Sunday, September 4, 2022

Dreams, shifty-eyed owls, and the white Starbucks cup

Last night I had another of those "channel-surfing" style dreams, a disjointed series of vignettes.

In the first vignette, I was ascending a spiral staircase inside what I reckon was a lighthouse or something of that nature. The interior walls were white stucco, and the stairs were white as well. I was with a Spanish gentleman (shortish, mid-thirties, bearded, a bit nebbishy, wearing a brown suit and black-rimmed glasses) named Marcelo. Up ahead of us on the stairs was a group of young Spanish children. They kept calling "Marcela! Marcela!" and Marcelo kept thinking they were addressing him, pointing to his own chest and looking around quizzically while mouthing "Who, me?" Indicating one of the niñas on the stairs, I said (in English), "I think they're talking to her. Her name must be Marcela." She turned back and replied, "Así es, pero no me llamo Marcela, me llamo Gabriela." Later, one of the boys came down the stairs and started getting mouthy with us, and I was considering whether or not it would be acceptable to punch him in the face.

In the second vignette, I was with my parents and siblings. We were outdoors somewhere admiring a tall "tulip tree" -- not the familiar American Liriodendron, but simply a red tulip flower scaled up to the dimensions of a coconut palm. It had no leaves, just a long green stem with an enormous red flower at the top; the overall effect really was palm-like. Not far from this tree, I found a stump where another such tree had been cut down, and it was wide enough for a person to sit on it. I had the idea that I should take a photo of my youngest sister sitting on the stump, with the towering tulip tree in the background, and that the stump and the tree together would make clear the impressive size of these trees. I couldn't really make the photo work, though. The stump was far enough from the tree, and the tree tall enough, to make it quite difficult to get everything into a single shot.

In the third vignette, I stepped out my front door at twilight and saw two large owls circling overhead. Even in the half-light, I fancied I could identify them as an eagle owl and a great horned. I thought, "About time! After all these owl syncs, I finally get to see some flesh-and-blood owls!" Then the two owls swooped down, and I noticed that they were really enormous -- the size of condors -- and didn't look much like owls at all. I still thought of them as "owls," but what they really looked like were Chinese phoenixes (fenghuang) with the buff-and-white coloration of barn owls.

Like this, but less colorful; note the owl-like "horns"

One of these "owls" swooped down and grabbed a rat; the other picked up what I was horrified to see was a medium-sized white dog -- scruffy, white, and a bit elderly-looking, obviously a stray. This second "owl" landed on top of my neighbor's parked sedan, depositing the dog on the roof of the car. I quickly grabbed the dog and took it down, relieved to see that it had not been harmed by the bird's talons. I shooed the dog away to safety and made a Chinese fist-palm salute to the "owl," an expression of apology for taking away its prey.

In my September 1 post "Since we're doing knocking syncs . . .," I posted a picture of the cover of the March 4, 2019, Time magazine (recently seen in an FBI photo of items seized from Trump's home).

In the comments, Debbie focused on the man with a white cup, thinking it might be George W. Bush, and connecting it with a dream she had just before the Heaven's Gate mass suicide. In the dream, a "spaceman" had told her "It's time to go," but offered her a white Styrofoam cup from which she should drink if she wanted to stay on Earth and remain human. Later, commenters here identified the man with the cup as Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, who in March 2019 was considering a presidential run.

After the identification had been made, Debbie noted that a cup was a yonic symbol, and that the original Starbucks logo -- a two-tailed mermaid spreading her "legs" -- featured that symbolism much more explicitly. Interestingly, even though the Starbucks logo had been changed to its present form in 2011, the Time cover seems to show Schultz drinking from a cup with the original logo.

Debbie also wrote that on the Time cover, "Trump's shifting eyes looks similar to an owl looking sideways" -- to which I replied that actually it's physically impossible for an owl to do this. Owls can turn their heads remarkably far, but the eyes themselves cannot turn at all because they are not actually eye "balls" but rather cylinders. Nevertheless, the owl graffiti Debbie sent me earlier does show an owl turning its eyes off to the side.

