Monday, February 27, 2023

Knock, knock, Neo.

In The Matrix, Neo receives a series of strange messages on his computer: "Wake up, Neo." -- "The Matrix has you..." -- "Follow the white rabbit." -- "Knock, knock, Neo." Immediately after this last message, there are two knocks at his door, and he goes to answer it.

Neo lives in Room 101. The actual color of his door is not very clear, but the lighting makes it appear greenish. In "Green Door 101," I ran into a 4chan post emphasizing the gematria value of green door -- which is, in S:E:G:, 101. I even noted in that post that 101 is also the value of Neo, the One, but without remembering that Neo actually lives at No. 101.

Neo is greeted by a group of people, only two of whom have names: Choi and Dujour, apparently alluding to the French choix du jour, "choice of the day." (Choi's name is not pronounced as French but as the Cantonese for "vegetable," as in bok choy. This reminds me of something I happened to see on TV years ago: a white man with a Chinese tattoo that says jie lan, another Chinese cruciferous vegetable, saying "I do have a few things in common with a lizard.")

Neo and Choi have this little exchange:

Neo : You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi : All the time. It's called mescaline. It's the only way to fly.

Mescaline. Not any of the other hallucinogens he might have mentioned, but specifically the one that inspired Aldous Huxley's book The Doors of Perception. As related in my post "'The Door in the Wall' by H. G. Wells," Huxley's references to that Wells story in The Doors of Perception were what led me to download and read it -- and the titular door turns out to be green.

Dujour is wearing a lot of unusual jewelry (neck rings), and at the end of the scene Neo notices a white rabbit tattoo on her shoulder. This, coming after the "Follow the white rabbit" message on his computer, is what makes him decide to accept Choi's invitation to go out with them.

In "Lewis Carroll syncs," I noted a reference to Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole in a novel called Green Doors.

After noticing all this, I went to a shop to pick up something my wife had ordered. There was only one other customer there: a woman with a lot of unusual jewelry (probably a total of 20 or more earrings) and a shoulder tattoo (not a rabbit). Dangling from her purse were two tiny stuffed rabbits (not white). On the back of her jacket were two big letter Ds -- not together like "DD," but sort of randomly located. No, I didn't follow her or anything.

After this, I went back to the collection of H. G. Wells short stories I have been reading (which I downloaded, remember, because of a book about mescaline). The next one up was "The Red Room." I thought the Red Room might have a red door, but the only specific door reference was to a "baize-covered door," and one gathers from Jane Austen and others that English doors of that description were typically green. Before entering the Red Room, which is supposed to be haunted, the narrator is told repeatedly, "It's your choice" (choix du jour). In the end, it is decided that the room is haunted not by a ghost but by Fear itself.

In Nineteen Eighty-Four, Room 101 is where you are subjected to whatever it is that you fear the most.


ben said...

Was recently moved to watch the new Dune movie. There's a scene where someone goes through a door into an unpleasant but necessary experience while someone else waits outside having to deal with fear:

Ra1119bee said...


VERY VERY Interesting that you should post this about Knock Knock.

I've recently been researching a connection of WATER with the recent Murdaugh trial
( which Murdaugh is front and center in Popular Culture right now in America ), also the **4*** White Balloons in the news connecting with my 2014 Moon River dream ( which I think I shared here on your blog ) , the Ohio Train Derailment and WATER contamination 'scares', a recent dream I had about Obama which I titled; Obama Disco Basement and the Blue Bird and a connection to a just released movie by M. Night Shyamalin titled : Knock at the Cabin.

What's very odd is that all of the above connects with many of my puzzle pieces and perspectives that I've shared previously on your blog and all having to do with WATER, especially the Murdaugh trial ritual.
The name Murdaugh being Scottish and meaning ; A Person
of the Sea.
There are several ( too many connections to be a coincidence ) Water connections to this Murdaugh ritual including the Red Hair, which Red Hair and Water just so happens
to connect to the Knock at the Cabin movie.

Also interesting is all of this is happening in the month of Februa.

copy and paste from Wiki ( link below )
In the archaic Roman calendar, February was the last month of the year. The name derives from februa, "the means of purification, expiatory offerings." It marked a turn of season, with February 5 the official first day of spring bringing the renewal of agricultural activities after winter.

I also found this information about Jackrabbits and grasshoppers, as the movie, Knock
at the Cabin, also has a grasshopper connection, and since you made reference about the Matrix and the white rabbit, I thought it interesting this information.

Copy and paste; ( see link )
Jackrabbit drives in western Kansas were viewed as a battle of survival between farmers and the rabbits during the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl in the mid 1930s.

Reminiscent of the grasshoppers 60 years earlier, the rabbits ate everything in their path. Thus, the few farmers who eeked out crops had to cope with the rabbits demolishing their livelihood.

Everything is connected, no?

Knock at the Cabin - Official Trailer 2

ben said...

These images are relevant again

Bottle with both white-faced rabbit and lemniscate, plus doves elsewhere on the bottle:

Full bathroom view with ladies facing each other:

Green and red rabbit ears with I think "Follow your dreams" in between but nicely edited to just "Follow" here (like follow the white rabbit):

Green rabbit is 101. Red rabbit is 79.

ben said...

Next scenes after that Dune scene

First one has a 6 pointed shape within a futuristic lantern, and then talk of 'the one':

Then a very watery scene (like in Debbie's comment):

Also worth noting that Knock Knock = KK = 13 13 = 4 4

ben said...

I should say Knock Knock = KK = 11 11 = 22 = BB

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


I think the woman's two rabbit purse ornaments may have been pink and pale green, but I couldn't swear to it.

