Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Many sparrows, again, and various other sync links

In my August 7 post "Standing in the Hall of Fame, and Christ at the door," I recount how, looking for Greg Olsen's painting of Jesus knocking at a green door, I ran across his painting of Jesus with sparrows.

The painting is called Even a Sparrow and refers to Jesus' saying about God taking note even of the fall of a sparrow. It made me think of two things, though: first, the apocryphal story (Gospel of James; also alluded to twice in the Quran) of the child Jesus making 12 sparrows of clay and making them come to life; and second, a childhood dream in which I had written a book (the second in a trilogy) called Many Sparrows.

By "coincidence," hours after seeing the painting and thinking of the legend of the clay sparrows, I read an allegorical interpretation of that same legend in a book I have been reading, Histoire de la magie by Éliphas Lévi.

Today, wanting to look up a Bible reference for another post, I opened the BibleGateway website. Guess what their "verse of the day" is.

The book I dreamed of having written was called Many Sparrows; Olsen's painting is called Even a Sparrow. Luke 12:7 is one of two verses in the Bible that include the phrase many sparrows (the other is the parallel passage in Matt. 10:31), and it is the only one that also includes the word even. I know this because I searched for even sparrow to see if Olsen's title was in the Bible. Besides Luke 12:7, the only other hit was this:

Yea, the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O Lord of hosts, my King, and my God (Ps. 84:3).

This is synchronistically relevant because of my recent visit to Guashan Shaolin temple (related in "When that gorilla beats his chest"), in which I entered through a green door into a room that was supposed to be closed. (This same room also has a circular doorway.) Just outside this room, baskets had been hung from the eaves for swallows to nest in, and several of the birds were doing so. Note also the expression "my King, and my God," which ties into the the "God vs. King" movie poster referenced in "When that gorilla beats his chest."

On August 6, I posted "The Wizard at the green door," and Debbie left a comment in which she discussed the etymology of knock and particularly mentioned its figurative meaning of "deprecate, put down." This made me think of the common expression, "Don't knock it till you've tried it" and how it takes on a different meaning if "it" is assumed to be a door. Both at the temple and at the abandoned restaurant, I had entered a green door without permission -- just "trying" the door instead of knocking on it.

Yesterday, August 8, I posted "Now, O now, in this brown land," a train of thought initiated by listening to a version of "(Dont' Fear) The Reaper" set to an instrumental track by P!nk. It turns out that the instrumentals come from "Try" (a song I'd never heard). This is the chorus:

Where there is desire, there is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame, someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die
You've gotta get up and try, try, try

On one of my don't-knock-it-till-you've-tried-it visits to the abandoned restaurant, I found the wall covered with figs, and I picked one as a souvenir. I have no experience with fig trees, and thus I was caught by surprise when I broke the stem and a gout of sticky white latex spurted out onto my hand. I wiped it off as best I could and washed my hands later.

This morning, I had an English tutoring session with a businessman. He subscribes to a magazine for students of English and often asks me questions about it. Today he had some questions about an article on, of all things, figs. The fact that fig latex is a skin irritant was mentioned.

"A liquid that is found inside the fig tree can cause burning when it touches our skin." Well, so what? Just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die.

The fig article also mentioned that "Adam and Eve wore fig leaves in the Garden of Eden, and some believe Eve's forbidden fruit was a fig, not an apple." Adam has been part of the recent sync stream because of his connection with Hercules and Michael. The fig/apple connection is also reinforced by Fig Newtons (also featured in the magazine article), the name Newton being more commonly associated with the apple.

About a week ago, I had a dream about the businessman who showed me the fig article today. In the dream, he was at my house and I was hoping he would leave soon because I was expecting someone else. Finally, he did leave, and immediately the person I had been waiting for arrived. It was the man who had been my best friend's father and my Scoutmaster when I was young. He also happened to be an FBI agent, and in the dream I thought of him only in that latter capacity. He drove up to my house in a shiny purplish-silver sports car, and I though, "It's Mr. Graff from the FBI. I'd better go with him." I got in the backseat, which was very cramped, and asked the person sitting in front of me (one of my fellow Scouts from those days and a personal enemy) to move his seat forward and give me some leg-room. He said it was already as far forward as it would go, and that he didn't have any leg-room, either.

I mention this dream because I almost never think about Mr. Graff these days -- or Brother Graff as we called him as a fellow Mormon -- but I thought about him today because clay sparrows made me think of clay pigeons. Despite being an FBI agent, a colonel in the Marine Corps, and an excellent marksman in general, Brother Graff was just terrible at skeet shooting, and so that quickly became the Scouts' favorite activity because it was so entertaining to outshoot the master. One of Brother Graff's children (my friend's younger brother) was so little that if he held a shotgun properly, the kick would knock him flat, so he always shot "from the hip" -- holding the gun off to his side so that when it kicked it would swing back without hitting him. And he still nailed more pigeons than his father!


Ra1119bee said...


Once again, I'm over my word limit and will post this comment
in 2 parts.

Part 1

I'm sure you know this, but in dream interpretation, when we dream of a vehicle
it's symbolic of a device that provides 'transportation ( from point A to point B ) on this duality dimension.
Our physical body is a vehicle as well.