This morning as I went out, I passed the recycling bins that are set out by the gate of my community, and this caught my eye:

There it is again -- an owl looking sideways without turning its head (something owls are noteworthy for not being able to do) -- and printed on a disposable white paper bowl (b-owl), which is basically another form of the disposable white cup the Starbucks CEO is drinking from on the Time cover, and the one the spaceman offered to Debbie.

The Time cover said "Knock, Knock, . . .," and recent syncs have associated the owl with the Green Door (often a circular green door; cf. the current Starbucks logo) and knocking. Debbie's dream connects the disposable white cup with Heaven's Gate, and thus with "Knock knock knockin' on heaven's door."

The relevance of the dream fragments recounted at the beginning of this post is not yet entirely clear. I note that Marcelo shifted his eyes from side to side -- like Trump, or like the impossible owls -- while mouthing the words "Who, me?" Owls say "who," and the Hebrew word for "who," pronounced like the English word me, is the first element in the name Michael. The archangelic link is strengthened by the presence of a girl named Gabriela.

As for the "tulip tree," it was a sync related to red tulips that first led Debbie to contact me, and I replied with a story about a man who had been unrealistically excited about seeing the "tulip trees" of Ohio.

The condor-sized "owl" picking up a white dog is also a link to the Tintin book Prisoners of the Sun, in which Tintin's white dog Snowy (Milou) is carried away by a condor but later rescued unharmed.


Ra1119bee said...


Excellent connection of the puzzle pieces!!

paper bowl = B-owl?
I didn't see that one.

But what's the odds, that you would randomly see a white cup with the drawing
of a shifting eyes owl in the recycling bin?

And yes I agree with you about the March 2019 cover of Time with Shultz holding
a white cup with the original Siren logo, which that yoni logo has been very controversial for Starbucks.

If nothing else, you'd have to wonder WHY the illustrator would even draw it?
How many people would even notice it? And if the illustrator's intention was
to help the viewer immediately 'recognize ' Shultz ( by the Starbucks cup) I would
think the Green Logo would be more recognizable to Gen X and Gen Y.

I didn't notice the old logo until you posted the enlarged image, and right away
I thought: Hmmmm... that's odd... that's the old Siren logo.

I am 99 percent convinced that the hidden message of that Time Cover illustration was/is one of Harris being the Siren, a Siren being a device that is used to provide an emergency *****warning or urgency alert to the general population of approaching danger*******,
and/or dramatic change, which I personally believe we are on the precipice of.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I’ve just remembered a fourth dream vignette, in which I was exploring an old abandoned building and found in it a very large wooden rosary. Each bead was the size of a golf ball and had a single word engraved on it. I believe the words were those of the Lord’s Prayer. I found that the cross on the rosary was also a key which fit the lock of one of the doors in the old building. I left the rosary hanging from the keyhole, but an old priest came and told me not to, saying a key has no purpose if you just leave it in the keyhole.

Lot’s of symbolism there!

Ra1119bee said...


You wrote;

In the second vignette, I was with my parents and siblings. We were outdoors somewhere admiring a tall "tulip tree" -- not the familiar American Liriodendron, but simply a red tulip flower scaled up to the dimensions of a coconut palm. It had no leaves, just a long green stem with an enormous red flower at the top; the overall effect really was palm-like. Not far from this tree, I found a stump where another such tree had been cut down, and it was wide enough for a person to sit on it.

My response:

I don't know if you heard about a recent episode of a young man (Cory Patterson) who worked for an airport in Tupelo Mississippi. Cory stole an aircraft, a Beechcraft King Air C90, took it for joy ride, was in communications with air traffic control and in his communication he indicated that he was committing suicide, and that he had plans to crash the aircraft in a Tupelo Walmart, which of course is a terrorist threat.

The Walmart, and business and residents near the Tupelo Walmart were told to evacuate..

After several hours of an erratic circling , Air traffic Control, finally talked
Cory into landing and he landed the aircraft in a cornfield. No one was hurt. Cory was taken into custody.

