Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Will Power is the flame of the Green Lantern!

In "Green Door, Green Lantern," that B-list superhero came to my attention because the emblem on his chest (in the Silver-Age version) looks like 101, the S:E:G: value of the phrase green door.

Searching for green lantern time travel, I had found a page from a comic book in which Green Lantern travels back in time and sees a T. rex. Later, trying to find the full story online, I ended up browsing a lot of old comic books. I found this in Green Lantern #1.

When you've spent enough time playing around with gematria, you develop a sort of sense for it, just like some mathematicians can tell if a large number "looks prime" even before doing any calculations. As soon as I saw this page, I could just somehow see that will power and Green Lantern had the same S:E:G: value, even though I couldn't have told you what that value was. I did the math and confirmed it.

Will power = Green Lantern = 133.

Following a second hunch, I calculated the S:E:G: for the title of H. G. Wells's most famous novel.

The Time Machine = 133

The Green Lantern comic I had been looking for -- unsuccessfully -- was this one:

Green Lantern's "time-tunnel" is obviously a close cousin to Wells's machine, and sure enough:

time-tunnel = 133

S:E:G: is what drew my attention to Green Lantern in the first place -- but the number 101, not 133. In my original "Green Door 101" post, I had noted this:

Eight six = 101. Eight is the lemniscate, and six as in 666, a number which is also part of this sync stream.

Why "eight six"? Why not "six eight"?  Just a lucky random choice, I guess. After discovering that The Time Machine is 133, I naturally checked the name of its author:

H. G. Wells = 86

H. G. Wells is 86; eight six is 101; 101 is the Green Lantern logo; Green Lantern is 133; and 133 is The Time Machine, which is by H. G. Wells. What is impressive is not that such a convoluted six-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon connection exists, but that I discovered it so quickly and easily.

The "eight six" connection made me curious about the gematria values of other spelled-out numbers, which led to this mildly interesting coincidence:

one three three = 146

one four six = 146 

"One three three" was the first number I tried, and it led me directly to a number that encodes its own gematria value. A decade or so ago I made an exhaustive search for such numbers, and there aren't many of them. I only found two, if memory serves:

two hundred and fifty-one = 251

two hundred and fifty-nine = 259

I had only looked at fully written-out numbers of the above type, though -- "two hundred and fifty-one," not "two five one" -- and so had not discovered 146.


ben said...

y'know it occurred to me to check some SEG values when you posted the first Green Lantern post. Turns out pterosaur is also 133.

So what do we have... Green Lantern (133) using his willpower (133) to make a time-tunnel (133) for pterosaur(s) (133) to fly through

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


Synchromysticism peaked in 2009. There were lots of good blogs back then. Then they all just stopped at roughly the same time.

Duncan Barford is still around, apparently. I'll give his current blog a gander and see if he seems simpatico.

I've been praying the Rosary for less than a year and have nothing spectacular to report, most of the "fruits" being deeply personal and not easy to communicate. My overall feeling when praying the Rosary is that expressed by Simon Peter at the Transfiguration: "Lord, it is good for us to be here."

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I missed that! I did notice the paleontologically incorrect use of pterodactyl (and the much less forgivable three-fingered T. rex!) but I didn't think to check the standard term.

According to a synopsis here , those are super-intelligent alien pterodactyls who are invading Earth. Their one weak point is apparently their ancestral fear of the T. rex.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I should mention that back around 2009 I read a lot of synchromystic blogs and really wanted to have those kinds of experiences myself -- but I never did.

Until suddenly I did, years after the zeitgeist had moved on.

Henri said...

Going about my business today, I happened to spot - sitting unattended on a table - what appeared to be a custom-printed, monogrammed water bottle featuring the Green Lantern symbol turned on its side (which I only immediately recognized as the Green Lantern symbol because of "Green Door, Green Lantern"). The other side of the bottle had a quote on it, which - looking it up - was apparently the "Green Lantern Oath".

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

133 is the numeral component of 133t. That's the spelling I happened to use -- not l33t or 1337 -- in the search that led me to Mr. T.

ben said...

Mr T's initials are M T. 13 20. These numbers themselves add to 33.

Like the 33 in 133t. Which if shortened to 13t would be another instance of 13 20.

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...