wouldn't have said ' Oh Look, there's an owl, I wouldn't have paid any attention as I was looking down at my phone.

Plus if the first pump ( Pump 5 ) was working we would not have drove around to the other side which was Pump 6 where the Owl drawing was.
Also as I shared with you pump 6 was also not working and Marshall decided to go inside the gas station to see what was wrong.

That's when I decided to get out of the car to take the picture of the owl as I was sitting in the passenger seat of the car and I wanted to take a close up.

If I had not gotten out of the car to take the picture, I would not have seen the word WHO as the word was written on the concrete at the top of the brick pump.
The car we were in was low to the ground, not a SUV .

For some reason I think me seeing the word Who was a significant puzzle piece to whatever the message is of this synchronicity event, however and quite honestly, I don't know what that message is at this time, or if the message was for me or for someone else.

As I shared with you I believe that synchronicity events are like puzzle pieces, sometimes
the person knows right away why the puzzle piece was given to them and where it fits into the big picture, and sometimes we don't know until weeks, or months or maybe many years later.
For the Soul there is no such thing as Linear Time.

Also, what was also odd is that the gas station in Mason is about a mile or so from the front gates of the very popular amusement park Kings Island, which again, neither Marshall nor I have been to Kings Island in several decades.

However, in Feb 2015 when I had the dream which I titled : Where's My Horn ( which I shared with you my research of the symbolism of that dream ).

It was the symbolism of the Where's my Horn Dream that led me to information about the Red Heifer and The Third Temple and convinced me that that Donald Trump would be POTUS.
As I shared with you, I had the Where's my Horn Dream a couple of days before my birthday in Feb of 2015 and Trump didn't even announced running for POTUS until JUNE OF 2015.

In that dream, Marshall and I have moved to a condo right on the grounds of Kings Island, which in my research I found information about King Solomon and the first Temple.( which I DID NOT know any of this BEFORE the Dream.

In my final interpretation of the dream after several years of research, I felt that the setting in the dream (Kings Island) was very significant to the message which I believe the message to have some connection regarding The Third Temple.

Personally and in real life, neither Marshall nor I would be pleased with living in a condo anywhere !! especially on the grounds of a very busy amusement park like Kings Island as we are 'rural folk' and prefer living in a small town which Wilmington is.

My point being I don't think all of this was a coincidence (especially the Owl 'sighting' yesterday) which is why I'm sharing this with you.

A said...

Is the Owl's WHO linked to the Global Disease Foundation and the Birdemic?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

WHO comes? Crow comes. Slow Joe Crow comes.

One of my Slow Joe Crow posts began with a quote from the man whose name includes both a Crow and an owl.

Ra1119bee said...

Don't forget,
What if 6 turns out to be 9?

The owl drawing was found on gas pump 6, which shared the same ' bay' as gas pump 5.
Interesting the 11 connection (6+5)

The Crow is also in the Raven Family.
I've had several dreams of crows/ravens throughout the years, including the 2018 dream I titled Serpent Holes which I shared with you in a previous post.

Also recall my previous commentary on your blog and the link I shared to the
Saturday Night Live skit of Joe Biden (played by Jim Carrey) reading Edgar Allen
Poe's The Raven.

The skit was aired on Oct.31 2020 which was a Blue Moon.
Interesting our recent discussions about the Nebra Sky Disk!!

If you recall the reason I found the Nebra Sky Disk was because of a dream
I had a couple of days prior to finding the information about the Disk, which the dream
was about my father giving me a pendant for a necklace and the pendent was shaped like the moon and had a blue inlay with a price tag of $132.00.

Coincidently while looking through my dream archives, searching for my 2003 Cupid of Cups dream (which your post about the Tarot Cups card got my attention) I found my Serpent Holes dream (from 2018) which also got my attention because there was reference to 132.

Everything is Connected, no??

Jim Carry/ Joe Biden Saturday Night Live Skit

ben said...

who is q?

Q is who

and Who is q

ben said...

and when I looked, the moon had turned to gold. blue moon.

Apollo blue?

ben said...

or Artemis yellow

and the green door, the twins together

Mi cha El?

ask the question...

and maybe it'll open?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


So I posted this reference to Locust Grove on the anniversary of the Locust Grove crop circle.

