Saturday, February 11, 2023

A set of double doors, one red and one green

I was thinking that Cafe D&D -- stylized as D∞D -- represents the number 484, since D is the fourth letter and the lemniscate is a lazy eight. As soon as I thought that, I had a stubborn feeling that I had just recently run into that number somewhere in my online peregrinations, but I couldn't remember where. Was it when I was searching for mercury wells? Some study in which 484 wells were tested for that contaminant? If so, I wasn't able to find that study again. Or maybe it was something else altogether. Anyway, I spent some time re-running some recent searches to see if I could find that number -- including searching 4plebs once more for green door in case that's where it had turned up.

I never did find what I was looking for -- perhaps I misremembered -- but when I searched for green door, the very first result was a new post, one that hadn't been there when I ran my first search, and the post number included the string 484. I clicked through to the thread and found that only that post and the continuation post right after it, no other posts in the thread, included that string.

In "Green Door 101," I relate how I searched 4plebs for green door and unexpectedly found a post that included a red door as well. The timestamp "Green Door 101" is February 11, 1:26 a.m., Taiwan time. The timestamp on the new 4chan post shown above (the first of the two with "484" in the number), is February 10, 13:28, New York time (the default for 4chan) -- which is February, 2:29 a.m., Taiwan time -- just 63 minutes after my own post. And it, too, features both a green door and a red one, although I was only searching for green door.

It's from a "Paranormal dream storytime thread." Here's combined greentext of the two posts:

>be me, flying around having fun. sunny day outside
>asian couple is running from something in distress
>area has is in some sort industrial area with pre fab buildings that you normally see around them.
>float down to see what's going on, follow them into a building they run into. they shut the doors inside some sort of room
>doors start banging like something wants to get inside
>there is a set of double doors, one red and one green
>I say "fuck it" and open the red, thinking I can take on whatever is behind the door
>Door has some sort of miasma endless space in it.
>There is some sort of crone behind the door draped in a tattered cowl.
>She had what looked like peoples souls connected to her in the physical form of mutated growths on her body. Like deformed conjoined twins where one is much larger than the other except with multiple small bodies.
>She's pissed at me for interfering.
>She says that I'm now marked and grabs my hand. She takes a finger nail and runs it along my palm cutting it. Immediately afterwards I wake up.

Not just a red door and a green door, but "a set of double doors, one red and one green" -- which brings us right back to the magazine cover that started this whole thing:


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Ctrl-Fed the first eight pages of all-boards search results for green door. Not a single 484 except in that one post.

ben said...

shoulda picked the green one

ben said...

Looking at the magazine cover with the red and green doors. If you add up every digit of the page numbers on the green door (example 'p.50'), you get 35.

Ra1119bee said...


Red Door, Green Door, doesn't matter which one you choose because in this duality dimension
Everything is Connected....... and ALL roads lead to Home.

Perhaps that is the very same message that the double doors illustration on the English 4U magazine implies as well, i.e. All roads lead to home.

Interestingly the door handle which the 'white' hand is pulling is shaped like a rod, and the door handle the brown hand is pulling is in the shape of a circle/ouroboros.

The illustration implies, at least to me, that the green and red Doors are connected which means, both doors lead to the same place.

Case in point and another example of two doors leading to the same place would be a scene in the movie JFK by Oliver Stone.

If you saw the movie, you'll recall the scene where Jim Garrison (played by Kevin Costner)
is walking with two of his colleagues investigating the connection of Guy Banister
with Lee Harvey Oswald.

In the scene Garrison and his colleagues, approach Banister's office( in the Newman Building in Louisiana) and Garrison points out that the address of the corner building is 544 Camp Street, however just around the corner at the same building there is another door with a different address, 531 Lafayette Street. Both doors leads to the same offices
which is Guy Banister's office.
** Note the 2 Fours in the address ( 544)

I have Oliver Stone's movie JFK on Dvd but I haven't seen it for a while, and I can't recall the color of the two doors in the movie( and I can't find a clip of that particular scene online) however I was able to find a photo of the Camp Street address door and the door appears to be a very faint green.( see link ).

I also found another photo of the 544 Camp Street door ( see link below)

Of course I don't know if Oliver Stone was suggesting this or not, but I am convinced
that as far as politics is concern ( and Everything is Political in this duality dimension)
I believe that Republicans and Democrats ARE TWO WINGS OF THE SAME BIRD, and
they both fly for ( work for and serve) the SAME KING, which leads back to my perspective
that Everything is Connected in some way , shape or form.

JFK by Oliver Stone is one of my absolutely favorite movies, as I love connecting the dots and solving puzzles, which solving puzzles always answers the biggest and most important question that I think we encounter in this dimension, which that question is WHY.

When we find the answer to WHY, I believe that we find the Truth, and the truth sets us free of the illusion. As long as we are 'stuck' in this illusion, we are not free, which that's Chaos, IMO.

Oliver Stone's JKF movie, is chockfull of symbolism. the obvious being ELm Street, the Trinity River, the Red Brick Book Depository Building and
of course Dallas being on the 33 lat.

There is also an Eight Point Star in the Capitol Building where Garrison's office is located.
There is also a Cross of Tau ( hidden ) in the movie as well.