In your bathroom photo, one of the rabbit-ear jars is clearly pink, and the other may be white or very pale green. Either way, the juxtaposition with the word "follow" is interesting.

So rabbit and door have the same S:E:G: value, 52. So does heart -- as in the PETA logo, with the rabbit's ears forming a heart.

The current year is the Year of the Rabbit. Rabbit Year = green door = 101.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

The Matrix clip I posted here shows Neo hiding things in a hollowed-out book: Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Baudrillard.

Today (March 1) I decided to check, which I hadn't checked for a few months. In his February 8 post "A fata morgana in the desert of the real," I read this:

"What 9/11 is, is the desert of the real. When Slavoj Zizek wrote Welcome to the Desert of the Real, he was quoting Morpheus in the Matrix. And Morpheus, was referencing Jean Baudrillard’s Simulacra and Simulation."

ben said...

simulation is 133 in SEG

Ra1119bee said...


And a desert is a place with little ( to no ) WATER, correct?

The reason why I think the significance of the water connection is because the element
of Water, ( which is feminine energy the feminine being the doorway, Knock Knock )
which the feminine water energy is the source of the Soul, intuition, dreams, creation
and Hope, Life and progress.

I believe that if there is No Soul ( via Neuralink vis Transhumanism via Artificial Intelligence ) Humanity dies of thirst.

IMO, all answers are found when we connect the dots to see the Big Picture, which the Big Picture answers the WHYS of our questions.

Our existence on this duality dimension is much like the Ouroboros.
All Endings are Beginnings, which answers ( at least to me ) the belief of reincarnation.

WanderingGondola said...

Learning something new every day: baize is that material used on pool tables (which I've only ever seen in green). Also, check the "idioms and catchphrases" section there.

I've possibly brought this up before... Muse's fifth album, The Resistance, was partly influenced by Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Debbie, could you explain what you're implying by "scares" in your first comment? Also, I suspect Neuralink is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to transhumanist technology...

Ra1119bee said...


There has been much conversation 'scares' about the fallout of the Ohio Train Derailment
not only contaminating the WATER but the soil, not only in East Palestine where the accident happened, but a large radius in Ohio.

Cincy ( Cincinnati ) closed the water intakes of the Ohio River but has since reopened.
There's much 'speculation' that this incident is going to effect agriculture for obvious reasons.
There are multiple reports about many dead fish in the creeks.
Holmes County Ohio has a large Amish community and is only about 90 miles or so
from East Palestine. The Amish community in Ohio make much of their living in Agriculture.

Of course one of the largest Fresh Water Aquafers in the World is the Great Lakes.
The Nestle corporation has a huge presence in the Great Lakes.
Erin Brockovich has been in East Palestine in the last week or so.

As stated in my original comment, WATER has a very interesting connection to what is happening on the World Stage right now, but especially in the US.
I believe that Water is going to be the new Gold.

WanderingGondola said...

Debbie, ok, we're about on the same page then. Things I've been reading suggest the effect radius goes beyond Ohio, authorities are largely ignoring the situation or being hindered from assisting, and the derailment was a deliberate act. Other recent accidents involving chemicals have been a little too numerous to be pure coincidence, too. I can't know for sure, of course, but when something looks suss...

Ra1119bee said...


Exactly! and do recall that the third White Balloon was shot down
over Lake Huron, which of course Lake Huron is part of the Great Lakes.

All of these Water connections are NOT, and IMO, a coincidence.

Also I mentioned the Amish having a large presence in Holmes County Ohio.
Do note that Holmes county is about 90 miles SOUTHwest of East Palestine.

Connecting the dots ( puzzle pieces ) I personally believe that we ( Humanity collectively)
are on a very precarious precipice and time in history which was planned centuries ago.

"If something happens in politics, you can bet is was planned that way"---Franklin Delano

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

My father grew up in East Palestine. It's weird to have that little town suddenly on the map.

Ra1119bee said...


On my original comment where I connected Water to many of the historic
events that is happening on the World Stage now ( and especially in the US )
do consider the recent historic Blizzard in Cali.
Of course snow, is frozen water.

And speaking of water, I just found this information which connects to my puzzle pieces
about The Third Temple. I think I shared with you my Feb 2015 dream I titled : Where's My Horn , which led me to a gazillion hours of research which is where and how I found information about The Third Temple.

I absolutely did NOT know about The Third Temple, the Shimta, the tabernacles, King Solomon, the blowing of the Ram's Horn and the Red Heifer before the dream ( interestingly the Red connection as I commented about the Murdaugh ritual trial and the red head connection in the just released ( Feb 3 ) movie : Knock at the Cabin.
I learned about all of this information about the Third Temple by researching and interpretating the symbolism presented in the dream in 2015.

Here's an interesting copy and paste
During Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, Jewish priests (kohenim) and Levites wearing white robes draw water from the Pool of Siloam in order to perform the traditional “Pouring of the Water” (Nissuch HaMayim).

This is a biblical ceremony according to which water is drawn in silver vessels from the pool on the eastern slope below the Western Wall, and is then poured out on an altar especially erected for this purpose.

Everything is Connected, IMHO.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I've been reading the H. G. Wells story "A Dream of Armageddon" today. The bulk of the story consists of a character relating the titular dream, or rather series of dreams, to a stranger he meets on a train. But first he asks him this:

"Your dreams don't mix with your memories?" he asked abruptly. "You don't find yourself in doubt: did this happen or did it not?"

Quite similar to what Neo asks Choi at the door.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...