According to the poet Susan Archer Weiss, a personal friend of Poe's, the poem that became "The Raven" originally featured an owl. The following quote us from her book The Home Life of Poe.

"He had before told me of the difficulties which he had experienced in writing this poem and of how it had lain for more than ten years in his desk unfinished, while he would at long intervals work on it, adding a few words or lines, altering, omitting and even changing the plan or idea of the poem in the endeavor to make of it something which would satisfy himself.

"His first intention, he said, had been to write a short poem only, based upon the incident of an Owl—a night-bird, the bird of wisdom—with its ghostly presence and inscrutable gaze entering the window of a vault or chamber where he sat beside the bier of the lost Lenore. Then he had exchanged the Owl for the Raven, for sake of the latter's 'Nevermore'; and the poem, despite himself, had grown beyond the length originally intended.

"Does not this explain why the Raven—though not, like the Owl, a night-bird—should be represented as attracted by the lighted window, and, perching 'upon the bust of Pallas,' which would be more appropriate to the original Owl, Minerva's bird? Also, we recognize the latter in the lines: 'By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore.'

"Poe, in adopting the Raven, evidently did not obliterate all traces of the Owl."



Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

"The Raven" also begins with "rapping at my chamber door."

Ra1119bee said...


Also,The Super Bowl is an anagram of : Superb Owl.

Regarding your comment about The Raven poem beginning with ' rapping at my chamber door.

Urban "Rapping"of course is done with words, usually accompanied by sound/rhythm which vibration/ frequency/ sound affects our physical body especially rap/soul music with heavy percussion drum beats.

Music in the tone of C (strikes, hits, raps, knocks, bangs i.e. Vibrates) our First
(Root) Chaka.

I copied and pasted this info which I find interesting:
"The four petals of the root chakra correspond to the 4/4 rhythm (four beats per measure of music). This is the rhythm of marches and military fanfare.
It is also the meter for much of Western rock and other popular musical styles."

The root chakra is associated with the color of Red and Black and is the chakra of the
human's genitalia which of course in the female is the Yoni, the doorway to creation.

Knock Knock Knocking on Heavens Door?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Ah, I hadn't made the connection between knocking and "rapping" in the musical sense. I don't listen to much rap and know little about the genre, but a few days ago I happened to listen to a bit of Tupac: "Dealing with fate, hoping God don't close the gate / Come with me, Hail Mary, nigga . . ."

(In a recent post, of course, I wrote that Christ knocks, or "raps," at the door, and that praying the Rosary is a way to open it.)

Ra1119bee said...


Hidden in plain sight, no?
Gates and Doors and Portals ( Oh MY! ) are one and the same.

Also my taste in music has always been very diverse.
Soul music, a little bit of R&B, and an even smaller teeny tiny minuscule bit
of some rap( especially early rap pre 2000 ) some Jazz, Rock and Roll, Country, some Classical.

Ra1119bee said...


Also your reference to Pac's lyrics and the word nigga.

The "N" word (N being the 14 th letter of the alphabet, single digit 5) and omitting the vowels
we're left with the 2 Twin G's (77) G being the seventh letter in the alphabet....

Yo' G?

Also the letter N (phonetically: End as in: the End ) is also the letter Z.
Look at the letter Z sideways. See the N?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

And of course the plural of nigga is traditionally niggaz. (I could do a pretty good 90-degree rotational ambigram of that if it wasn't, you know, the n-word. Quoting Tupac is one thing . . . .)

Back in my blue-collar days, I was called "G" for reasons that I can no longer remember. I don't even have a G in my name; it's like George Costanza wanting to be called T-bone!

Ra1119bee said...


Why do you think it (The N Word) is hidden and forbidden for 'some'.
The Crows ( Nigerdo ) have always been used for all of the Alchemist's Transformations.
I'm sure Pac knew that as well.

Everything is connected.
There are no coincidences.

Ra1119bee said...


I think you may find this information very interesting about the Crow/Nigredo

Ben Pratt said...

Debbie, did you see this comment I posted the other day in which I mentioned Z rotating 90 degrees into N?

Ra1119bee said...

Ben Pratt,

Thank You for bringing this to my attention.

Interesting how things are hidden in plain sight.

The Ambassador said...

