Monday, February 13, 2023

All this UFO stuff is fake, by the way

I think most people who know me know that I accept the reality of close-encounter phenomena, so it is necessary to make my position clear: The current UFO hooha that's all over the news is 100% guaranteed fake and gay. They're testing the waters, and depending on how willing people are to entertain it, it's likely to become the next "you must be this stupid to ride" litmus test.

Nine months ago, I wrote "The time for UFO disclosure is now."

Why now? Because the government, the military, and the press have finally achieved zero credibility. They can "disclose" whatever they like, and people won't panic because they'll still feel deep down that it's all got to be BS. Boys who cry wolf may speak freely.

Not that people won't "believe" the disclosures, of course. Watch for a time when belief in UFOs and little green men is mandatory, and those who peddle laughable conspiracy theories about lenticular clouds and weather balloons will be tarred as "ET deniers" or whatever the term ends up being. ("Xenophobes" is already taken, I'm afraid.)

I'm not sure yet if they're going to go all in with this or not -- it all depends on how the public reacts -- but I think the chance is pretty high. The "AI" thing was a big hit, so this is probably the next logical step.


Ra1119bee said...


Everything our Opponents do is 'FAKE', as this duality dimension is an illusion.
Their Hegelian Dialectic, however, is and has always been the same.

Ra1119bee said...


I want to extrapolate a bit on my comment:" Everything our Opponents do is Fake as this duality dimension is an illusion."

Of course our physical bodies, our physical house, our car etc, is Real and not an illusion and I absolutely understand that, however everything in this duality dimension consists of Matter which of course anything in matter can been seen, touched etc , And, anything in matter can also be manipulated to the point where it (Matter)is not what it once was and can be totally transformed.
Which begs the question, at least to me, What is Real?

Our Opponents are masters of MANIPULATION, especially TIME, which of course mastering time was a quest of John Dee.

IMO, we (humanity, collectively) are at the point in history( but truth be told and IMO, we've always been at this same point ) where our Opponents make known; It is what we say it is, no matter what you think you see.
The Victor always writes the History.

Which ultimately leads back to the Hegelian Dialectic: 1. Problem ( which they themselves' create 'the illusion that there IS a problem)....2. Reaction ( which they manipulate the Reaction) ....3.Solution (which they always "SOLVE" and offer a solution to the Puzzle/Problem)

Which again begs the question, at least to me : Who is at the Helm of the Ship, and more importantly WHY and where the destination?

George said...

The Peck was significant enough that it encourages one who rejects it to doubt all injectable immune-enhancements.

Official "UFOs" certainly seems enough to doubt the veracity of past Government claims, such as landings on the Moon for which all telemetry data was accidentally lost, including the original footage, etc.

Perhaps our entire media-dominated reality is an illusion.

WanderingGondola said...

Hasn't been much on local news since that first "Chinese" "weather" balloon. At least my interweb circles are more informative. Seeing a lot of reminders of Project Bluebeam, and some suggestions these "UFOs" are a distraction from things like reports on the Nordstream sabotage and the Ohio chemical spill. Whatever the truth is, it beats me... I'm just watching.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...