Thursday, February 9, 2023

Hourglass and hexagram

Back in March 2022, I posted "Temperance, the Hermit, and the Hourglass," in which I discussed links between those two Tarot cards. The Hermit card was originally called Time and showed an old man with an hourglass, but this later evolved into a lantern and then, in the Rider-Waite, a lantern with a glowing hexagram inside. Old allegories of Temperance also sometimes feature an hourglass.

In a February 3, 2023, comment on my post "Opening the door to a meteor," Ben Pratt brought this old post back to my attention, relating an experience of his that synched with it. He is quoting notes he himself wrote on the night of January 29.

"Tonight I was reading stories ... out of Walt Disney's Classic Storybook. One of them was Peter Pan. One image shows Tinker Bell trapped in a lantern, and it called to mind the lantern of the Rider-Waite Hermit, the IXth Trump. Thinking of William's focus on the hexagram in the lantern and its relationship to the hourglass that at some point was replaced by the lantern, I recalled that the animated Tinker Bell's design is known for its "hourglass figure."

"Two pages later, Tinker Bell is shown escaping the knocked-over lantern, next to which an actual hourglass is visible on the table!

"A few minutes later I came out to the living room and a cityscape screen saver was on the TV with occasional billboards suggesting actual programs available to watch. When I glanced at the screen a billboard was promoting the Johnny Depp film Finding Neverland, which is about James Barrie, the author of Peter Pan.

"The design of the hourglass looks like an invalid Roman numeral IXI. Hermit is IX trump. XI trump is Justice, about which I know very little [despite flipping through The Pictorial Key to the Tarot and reading what I could that night]."

Today, six days after Ben's comment, I happened to see a /pol/ post saying that "Zelensky fatigue" was setting in, and that therefore "his days are numbered." Zelensky being Jewish, and /pol/ being /pol/, someone posted this in a reply:

As I suppose it is unnecessary to spell out, that's the Israeli flag with an hourglass substituted for the Star of David (hexagram) -- both figures being, as discussed in my Tarot post, made up of the same two triangular components.

Ben discusses the hourglass in connection with the Hermit (IX) and Justice (numbered XI in the Rider-Waite). I had not mentioned Justice in my hourglass post. However, the Temperance-with-hourglass image I used is taken from Abrogio Lorenzetti's Allegory of Good Government. In Lorenzetti's painting, Temperance is seated right next to Justice.

Going back to the hourglass Israeli flag, Israel is named after the biblical figure Jacob/Israel, who slept on a meteorite as a pillow, had a vision of a ladder to heaven, and named it Beth-el, "House of God." In the same comment I have quoted above, Ben Pratt referred to an old post of mine on that topic.

Berndt's description of namarudu above syncs STRONGLY with baetyls AKA "thunder stones" or "lightning stones" as discussed in "What is the “House of God”?".

I had ended that post with this sentence:

And the fact that these "lightning stones" are called baetyls -- after Beth-El, the vision-inducing meteorite which served as Jacob's pillow -- suggests an explanation of the otherwise confusing title La Maison Dieu.


Craig Davis said...

A traditional glass hourglass closely resembles a vertical lemniscate.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

A lemniscate made of two deltas, not unlike our D-shaped varient.

ben said...

I thought the hourglass Temperance is holding in her hand looked like IIXII. If this is taken as 14, then that corresponds to the 14th Tarot card which is Temperance.

WanderingGondola said...

Ahhh, /pol/... kek. Zelensky's days were always numbered, though.

Now I think about it, I miss the old hourglass cursors used to indicate waiting. I suppose the circles and swirls and things-moving-in-circles seen currently are more about (perceived) style than replacing archaic symbols, since save icons still tend to be floppy disks.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Less than an hour after posting this, I began reading H. G. Wells’s introduction to a collection of his short stories and found an unexpected reference to J. M. Barrie.

Ra1119bee said...


I'm sure you are aware of this:

An hourglass is a X. An X when viewed differently is a crux, a bended cross.

Etymology of crux, Latin, is cross. The cross is symbolic of TIME/Saturn and symbolic of the 4 corners of the Earth (North , South, East and West).