I will also add that no one can tell us what the meaning of our dreams are nor its message as the message is to.... and for.... that particular person only.
However the symbolism of our dreams is Universal.

Therefore whenever we attempt to ' interpret' a dream, especially
for another person, we take that into consideration and say : If I were to have that same dream, here is what I interpret that dream to mean taking into account the symbolism.

So if I had that dream, here is my interpretation.

If we are at the helm of a vehicle in a dream (in this case a car(incarnation) the message is that we have control of a particular situation that the message of the dream is relaying to us.

In the case of your FBI dream, the symbolic message is one of someone else
having physical authority over your 'vehicle'/temple/body, because you are not driving
the car.

When a person appears in our dream (especially a person whom we rarely, if ever, dream about) is very symbolic because that person is representing a particular archetype of ourselves.
Also in the majority of our dreams,, there are 3 people in the dream.
Ourselves and 2 others.
We may or may not 'see' the 3rd person, but we have a sense that they are there.

So in order to understand the significance of the prominent person in the dream we must determine our relationship with that person, and our personal 'feeling' about that person. For example : Do we perceive that person as smart/wise, a free spirit, authoritative
trustworthy etc?

Your comment; "He also happened to be an FBI agent, and in the dream I thought of him only in that latter capacity".... somewhat proves my point.

The vast majority of our dreams are messages from our Soul to help us personally grow/evolve and navigate through this duality dimension and/or are warnings for us to heed.
Premonition dreams that effect many other people (especially collectively) are rare.

The fact that you 'sat' in the back of the vehicle, may mean that there may be a journey
ahead that you will not be in control of.

For example, you wrote; I got in the backseat, which was very cramped, and asked the person sitting in front of me (one of my fellow Scouts from those days and a personal enemy) to move his seat forward and give me some leg-room. He said it was already as far forward as it would go, and that he didn't have any leg-room, either.

The fact that one of your fellow Scouts( whom in your waking conscious you believe to be an enemy ) may be and in my interpretation of this dream, a warning, especially given
the symbolism that you are not driving the vehicle and instead are taking a ride in the backseat. The backseat is symbolic of being 'carried'.
Your reference of needing leg room is important because our legs are symbolic of our ability, or in this dream inability, to 'Stand Up' for ourselves.

Ra1119bee said...


Part 2

Also interesting your reference to the Fig tree.
Here's an interesting backstory that happened to me in Real Life.
This is NOT from a Dream

Many years ago Marshall and I had a very heated argument, and I drove off wanting to just go somewhere and think. The Serpent Mound came to mind. As stated in my earlier comment, I've only been to the Serpent Mound maybe 3 or 4 times since 1993.

Marshall and I went to the Mound together mayb e3 times and I by myself once.
The time when I went to the Mound by myself was BEFORE the sighting of the Locust Grove Crop Circle.
I was with Marshall when the Locust Grove Crop Circle occurred.

Anywho, there is a bench at the Mound that is right in front of the Serpent's mouth
and that area looks over a ridge of trees and Brush Creek, which is below.
There is also fencing around that area, that you can stand and look over the ridge, which is where I was standing, in contemplation and at one point 2 women (whom I did Not know) walked up and stood at the fence right next to me and one said to the other; Look at that Sycamore Tree.
The women then walked away.

I recall thinking how odd it was that out of all those different trees why would the women just point out the Sycamore tree, which is not uncommon in Ohio.

Of course as soon as Marshall and I 'made up', I researched the Sycamore and found interesting information about the Sycamore (being part of the Fig tree family) with significance to both Egyptian mythology and the Bible.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


Thanks for the thoughts on my dream. Normally, getting into the back of a car and being driven away by an FBI agent would mean being arrested, but in this case the agent was someone I knew, so I freely "arrested" myself. It seems like a sort of warning.

I also wonder if his name has any significance. Graff is the German equivalent of Count or Earl. This ties in with the Duke of Earl and Count von Count. I also thought of him as "Mr. Graff" in the dream, even though in real life he had always been "Brother Graff" to me. This makes me think of the old Cadillacs song: "Well now they often call me Speedoo / But my real name is Mr. Earl," and of course the group is named after a car.

Regarding someone pointing out a common tree as if it were something special, I emailed you this before:

"Many years ago, when I was working for the Lake County park service in Ohio, I met an old man who had just moved to the state. He told me he had always wanted to come to Ohio because he had heard about the 'tulip trees' and longed to see them. This is just a fairly run-of-the-mill American tree species, not exactly one of the wonders of the world, but I guess the name must have conjured up some more spectacular image in his mind."

By the way, the American sycamore is a plane tree and is not at all related to the biblical sycamore, which is a fig. But of course the name is enough for a synchronistic link.

Ra1119bee said...


I had forgotten that you shared with me your experience with the old man and the Tulip tree.

As far as my sycamore tree experience, and what I've learned it this:
Anything having to do with the esoteric which includes synchronicity and especially dreams
and especially nightmares, are in the realm of the BIG PICTURE and is always symbolic, not literal.

