Monday, February 6, 2023

It's tip-top. It's just I'm not sure about the colour.

In my my last post, "Mr. T, Model T, T. rex," I linked to this sync video (nsfw), of which one of the main themes is pairs of Ts in the Guy Ritchie movie Snatch. One of the scenes included in the video is this one, in which Turkish tells Tommy that a caravan is "tip-top."

Asked what's wrong with the caravan they've got, Turkish (Jason Statham) pulls the door off its hinges and says, "Oh, nothing, Tommy. It's tip-top. It's just I'm not sure about the colour."

When someone draws attention to the color of a door, I'm interested. Turkish obviously meant "I don't really like the color," but watching the clip I find that I'm literally not sure about the color. Is it a green door? It certainly looks green in the thumbnail, but then so does Statham's gray sports coat. When you watch the clip, it's really not clear whether the door is slightly green or just a neutral gray-white color.

That uncertainty is itself a sync. Yesterday, regular commenter ben, who is apparently colorblind, wrote, "I found a green [bottle] with a green dove (I think it's green)," with a link to this photo he snapped in a hotel bathroom:

My reply was, "Green-white colorblindness? That's a new one!" There's a greenish square on the bottle, granted, but -- unless this is one of those dress-style illusions -- the bottle itself and the dove are pretty obviously white and not even a little green.

Ben's reply: "Hehe well I thought it could be silver or something, it's kinda shiny." So the same white-silver-green ambiguity that we see in the caravan door.

Last night, having listened to Black Holes and Revelations several times, I decided to check out other material by Muse, a band of which I had known nothing until recently. I went to the band's YouTube channel and checked which videos were the most popular. I ended up watching the video for "Uprising" -- a song I actually recognized as soon as I heard the chorus, although I had not known until now that it was called "Uprising" or was by a band called Muse.

Several times in the video we see a caravan similar to the one in Snatch, and it's on fire.

In Snatch, the gangsters "persuade" Mickey (Brad Pitt) by burning down his caravan with his mother inside.


ben said...


There's 22 again kinda.

I'll try to get a better photo of that bottle soon so we can get to the bottom of the dove's true colour.

ben said...

New, higher quality image of the dove. Maybe I got context-tricked by the green square area into thinking the dove was green?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

It looks like the dove and "+CARE" are silver.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

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