Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Green Door, Green Lantern

In "Green Door 101" (February 11), I note that the S:E:G: value of green door is 101.

In "DD, hourglass, lemniscate, gate, time" (February 12), I point out "the geometric relationship between the DD-hourglass and 101."

Back in March 2022 I posted about "Temperance, the Hermit, and the hourglass," noting that the lantern carried by the Hermit on the Tarot card was originally an hourglass. The hourglass-lantern connection was revisited in "Hourglass and hexagram" (February 9).

Look back at that 101 diagram. Remind you of anything?

Note also that the DC logo is pretty close to the DD-hourglass.

The DC character Jade, the daughter of the original Green Lantern, has worn both the Green Lantern emblem and the eight-pointed star.

I don't know bupkis about Green Lantern, but a lot of these superheroes time travel, don't they?

Ha! Lucky guess!

Note added: The cover makes it clear that the portal back to another time is a green one.


Ra1119bee said...


The Octagon ( Eights ) are perceived to have superpowers because they manipulate TIME
in this duality dimension.

I found interesting in the Green Lantern story you posted from the comic book,
the Green Lantern's reference to using (manipulating) his RING (Saturn) in a different way, which I think mirrors my point as far as Saturn (the Ring ) ruling this binary dimension.

Also interesting is this point made by the Green Lantern " My plan is based on a simple premise!
If their power lies in mind force, as I believe, then I must attack them on the ***mental-level*** to lower their confidence. Sap their resistance!"

This statement again I believe mirrors my perspective regarding the manipulation of the Ego, as I believe that everything in matter ( in this duality dimension ) including the human brain/mind , which I believe the Ego works through ) can be manipulated and controlled and the" Green Man" does this by creating an illusion via linear time.

The Green Man lowers our confidence and resistance by strengthening our Ego, so as to minimize our Soul and Collective Consciousness and they do this through Divide and Conquer.

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add that in the Green Lathern illustration, Jade wears her 101(11) belt (Saturn)
around her waist, which I find interesting as well as I believe that the 11's serve and work
for the 8s.

Also when looked at from another perspectives, Jade's 101 belt also looks like an H (eight letter in the English alphabet), and the O looks like an EGG or perhaps a pineal gland( pine cone) i.e Third Eye , or a vesica piscis perhaps, which ALL are doorways to creation.

By you posting this information, somewhat validated ( at least for me personally ), that many of my theories may not be too far off the mark, so Thank You for helping me connect a few more or my puzzle pieces:-))

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I’m sure you’ve heard the old dad-joke:

Q: What did zero say to eight?
A: Nice belt!

Green Lantern has a ring which receives power from a lantern. The Tarot Hermit with his lantern is descended from depictions of Saturn/Kronos/Chronos as the personification of Time.

The cube is another common symbol of Saturn, and eight is the first cube.

Ra1119bee said...


Yes I'm quite aware of the Black Cube.
Remember the beginning scene of The 1968 movie 2001: A Space Odyssey?

The Black Monolith that the apes are dancing around, looks VERY similar to a modern day PC computer tower, no? ( see link )

As I've commented before, I absolutely believe that Artificial Intelligence is NOT new
and has always been the end game and perhaps Kubrick 'hinted' at that as well.

Regarding the dad joke. Nope never heard it before.

2001: A Space Odyssey, black monolith

WanderingGondola said...

I suppose here's a decent place to put this.

As part of my studies, I'm required to use some of the content on Cisco's education platform. Two of the courses I can access allow users to customise the display a little, by picking a background from a small selection of images. Early last week, I was slightly surprised to find two of those images contain green doors, one of them behind orange gates.

Later that same day, walking towards my bus stop after class, I passed a guy with an odd shirt. The front was arrayed with words, my attention-grabber being the largest one (that's a mock-up, not a photo, sadly). Smaller print formed the missing sides of the Os, but I walked past too quickly to catch what they said. During my bus ride, I realised that by putting the two O-halves together, I would have "GOD" instead of "GOOD".

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...