Your comment about the American Sycamore being a plane tree and not related at all
to the biblical sycamore is (at least to me) akin to; not seeing the forest for the trees. ( pun not intended )

In spirituality, the Big Picture is our Soul crossing our paths with either an odd waking occurrence (which I believe is synchronicity ) or in our REM dreams ( especially nightmares ) which the Soul's intent is to get our attention in some way shape or form, so that we can stop and think, or wake from our sleep and think ; That's Odd!

It's the 'oddness' that is the Big Picture objective and serve as a spark(provided by our Soul) to instigate us to find the breadcrumbs i.e. details or puzzle pieces which is needed
to 'solve' the puzzle so as to make sense of the Big Picture, which to solve the puzzle is like finding a priceless treasure.
Any good investigator employs those skills, don't you agree?

As stated: to the Soul, there is no such thing as linear time, especially where it concerns spirituality, so having a message 'delivered' to us say 50 years ago is the same as having it delivered last night.

The objective of the Soul is to get the information to us knowing that at some point we will need that knowledge as point of reference to solve the puzzle.
Much like in Kindergarten we are taught the Alphabet, letter by letter, as the teacher knows how integral that knowledge will be.

I actually recall after my Sycamore Tree experience reading (not this particular copy and paste that I just found but something similar ) which is this: Ficus sycomorus, called the sycamore fig or the fig-mulberry, sycamore, or sycomore, is a fig species that has been
cultivated since ancient times.

Why the fig and sycamore connection struck a cord with me after the sycamore experience is because of a backstory which is this:
The Backstory is that my aunt (who was a very integral part of our family after our father
abandoned us) took me and my sister to the
Victoria Theater in downtown Dayton to see the 1960's movie ; The Parent Trap.

Back in the day, going to the movies especially going downtown was a big affair which we dressed up for.
Somehow I got lost in the big theater and I recall being so afraid until my aunt found me.

In the movie there is a scene where the protagonist (played by Haley Mills) is eating a Fig Newton cookie which of course, marketing being as powerful as it is, and after seeing The Parent Trap,my sister and I begged our mother to buy fig newton cookies from then on.

Your reference to the fig in your blog today sparked a cord and directed me to once
again, research the sycamore fig connection and I found interesting information in the link below.

Everything is connected.
Past, Present and Future.


Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to say thank you for reminding me about the Cadillac 1955 song Speedo.
I was born in 1955 and don't recall that song at that time of course, however
in the 1998 movie The Temptations there is a scene at the beginning of the movie
where the protagonist of the movie Otis, opens a '''door'' and enters the auditorium where the group, the Cadillacs are preforming Speedo.( link below )

Interesting your find and the Mr. Earl connection..


Ra1119bee said...


I also wanted to add just one more thought if I may
and that is this: I agree with you about a name or the phonic sound of a name being a very important key in our dream interpretation and synchronicity events as well.
Especially if that name seems odd and/or out of place with the content of the dream.

You mentioned the name Mr. Graff and many many years ago I had a dream about
John Forsythe who was an actor back in the day and the 'voice' of the TV series
Charlie's Angels.

In the dream, I didn't see the actor nor was there any connection to the T.V Charle's Angels show in the dream, but looking back I think the 'message' of the dream was about
me having (Foresight)

So,yes, I agree that names, settings, archetypes of people , numbers and symbolism are all major components in order to understand our esoteric, dreams and synchronicity experiences.

No Longer Reading said...

Debbie, I mentioned this on another of Wm's posts, I don't know if you saw it, but here's an article you might find interesting, since you had written about the red heifer and super shemitah year (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_6000).

I can't say that I agree with this, but it's interesting to see people's thinking of mapping millenia to days of the week.

Ra1119bee said...

No Longer Reading,

Thank you so very much for this information, I will check this out.

I stumbled upon the information about the Red Heifer and Third Temple
after having a very intriguing dream a few days before my birthday in Feb of 2015.

From the symbolism in that dream, which I titled the dream; Where's My Horn,
and after many many hours of researching the symbolism in the dream,
I KNEW that Donald Trump would become POTUS in 2016.

Trump did not announce running until JUNE of 2015.
When I told my best friend Pam about my prediction even before Trump's announcement, she said; You're crazy Debbie,
that will NEVER happen!

I believe that Donald Trump was 'selected' to be Israel's Cyrus and Trump declaring
Jerusalem the Capital of Israel in Dec of 2017 was not a surprise, at least to me.

I believe we (collectively) are on the precipice of a Black Swan event that will spark the building of the Third Temple.

Do note that I am most definitely not a Biblical Scholar or Political Scholar by any means and I personally did not know about The Third Temple or the Red Heifer or the Red Heifer's significance to The Third Temple BEFORE THE DREAM.

Also do note that in the Where's My Horn dream there was no reference whatsoever about Donald Trump in the dream. I interpreted the symbolism in the dream and connected the dots after a gazillion hours of research.

Also, I personally believe as far as politics in the US that Republicans and Democrats are
two wings of the same bird and they both 'fly for' (work for and serve) the same Global King.

All IMHO, of course ;-)

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...