What's interesting is that there has been a whole lot of Aviation events happening lately.

After finding on youtube this past summer, the 1972 song Tupelo Honey by Van Morrison (see link) this recent episode of Cory stealing an aircraft with plans to crash it in the Tupelo Walmart, drew my attention, because I've always had a fascination with anything having to do with Aviation.

Also a lot of the comments on several 'Black YouTube channels' have commented that if
Cory 'was one of us'(meaning Black People), Cory would have been taken down while still
in the air.

I did a bit of research on Tupelo Mississippi and found this interesting information on Wiki:
The genus name Nyssa refers to a Greek water nymph.[8] The name tupelo, the common name used for Nyssa, is of Native American origin, coming from the Creek words ito 'tree' and opilwa 'swamp'; it was in use by the mid-18th century.[9]

This tree should not be confused with the tulip poplar, Liriodendron sp.

The city of Tupelo, Mississippi, is named for this tree.

Also: Tupelos of the species Nyssa ogeche are valued as honey plants in the southeastern United States, particularly in the Gulf Coast region.

Also :Nyssa aquatica, commonly called the water tupelo, cottongum, wild olive, large tupelo, tupelo-gum, or water-gum, is a large, long-lived tree in the tupelo genus (Nyssa) that grows in swamps and floodplains in the Southeastern United States.

Nyssa aquatica trunks have a *****swollen base****** that tapers up to a long, clear bole, and its root system is periodically under water.

When I read the information about the swollen base of the Tupelo I thought of your
dream about the wideness of the tulip tree stump.

Also the Nyssa sylvatica, commonly known as tupelo, ****black tupelo****, black gum or sour gum, foliage turns purple in autumn, eventually becoming an intense
******Bright Scarlet*****.

Yet another RED symbolism?

Also, and last but not least: Tupelo Mississippi is on the 33rd degree parallel.

Tupelo Honey Song Van Morrison


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I had seen a few headlines about someone threatening to crash a plane into a Walmart, but I didn’t click on them and didn’t know the name of the city where it happened. That’s weird how Wikipedia makes a point of saying it’s not a Liriodendron, just as I did.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

“Tupelo Honey” has a line, “She’s an angel of the first degree.” This syncs with my dream about a girl named after the archangel Gabriel.

Ra1119bee said...


What's interesting about Cory's landing the aircraft in the cornfield also drew my attention to a recent incident that happened here in Wilmington Ohio on Aug 11, which happens to be Marshall's birthday.

Here's copy and paste to what happened:
" An armed man who attempted to breach the Cincinnati FBI building in Sycamore Township on Thursday was shot and killed by police after a chase and a prolonged standoff, according to the Ohio State Highway Patrol.

The man was identified to the Associated Press and others as Richard W. Shiffer.

Law enforcement officials told the AP he was believed to have been present at the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6 last year

Around 9 a.m., a man wearing body armor attempted to breach FBI Cincinnati's visitor screening facility. After an alarm and response by special agents, the man fled north on Interstate 71.

What happened next, which for some reason is not detailed in this article, but you can find the information online is this:

Shiffer drove North from Cincy on I-71 with law enforcement in pursuit. He took the State Rt.73 exit ( which runs east/west ), and turned right towards Wilmington, Ohio.
Wilmington is in Clinton County.

Marshall and my house is on Rt.73 as is the Serpent Mound, but the Serpent Mound is 40 or so miles Southeast in Adams County.

The suspect then turned heading north on Smith Road, which Smith Road is a very rural road with mostly farmland. We live about a mile or so from Smith Road. It was on Smith Road where the suspect exited the car and ran through the cornfield and he was shot and killed after a standoff with police.

Here are a few of the 'oddites' of this incident. First of all, Marshall had plans to meet
with his sister for birthday dinner, but everybody in this area were locked down and the roads blocked.

Secondly the FBI office in Kenwood is in SYCAMORE Township which I found that interesting given the recent sycamore syncs on your blog.