1'st link Garrison and colleagues at Banister's Office, note the 'green'.

link explaining the Newman Office and the double addresses.

second link ( scroll down through the content to see another photo of the 544 Camp Street green door)

Ra1119bee said...


Oooops ! I deleted my first post of this comment as I noticed I linked the wrong
video about JFK's Mr. X.
Sorry about that ;-((

I forgot to add this JFK clip of Mr. X mirroring my perspective about our (humanity collectively) most important challenge is finding the answers to the WHYS, which Mr. X also says in frame/marker starting at 3:40-3:54.

Also interestingly of course there is symbolism in Oliver Stone's JFK regarding a woman wearing red, which Jim Garrison interviews in his investigation.
In this case, the woman is not wearing a red dress( like in the Matrix) ... instead a woman wears a red coat.
That woman was Jean Hill ( wiki link below )

IMO, finding the answer to the Whys completes the puzzle and sets us free, which Jim Garrison 'learns' as well as did Mr.X.

However, in the end, after connecting the gazillion dots while enduring the fight, tension and conflict ( i.e. Chaos ), both Garrison and Mr. X realized and saw the Big Picture which clearly unveiled the illusion, and both having found the Truth after seeing through the illusion, set them free.

Garrion's very eloquent, emotional, and surprisingly calm delivery of his final argument in the trial of Clay Shaw was a powerful and classic testimony, at least to me, of when we solve the puzzle and find truth (despite all the chaos) we find balance.( see link )

In The Truth video link, note at frame/marker 1:14-1:20, the three men standing as Gatekeepers at THE DOORWAY wearing the Cross of Tau.

Excellent Movie!
Everything is connected. Solve the Puzzle

JFK (4/7) Movie CLIP - A Meeting with X (1991)

Women in the Red Coat

JFK (7/7) Movie CLIP - The Truth (1991) HD

jason said...

the square molding things on that green door look like old 286 green screens. so green door represents DOS when computers didn't yet have windows.

ben said...


The scene in JFK with the addresses 531 and 544:

Ra1119bee said...


Thank you so much for finding this!!

Note at frame/marker 1:40-1:50 very prominently behind Oswald's head ( and to the right)
a few seconds of the 544 address, especially prominent is the number 44.

Which begs the question , at least to me, perhaps it was the 4+4, aka the 8's , who set Oswald up.

Also at frame/marker 1:52-1:55, Guy Banister is wearing a WHITE ROSE on his lapel.
He was one of the Rosys perhaps?

Also, the policeman's hat shown at 2:40-2-45 is in the shape of the Octagon.

Also and I forgot to add to my previous comment about Republicans and Democrats being two wings of the same bird, I want to add that I believe that has been especially true
after JFK, as I believe that JFK was the last POTUS elected by " We the People'.

Our Opponents couldn't risk another broken arrow like Kennedy
so, with that in mind, all POTUS after Kennedy were 'selected', and that's especially true of Barack Obama who I believe was 'groomed' in Switzerland at a very young age'.

After Kennedy, knowing that future POTUS's would be selected is why our Opponents
signed into law the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which ''gave'' Black people the so called 'right to vote', which our Opponents threw that bone to MLK and the NAACP, our Opponents, knowing the Black community's collective optimism was destroyed after Kennedy's assassination, so our Opponents threw them a bone, knowing that there was no meat on the bone.

The illusion that Americans' Vote can make a difference, is just that, an illusion.
However, perhaps votes on the local level still make a difference, which I personally vote on local and state issues, but not for POTUS.

ben said...

Lee Harvey Oswald = LHO = 12+8+15 = 35

35 + 44 = 79

Red door is 79 in S:E:G.

ben said...

So in that shot of Oswald there's a 'red door' standing in front of a green (I think) door.

Like here:

ben said...

Those green (I think) doors in the movie with the numbers 531 and 544.

531544 = ECAEDD

22 in S:E:G (Simple English Gematria).

22 = BB.

My thought is that there's a bad red door, and behind it a good green door.

If the red door is Oswald then it's bad and also kinda fake (the Oswald acting alone narrative being wrong).

Ra1119bee said...


Starting at frame/marker/ 0:26 in the video you linked, Garrison , Lou and Bill, are
crossing the street to the Newman Building and just for a split second is shown what appears
to be a 'reddish brown, perhaps rust?' window or door on the second floor.
Windows are also doorways.

Also interesting that along with the 544 address, the 531 also has a four connection as adding 531 right to left, 1+3=4.
Of course both address having the lead number of 5, the penta.

As I've shared on a previous comment, not only does my name have a D ( Daleth) (4 ) connection but my current address has a 4 connection as well as my grandparents house where I grew up, which the address was 1021 which of course adds up to 4.

And while it may seem just a "coincidence' and not really significant to the topic, but my Teller number when I first started working at the bank was teller 4 which I was teller 4 for many years.

Teller numbers were very important in banking at that time, because it indicated the teller
who was responsible for the transaction. For instance we'd stamp every check that we cashed with our teller stamp and if the check should be returned to the branch for any reason, especially for a fraudulent reason, than of course the teller stamp indicated the teller who cashed the check.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...