"Mr. Owl" is the name of the narrator character from the Dutch television series "The Fables Newspaper". The show was syndicated in English under the title "The Daily Fable".

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


I see he's even blue, like X.

Also, Meneer de Uil -- not such a great-looking name in English. I wonder if he's any relation of Cruella's.

The Ambassador said...

The two fictional worlds are called The Neighborhood of Make-Believe, versus the Land of Fables. Both television series debuted in 1968, both have a range of animal puppetry characters named according to the pattern Human First Name + Animal Name.

WanderingGondola said...

Has this post been exhausted yet? Nope. (A recent comment there: "If Jordan Peele doesn't use this as a sound effect, we riot.")

The Pipkins video was surprisingly entertaining, along with the syncs! For some extra mileage, that "It's... Time" segment intro was rather odd, the credits list a Michael Eve as designer, and the logo at the end forms a vesica piscis.

I found a rather extensive bio for X. Among the more interesting things, he is friends with Sesame Street's Big Bird, who appeared in an episode, and his name is based on the word "escape". The bio quotes from a book, Our Small World: " friend and true tame tiger pal, Daniel S. Tiger, let me out of my cage at the county fair...Daniel said to me 'X SCAPE' and I said, 'WELL, HOW ABOUT THAT.'" Uncoincidentally, Xscape is the name of a posthumous MJ album. More strangely, for a month or two I've had "Daniel Tiger YouTube" sitting amongst my reminder notes, though it beats me what it was for now (hah); I ran a search and most results were clips from Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, evidently a spin-off show. The original Daniel S. Tiger's bio says he lives in a clock (which is missing its hands), and was able to communicate with a "visitor from the stars" (there you go, an alien!) who could only say "me" and "thee", and was performed by yet another Michael.

How odd to get two lots of graffiti pics in such a short time. Debbie's owl actually looks like it was stencilled on, and the "WHO?" might be lead pencil.

Syncs pop up in the strangest places, don't they? I was browsing through some fonts the other night; a lot of them have weird names, but this is just ridiculous.

"Superb Owl" always made me giggle. I've only seen it used among 4channers when the relevant subject comes up. They (or edgy memers, anyway; me, I prefer lurking) also like attempting to spell out the N-word, one letter at a time, in comment sections... or at least they did when I was still on Facebook. Not so up with internet memetics nowadays. (On N = End, someone shared this Doors song with me the other day. If you decide to listen, be wary of the F cluster starting at 9:02.)

Hiding in plain sight? It's funny you use that phrase, Debbie. I've come across a lot of stuff like that over the past two years. Such things just need the appropriate moment to be revealed.

The Ambassador. said...

In our Embassy, which is welcome to all travelers, including space travelers, we have Seas of Time, because all the clocks there have been deprived of their hands. (This refers to the analog clocks, of course. As regards the digital clocks: I am unfortunately unable to comment on this, for diplomatic reasons.)

WanderingGondola said...

Mr. (?) Ambassador, I'm not sure how to take that, but if you're serious it wouldn't be the strangest thing I've ever read. :)

While I'm here, that mashup song was great. Taken separately, the Train song is weak, but only the Fort Minor one doesn't appeal (Believe Me is good though; I generally prefer more melodic songs). I scrolled through the rest of Kill_mR_DJ's uploads, and played two that stood out. Talk about a connection fest.

World Resists in Silence uses two songs with which I'm familiar. Resistance is one of two Muse ear-worms (heh) that've been duelling in my head for the past ten days now (here's the other one; they're from the same album, which was inspired by 1984). Silence by Delerium may be best known in remix form; I've linked the original song, which contains some Gregorian chanting the remixes might leave out. Of the two other songs, Spectrum's video is about an alien abductee, and Save The World... well, things are rather dour, aren't they?

Paranoid Watching Me not only contains Linkin Park and two Michaels (Jackson, and Hutchence of INXS), but the video has some angel imagery, and even a few owls near the end. I'm well familiar with Crazy, heard Bleeding Love by chance yesterday, and right at the end of Paranoid's video, Gashi sprouts angel wings and spooks his stalker (Gashi also has "1984" on the back of his jacket, looks to be the name of the album). Honestly, with all the surveillance and other madness going on everywhere, it's hard not to feel a bit paranoid!