The letter D in the English alphabet is 4. Two Fours equals eight which 8 represents infinity, the Octagon, who, in Greenland, the Octagon are the One Eye(THIRD EYE).

Interestingly the 1 eye is also A I which is A=1 and I=9 equals 1 9.
The word Chaos in Full Gematria equals 19.
Maybe when we see with our Third Eye (One Eye) we see through a different lens, which will absolutely create Chaos for the viewer, as the Third Eye sees through the illusion.
When we see through the illusion, we are set free of it, and all 'slaves' know that Freedom
is not free, and can be very chaotic to retain.

Check out the video clip of the Matrix titled: Red Dress ( link below )
In the clip, note all the Sailors in their white Crackerjack uniform. The sailors
really stand out in the crowd.
Recall my comments about the significance and connection of the Maritime Law and the Eight Point Star of
Ishtar (and the Steering Wheel of a Ship).

The Octagon is supported by the 11's
which the most affluent 11's are in Switzerland, home of the red and white Rosey crux/cross. The Swiss Guard , guards the Vatican.

Everything is Connected.

Switzerland's unofficial motto is : "Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno"
"One for all, all for one" (1 4 all.... and all 4 1)

The X i.e. Time/Saturn is EVERYWHERE, especially in cinema which is how (through cinema) our Opponents constantly remind us of 'who' is at the Helm (IN THIS DUALITY DIMENSION).

This would explain (at least to me) why our Opponents nailed Jesus to TIME,
which when our Soul incarnates into physical body(matter), TIME is the heavy burden
the Soul must bear.

I thought interesting, the illustration in your post of Tinker Bell escaping Time(the hourglass right next to the lantern) through flight (Air), which our Soul is symbolic of Air/Flight, pure light, pure energy.

Also interesting you r comment about Zelensky Fatigue followed by an illustration of the Star of David representing the creation from the 'intercourse' of the Male/Female, Yin Yang)

You wrote : "Today, six days after Ben's comment, I happened to see a /pol/ post saying that "Zelensky fatigue" was setting in, and that therefore "his days are numbered." Zelensky being Jewish."

My thoughts: Do you recall my comments about The Third Temple?
If so, keep an eye out for the ole' implementation of the Hegelian Dialectic, a favorite ploy of our Opponents.
Their Solution "to cure Zelensky fatigue" being : The Third Temple
which was always the planned destination all along.

Everything is Connected.

P.S. I revisited an old movie last night (that I've seen a gazillion times) titled; Angels and Demons starring Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon, the protagonist.

Looking at the movie again, this time I couldn't help but notice the scenes in which CERN is depicted (which CERN is integral to the plot of the movie) ... and lo and behold.
all the Octagon imagery!!!

IMO, we are constantly being 'told' (albeit hidden) WHO our Opponents are.

Interestingly the OWL 'sounds' the WHO. although the WHO is not really the concern
here. The Key and Gold is finding the answer to the WHYS.

As HUEman's our 'mission', and IMO, is to solve the puzzle of the WHYS or our Opponents playbook, which is the quest of all good investigators, that is: To solve the puzzle.
By solving the puzzle, we can move on to the next level of the game.

The Woman in the Red Dress - Full Scene - MATRIX

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


Somehow I had missed the very obvious connection between DD/ΔΔ (4+4) and the lemniscate (8). Good catch! You might also have noticed that the background behind Temperance and Justice in the Lorenzetti painting features the eight-pointed star or "seal of Melchizedek."

The character Robert Langdon is based on Dan Brown's friend John Langdon, a former pen friend of mine from my ambigram days.

Your reference to the Woman in the Red Dress reminded me of a precognitive dream I had years ago about such a woman, which sent me back to my old dream precognition blog to look for it. I didn't find it, but while there, I ran into our old friend the mini T. rex!

Ra1119bee said...


VERY VERY Interesting indeed.

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add and of course as you know, the Female is also the Doorway.
So , there's your Red Door.

You might want to see if you can find your Woman in the Red Dress dream
as there might be clues to a message that you didn't 'catch' before.

Our Soul will continue to cross our paths with clues (puzzle pieces) through dreams and synchronicity events especially if there is something of upmost importance that our Soul
needs us to know and resolve.

Nightmares are the result of unresolved messages.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...