Sunday, February 12, 2023

Randonautica delivers mini T. rexes once again

About a month ago I posted "Ask for a mini T. rex, and ye shall receive a mini T. rex." Sometimes, it turns out, you don't even have to ask.

In that post, I recount my experience with the app Randonautica, which generates random map coordinates for you to visit. You're supposed to "visualize your intention" while the coordinates are being generated. Both times I tried it, my intention was "mini T. rex," and both times it led me to something more or less within spec. Since then, of course, the mini T. rex has been a regular feature of the sync stream -- a rare instance of a sync that I actively summoned into my life.

Today I tried Randonautica for a third time. This time, though, I visualized the Green Door and enchanted garden from the H. G. Wells story instead of a mini T. rex. The spirits of randomness apparently remembered me as the mini T. rex guy, though, and once again led me to a mini T. rex -- two of them, in fact.

There was also a green door -- behind a red one:

A letter D next to a figure-eight:

And owls galore:

The owls in that last photo are juxtaposed with the treasure chest and compass rose from the cover of Journeys (see "What if Dot got in the Green Door?"), a horseshoe ("Choronzon 333"), and a six-pointed star.

Speaking of six-pointed stars, Randonautica also led me past this oddly decorated Mercedes.

There was no hexagram on the car, just the words. I used the exact same phrase, “Star of David (hexagram)” in “Hourglass and Hexagram.”

1 comment:

WanderingGondola said...

Those first two owl images are quite lovely -- and the second one is holding a rose. (Also sitting next to a kiwi and a... lobster? And what's that orb the lady has tossed?)

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