I had some other music syncs a few days ago, but will share those later.

Poppop said...

Nothing to do with anything but I was moved to use Lady Elaine in a meme during the '16 election after I saw the defeated candidate's face...

Ra1119bee said...

Wandering Gondola,

You said: "Hiding in plain sight? It's funny you use that phrase, Debbie. I've come across a lot of stuff like that over the past two years.
Such things just need the appropriate moment to be revealed."
My response : I absolutely agree.
And as it should be, timing is everything.

What's that saying?
"God is never in a hurry, but he is always on time".

Ra1119bee said...

Wandering Gondola,

I would like to add this thought as well, if I may.

You wrote : " I found a rather extensive bio for X. Among the more interesting things, he is friends with Sesame Street's Big Bird, who appeared in an episode, and his name is based on the word "escape". The bio quotes from a book, Our Small World: " friend and true tame tiger pal, Daniel S. Tiger, let me out of my cage at the county fair.

My response : I'm sure you know this information, but I believe the reference to the county fair' is very significant, as Fairs, Carnivals, Amusement Parks( like Kings Island) are where illusions are created, and those venues are the domain of the archetypical and very powerful Trickster/Clown/ Jester/Fool.

My path has crossed with the Trickster several times in my lifetime, so I'm very aware
of the Trickster formidable powers to help transform their subjects (which quite honestly
that transformation can be for the good, or for the bad, depending on how the subject responds.

The Trickster masquerades as a jolly servant, however ' jolly' he is anything but (again, depending on the subject's response to the Trickster's Lesson)

All Kings of Empires have the Jester in his (the King)
court as it is the Jester aka The Shaman who are given the 'privilege' to address the fact
that The Emperor has no clothes.

In other words: The Shaman/Dreamer can see through the Illusion, which seeing through the illusion is the domain of the Soul and a very powerful gift indeed.

The Owl's wisdom comes from having the ability to see through the dark.

Interestingly the Raven/Crow/Blackness/Nigredo is also a trickster archetype.
Will Smith plays an excellent Trickster/Magical Negro in the 2000 movie:The Legend of Bagger Vance.

However, the Trickster isn't always dark.
Donald Trump was 'selected (and played) the archetypal Orange Clown as his role was/is
to help usher in The Great Reset and the Global Alchemical Transformation
of the Shifting of Ages, from the Industrial Age to the Silicon Age and metaphysically
from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

You may find these links interesting.

Living with the Trickster: Crows, Ravens, and Human Culture

Ra1119bee said...


You wrote: I see he's even blue, like X.

My response; Connecting the dots to my recent response and perspective
to Wandering Gondola, consider Louie Armstrong's Black and Blue. ( link below )

WanderingGondola said...

Weird, I could have sworn I hit submit on the second iteration of this comment (dang PC crashed on me the first time)... Oh well, I can make some additions now.

Mr. (?) Ambassador, I'm unsure whether to take that seriously, but it wouldn't be the strangest thing I've ever heard. Could I ask how the Embassy handles time travellers, or is that off-grounds for comment?

Hehe, that's a good one, Poppop. Thinking on it now, one puppet I grew up watching has a very long nose. Huh, I forgot he also lives on the moon.

Debbie, you've given me much to ponder. I agree that piercing veils of illusion is a grand gift, which may take many forms, though things discovered can become a burden if not handled well. On the Great Reset, my sense is though we will lose a lot, evil's machinations will ultimately fail -- and if we play our cards right, a far greater shift will occur for the Good. All on God's own schedule, of course... I believe evil cannot break that, no matter how much they try.

The nigredo... I lived in those depths for a long time. It won't surprise me if I end up there again someday, but for now I'll press on, with the understanding that I'd be a very different person without that darkness.

The crow/raven was a symbol for me for a while, too. I used to spend a lot of time with the game Guild Wars 2; for some reason I worked "corvid" into the name of the first and main avatar I made. His gameplay role (or "class") was the "mesmer" -- a magical/mental manipulator, primarily working with illusions, stealth and teleportation. That was some good fun.

Ra1119bee said...

Wandering Gondola,

You wrote: I agree that piercing veils of illusion is a grand gift, which may take many forms, though things discovered can become a burden if not handled well
My response : I agree with you. However, I believe that our Soul transcends this dimension/Earth's illusion every night in our REM Sleep.

