Monday, February 13, 2023

Further Journeys

The Journeys book in which I found the story of Dot was one of four books in that series which I found in the same disused room in which I had found the magazine with the red and green doors on the cover. Today I paged through the other three volumes.

One of them has a large blue moon on the cover:

In my February 2 post "No H in Snake," I wrote that that was "the best deadpan surrealist response whenever anyone said 'Remember there's no I in team.'" One of the Journeys books has a story in which that line is repeated again and again.

There may be an i in pizza, but there's still no h in snake.

In the Dot post, I wrote about how the H. G. Wells story "The Door in the Wall" mentions "spotted panthers" behind the Green Door -- an odd expression, since the spotted animals are usually called leopards, panther being reserved for the black variety. Journeys, though, has a picture of a black panther and emphasized that it has spots.

Besides the panthers, three other kinds of animals are mentioned in the garden behind the Green Door: doves, "paroquets" (parakeets), and a capuchin monkey.

Presently, a little Capuchin monkey, very clean, with a fur of ruddy brown and kindly hazel eyes, came down a tree to us and ran beside me, looking up at me and grinning, and presently leapt to my shoulder.

Journeys also has a picture of a capuchin monkey -- identified as such in the text -- on someone's shoulder. Wells writes of a "little Capuchin monkey"; Journeys also emphasizes this species' small size.

(The Capuchin as a variant of the Hermit card is also mentioned in "Temperance, the Hermit, and the hourglass." Capuchins are Franciscan friars; Fra Angelico was a Dominican friar.)

In yesterday's post "Winter, flowers, and the grail," I noted the incongruous appearance of a big silver trophy cup in the music video for the Tori Amos song "Winter":

Journeys has an extremely similar picture:

One of the stories is about a boy named Sam who moves from Texas to New York. He misses Texas, but at the end he feels better about New York when he sees a T. rex skeleton in the museum.

The idea that a T. rex would help a homesick Texan feel better is an indirect link to the mini T. rex theme, since Texas is where the "mini T. rex" cryptid is from. Later, there's another story about a museum, which of course has several pictures of T. rex skeletons -- nothing terribly noteworthy about that. On the last page, though, there's a picture of a plastic T. rex toy -- a mini T. rex -- even though the whole story is about dinosaur skeletons in a museum and there are no toys in the story at all.

Oh, and there's also a picture of an eight-spoked ship's steering wheel, which Debbie will appreciate.


Ra1119bee said...


Interestingly mot only the Eight Point Star in the photo of the Steering Wheel you posted, but the Eight Point Star is shown and 'hidden' on the cover of the Blue Moon Journey book. Count the points of the 'star' of the O( in the word Journey)

And speaking of "Blue Moons" and White Balloons, I'm sure you are aware of the Green Comet
( C/2022 E3 (ZTF) which is currently close to Earth. (see link)
Also check out the article ( link below ) : THE TITANIC SPECTER RISES AGAIN: THE GREEN COMET AND THE SHIP OF JUDGMENT – THE “29 YEAR” FACTOR. ( note the 29 (equals 11 )

Also, I can't help but connect my July 14th 2014 titled Moon River with the ***4*** recent shooting down events of White Ballons here in America, which I'm sure you are aware of it.

If you recall I shared my Moon River dream with you but I'll share it again, as some of the message of the dream has a very uncanny connection, I believe, with the White Ballons, especially the first White Ballon being shot down over Mrytle Beach, SC ( ON FEB *** 4*** ) which Mrytle Beach is on the 33 lat and 77th Meridian West longitude, which if you recall my previous comments and perspective about John Dee and Plato and the 77th Meridian West and The New Atlantis,

Moon River
I had a disturbing dream today… the dream is as follows

I remember I wanted to go shopping at this hippie like market place ( kinda like yellow Springs ). I recall being on a bus with other people ( we were riding throughout the citylike Market place ) … when all of a sudden there was a deadening silence.
I recall it felt out of the ordinary… and then sure enough we could see (from the bus) people scattering throughout the village like city, running everywhere.
At one point I got off the bus and I went to this cafe like place and a Black man approached me but I don’t recall what happened . I do recall the Black man left and then another Black man (whom I felt to be the bus driver) asked me about the first man .

He asked if the guy was giving me trouble and I said no, and then he said, I just wondered because he had a 50 ( which I thought meant some type of gun )
I walked around and could see large billows of smoke and fire in the distance, and they kept coming and coming everywhere you could see.

I was devastated, frightened as I wanted to get home to Marshall. Nobody knew what was going on. I recall trying to find people that I could walk with so I didn’t feel alone and at least they may have some idea of where to go or what was going on. I then began asking different people if they would help me get home. I said over and over again “ Are you going NORTH? I have to go North to Clinton County where I live.
I saw people getting in train boxcars traveling somewhere , but I don’t know where they were going. At one point we all were looking at the sky and we saw the moon come back ( I was excited because I felt the reason why the chaos happened was because of something having to do with the change of planet placement in the sky, and the reappearance of the moon meant everything would get back to normal.
However The moon kept coming closer and closer to earth however, when all of a sudden it fell into the water..
I woke up.

Everything is connected.

No Longer Reading said...

I had a dream last night that a major theme underlying these recent synchronicities is measurement.

I think some of it was dream logic. And I can't remember how it was all supposed to come together.

But also, there's the fact of 4's and 8's relating to squares and rectangles. And the idea of area being expressed in square meters or feet as well as cubic units for volume.

The idea of clocks with the Planck time also involves measurement. Then there was also something about a compass being involved, now that also relates to a magnetic compass, which can be used for a journey.

Ra1119bee said...


I just found this interesting connection to the Moon River Dream especially.
the reference of the 50 in the dream possibly connecting to the Green Comet.

Here's from the dream; "He asked if the guy was giving me trouble and I said no, and then he said, I just wondered because he had a 50 ( which I thought meant some type of gun )".

And Lo and behold check this out about the GREEN Comet.(link below )

Green comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) may be heading out of the solar system for good

The comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) may be back around Earth in *****50,000***** years  —  if it isn't racing out of the solar system that is.

NOTE THE 50 Connection.

Ra1119bee said...


I also (just today( Feb 13 ) connected this recent incident of a Train derailment in Northeastern Ohio that happened Feb 3, with the 2014 Moon River dream in reference to this : "I saw people getting in train boxcars traveling somewhere, but I don’t know where they were going.

Although in the Moon River dream all of the chaos took place in Yellow Springs Ohio,
I repeated several times (in the dream) that I needed to go North to Clinton County.
However, in real life, Clinton County is SOUTH of Yellow Springs, not north.

The train derailment happened on Feb 3, in East Palestine, Ohio a small town in Northeastern Ohio.

Also this is an eerie connection as far as the Moon River dream where I wrote this ( note the reference to billow(ing ) :" I walked around and could see large billows of smoke and fire in the distance, and they kept coming and coming everywhere you could see."

And lo and behold this interesting headline, note the reference to "billowing": Fire, smoke seen billowing as toxic chemicals released from derailed Ohio tanker cars. ( see link )

Release of toxic chemicals from train derailment in Ohio prompts broader safety concerns

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...