Saturday, February 11, 2023

Green Door 101

A 4plebs search on the string green door led me to this schizo thread about gematria supposedly being used as a code by Masons or something.

>The numbers are broadcasted to other members as a calling sign

don't believe me? mess around with the numbers and see for yourself.

> 660/606 = locksmith, aquarium, green door, etc.

it's literally all fucking there where are the experts for this shit? I have no idea what I'm looking at but I KNOW it's significant to this.

There followed a few screenshots of seemingly random words and phrases with their gematria values in various systems. One of these screenshots included two strings of interest to me:

Of course the inclusion of green door is no surprise, since I found the post by searching for that, but red door is there, too. No other door colors are included, and as you can see the rest of the words are just completely random things like bookbinder and finger lakes. The rightmost column is Simple English Gematria (S:E:G:, where each letter of the alphabet has its ordinal value). The S:E:G: value of green door is 101.

Although the post itself is completely schizo, with the "obvious" significance of these words and numbers apparent to no one but OP himself. Still, the coincidence of running into a red door as well as a green one was enough to send me to a gematria database to look up other things that add up to 101.

First, your basic door stuff: green door = doorway = portals = 101.

Then, a surprising hit: lemniscate = the eights = 101. Lemniscate syncs have been closely associated with my Green Door syncs, and I've pretty consistently used that rather unusual word, lemniscate, only rarely using other terms like "infinity sign," "figure-eight," etc.

Relevant to the comments here: Melchizedek = Tom Hanks = Neo, the One = 101. Debbie mentions Tom Hanks and The Matrix. I reference the so-called "seal of Melchizedek" as having something to do with the lemniscate.

Eight six = 101. Eight is the lemniscate, and six as in 666, a number which is also part of this sync stream.

Dinosaur = 101. Mini T. rex. "Everybody walk the dinosaur."

Panthers = 101. In "The Door in the Wall," that's one of the first things the main character sees when he goes through the Green Door: "there were two great panthers there... Yes, spotted panthers. And I was not afraid."

Ides of March = 101. My birthday. Also see "Beware the ideas of Mach!"

Five o'clock = 101. "Five O'clock World" by the Vogues.

Cancer the Crab = 101. The astrological symbol for Cancer looks like 69 rotated 90 degrees. As a commenter pointed out here, "b and q are like 6 and 9."

Fire opals = 101. Central to the plot of The Valley of Arcana

The planet = 101. There's planet n00b.

Whopper = 101. In my original "The Doors" post, I found a red and green door hidden in the word Whopper.

On top of all this, just before discovering this post and looking up the gematria, I had been talking about Taipei 101 (the tallest building in Taiwan) with some of my students. We were reviewing some vocabulary, and I was trying to elicit the word view. "If you go up to the top of Taipei 101, you can look out the window and see the whole city. You really have a great -- what? -- up there." One of the kids raised his hand and said, "I know! Animal shelter!"

So, another schizo list of random words presented as if significant -- but at least mine is annotated!


ben said...

The difference between red door (79) and green door (101) is 22. 22:BB.

Ra1119bee said...


The 11's are the Gatekeepers. Along with the number 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 11,19 ( and all master numbers), our Opponents' hide their 'work' through numbers in just about everything
they do.

I think I shared my 2003 11:11 experience with you before.

~~~~Solve your Puzzle~~~~~~~

ben said...

DD:44. If two doors are 44, then it's a bit like one door is 22. 22:BB.

Still tending to think that green door good, red door bad...

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Just now, I taught from a book that illustrated the use of the word magnificent with the sentence, "Taipei 101 is a magnificent skyscraper."

Ra1119bee said...


As you know the El's are the 11's and the 11's are the Gatekeepers
and indeed they are the 1 percent at the Very TIP TOP of the pyramid which perhaps the Taipei 101 is symbolic of.

The only entity(s) higher than the 11's are the 13's, aka The Octagons being
the One Eye ( A I = 19 ) on the DETACHED capstone.

9 being the completion, the ouroboros. All endings are beginnings which of course
is also symbolic of the infinity.

I found this information interesting about The Cross of Tau ( link below ) possibly have connections to your M.T syncs.
which I'm sure you've already discussed the Cross of Tau on your Blog.

I also thought it interesting this information:

Copy and paste:
Tau (uppercase Τ, lowercase τ) is the ****19th**** letter of the Greek alphabet and in the Greek numeral system, 300 was represented by this symbol. The Greek letter took its root from the letter tāw, which is the last letter of the Phoenician alphabet. Tāw came from the Egyptian hieroglyph, meaning "mark". The lowercase letter is used in biology, physics, mathematics, mechanics, topology, etc.

Everything is connected, no?

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...