The challenge is to learn the language of that landscape. There's no burdens,
on the contrary, and IMHO, I believe that knowledge when trusted, understood
and applied with good intentions, sets us free.

WanderingGondola said...

You may be right on the soul's activity during sleep, Debbie. I only meant that some knowledge gained in waking life appears burdensome to our regular levels of consciousness. How well we can deal with it is an individual thing... I suppose sleep and dreams can assist.

While I'm here, William, that mashup is really well done. Taken separately, the Train song is weak, but only the Fort Minor one doesn't appeal (do like Believe Me though; I generally prefer more melodic tunes). The other night I looked through the rest of Kill_mR_DJ's uploads, and played two that stood out.

World Resists in Silence caught my eye as Resistance is one of two Muse ear-worms (heh) that've been duelling in my head for the past ten days now. Here's the other one -- they're both from an album inspired by 1984. Delerium's Silence is best known as remixes; I've linked the original, which has Gregorian chanting that the remixes leave out. Hadn't heard the other two songs before; Save The World seems thematically relevant, and the vid for Spectrum is about an alien abductee.

Paranoid Watching Me is an absolute sync fest. It not only includes Linkin Park (including Shinoda) and two other Michaels (Jackson and Hutchence of INXS), but uses angel imagery in the video, and even sneaks a few owls in near the end. Of the other songs, Crazy is a fav, I heard Bleeding Love by chance yesterday, and Paranoid is a twofer. Gashi has "1984" (name of his album) on his jacket, and (spoilers!) right at the end of the video, he sprouts angel wings and spooks the stalker following him.

I had some other music syncs earlier this week, but I'll leave those for later.

WanderingGondola said...

Curses, the URLs in that comment buggered up. Scrap the "" bits.
...And I missed the one for Burning Love completely. Try that.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


Some of your recent comments have been caught by the spam filter, presumably because of the length and number of links. I unspammed them, only to find that you'd reposted slightly different versions of some of them, in which case I deleted the spammed comment and let the latest version stand.

If your comments don't show up immediately, just be patient. I check spammed comments a couple of times a day.

WanderingGondola said...

Ah, that figures... wasn't sure if there was a filter or not. Sorry about that!

Ra1119bee said...

Wandering Gondola,

Yes, I would agree that obtaining and possessing any Power Source, such as the Sacred Science Knowledge absolutely could be a burden especially in this duality dimension/Earth.

However, I personally believe that if we are given a gift from our Soul of intuition and creativity it is our responsibility to share that knowledge/gift with our fellow man.
Knowledge is power and it's through knowledge and manifesting that knowledge is how
we (humanity) evolve.

The challenge is, and IMO, is our Opponents, who through Black Magic and in THIS DIMENSION,
manipulates and controls all Power Sources and that includes knowledge AND our
Physical Body( through our Ego)

Our Opponents are master manipulators and creators of Illusion.

By piercing through the darkness unafraid, we find the light.

All IMHO of course.

ben said...

and that makes 33

WanderingGondola said...

34! 34 comments! Count von Count laugh
(Never mind that this one makes 35.)

Knowledge has its power, but I think it's what you do with it that really matters. Act with virtue -- Aristotle may have been onto something -- and have care for those around you. That is how humanity grows.

Ra1119bee said...

Wandering Gondola,

You wrote:
Knowledge has its power, but I think it's what you do with it that really matters. Act with virtue -- Aristotle may have been onto something -- and have care for those around you. That is how humanity grows.
My response: Yes, again I agree with you as I wrote that IMO, Knowledge (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)is a power source, and like all power sources in this duality dimension can be used for good or evil, depending on the intent.

I believe that Knowledge, learned and taught is how our Soul, and in turn humanity, evolves.
We can't give another human being something which we lack ourselves.

Humanity evolves when we engage collectively from our gift of creativity.
In this dimension, we evolve together mentally by sharing our knowledge, ideas, inventions and manifesting those gifts into matter.

We evolve spiritually when we engage in Love, compassion and faith, purpose and respecting our fellow man/woman.

Everything is connected.


Mighty in Writing

My last post, " Alex Schwarz and Arnold Strong ," ended with the tentative conclusion that I needed to investigate the wife of Arn...