Also I thought it odd that Shiffer just randomly turned on Rt.73 although I don't know
if he had ties to this area or not.

Another oddity: The State Patrol car that blocked access to St.Rt. 73 during the lockdown, license plate number was 11:11, as" "coincidently" was the License plate number of the Dodge Challenger Car (driven by a man from Ohio ) that struck and killed the woman in the Alt-Right March in Charlottesville, Va, which
'coincidently' the Unite the Right March was Aug 11-22 2017.

Shiffer, who was 42, has been reported as being a part of the Alt-Right.

My theory and connecting the dots are this:
I think these ' corn incidents' may be some type of ritual, perhaps
symbolic of The Green Man.
Maybe Shiffer's role was to be The Long Man of Wilmington.
Interestingly there is a small 8 acre Mound North of the city of Wilmington called the Keiter Mound on McKay Road. McKay Rd is only 7 miles north of Smith Rd.

Also interestingly, there is an ideology called the Lionsgate 88 portal which Aug 8 is said
to be a significant date. (factor in the Law of the Three from Aug 11 )

Everything is connected, no ?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

The "owls" that end up looking more like Chinese phoenixes remind me of Barry Maddock's dream (recounted in Whitley Strieber's Transformation) of an owl that transformed into a "bird of paradise."

Ra1119bee said...


I just read and responded to your comment on your previous post "Who's on the March 4, 2019, Time cover?"

You wrote; The cup on her head makes me think of Serapis.
My response to your comment about Serapis:
As mentioned in my response to you on the previous post, I did not have knowledge
of Serapis, but the little research I have done today,
I find this information interesting:

"Serapis was depicted as a man with an elaborate Greek hairstyle wearing Greek style robes and a full beard. He often wears a corn modius or sheaf on his head. Less often, he is depicted as a serpent in recognition of his connection with the underworld and fertility.

What stood out to me is the Corn basket connection, which the cornucopia would be symbolic of abundance/ fertility.

Also I found it odd that in the Time Cover illustration, Biden appears to be covering his ears, which ears also has a corn connection.
In many social Media memes Biden is referred to as: Corn Pop.

Interesting this copy and paste ( link below )
"The ears of corn are called not because they are related to ears (hearing organs), but because of linguistics, more specifically a special case of homonyms in English, which developed into homonyms.

“Ear” comes from the ancient word “ahs”, which means “corn husk”. In English, ears are sometimes called “cobs” or “stalks.” Ears are the spike-like parts of corn kernels that contain ears.

Of all the cereals eaten in the world, corn may be surrounded by more than any other legend and folklore. Corn has been grown, nurtured, harvested, and consumed for thousands of years, so it is no wonder that there are myths about the magical properties of this grain."

In the Tupelo Honey song( which has a Bee connection, as does
the Tupelo Tree having a Bee connection ) I find this part of the lyrics interesting
especially the reference to: Men in Granite.

Granite being a coarse-grained (phaneritic) intrusive igneous rock composed mostly of *****quartz***** alkali feldspar, and plagioclase.

The quartz crystal connection was interesting considering my Hale Bopp dream and the milky crystal in the white Styrofoam cup.

Heres' the lyrics:
You can't stop us on the road to freedom
You can't keep us 'cause our eyes can see
Men with insight, men in granite
Knights in armor bent on chivalry

In the youtube vid ( link below ) about Corn Pop Biden, listen to Colbert's
reference( at marker/frame starting at 2:08 ) to a Rust Belt and also Biden's
speech referencing the word Rusty.
Rust is the Reddening on Iron.

As mentioned I believe we are shifting ages from the Industrial (IRON)
Age to the Silicon (Information) Age.

Hidden in plain sight.

Biden and Corn Pop

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Corn Pop was mad at Biden because Biden called him "Esther Williams." A few years back, there was a move to boycott Starbucks in Arab countries because they thought the siren figure represented the Jewish Queen Esther.

Ra1119bee said...



Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

By the way, my favorite "Corn Pop was a bad dude" joke:

Ra1119bee said...


I'm sure you know this, but I thought it interesting a possible connection to your 'owl/Chinese Phoenix bird.

The asterixis are mine.

Rubedo is a Latin word meaning "redness" that was adopted by alchemists to define the fourth and final major stage in their magnum opus.[1] Both gold and the philosopher's stone were associated with the color red, as rubedo signaled alchemical success, and the end of the great work.[2] Rubedo is also known by the Greek word iosis.

The three alchemical stages preceding rubedo were nigredo (blackness), which represented putrefaction and spiritual death; albedo (whiteness), which represented purification; and citrinitas (yellowness), the solar dawn or awakening.[3] Some sources describe the alchemical process as three-phased with citrinitas serving as mere extension and takes place between albedo and rubedo.[4] The rubedo stage entails the attempt of the alchemist to integrate the psychospiritual outcomes of the process into a coherent sense of self before its re-entry to the world.[5] The stage can take some time or years to complete due to the required synthesis and substantiation of insights and experiences.[5]

****The symbols used in alchemical writing and art to represent this********* red stage can include blood, A PHOENIX, a rose, a crowned king, or a figure wearing red clothes********

Countless sources mention a reddening process; the seventeenth dictum of the 12th century Turba Philosophorum is one example:

O Turba of Philosophers and disciples, now hast thou spoken about making into white, but it yet remains to treat concerning the reddening! Know, all ye seekers after this Art, that unless ye whiten, ye cannot make red, because the two natures are nothing other than red and white. Whiten, therefore, the red, and redden the white!

Phoenix Arizona is on the 33rd degree Parallel, by the way.

Ra1119bee said...


( Sorry for all of these posts, but I think I have another interesting connection
to the information you linked from Whitley Strieber's blog about the Bird of Paradise.

Here is the passage I'm referring to below.
I added asterisks to indicate the connection to recent synchronicities.

"The next morning Barry had what he said was an extremely strange feeling.

******* He seemed "loose" in his body.***** He was also suffering from "missing time" in that he could remember getting up and going into the living room, then having the vivid dream.

When I read that part of the post, I thought: Hmmm, that's odd.

What's odd is that when I went through my dream archives several weeks ago, looking for the Cupid of Cups dream, I pulled several dreams that I hadn't read for a while.

The dream Serpent Holes was one of them and if you recall in that dream was reference to the number 132 which sparked the Locust Grove and the Nebra Sky Disk find, as the number 132 connected with the pendant that my father gave me in a previous dream that I had just a few days prior.

Anywho, I had pulled several dreams to look over and I put them all in a big stack to read later. For some odd reason a dream which I had on March 4, 2004,
that I titled: Body Loose was on TOP on the stack, on my desk in my computer room.
Interesting March 4 was the date of the Time cover.
Different years of course.

Also, and interestingly my Body Loose dream references to Crows and Windows.
As I shared in my various comments here on your blog, I've had a lot of dreams
of Crows, Windows and Doors and Gates.

Of course, Levitation (which is a Siddhis Power) has been a recurring topic
in my dreams since I was 10 years old.

Here's the dream:

Body Loose
March 4, 2004

I recall that a little girl ( she was White) was in my arms and I was levitating inside of a house. The floor was covered with beautiful blue water. I recall sticking my toe in the water.

The house was huge and reminded me of a labyrinth. It had all sorts of twists and turns. I remember that I levitated up to a wall and there were ***two doors*** to choose from in which to enter.

I could see *****a window in front of each of the doors to perhaps give me some ideal what was in each room.******

I saw some sort of large black crow in the window of one of the rooms ( the room was to the right of me ) and I partly opened that door to enter.

On the left side I could see a middle aged White Man in the window. He was at a desk with a lot of papers scattered about.
I remember that it was the door that I decided to enter. I recall that I still had the little girl with me.

In that room was a set of stairs and at the top of the stairs a crowd of White people singing as if they were at some type of party. I heard them singing the words, something about " Body Loose" and it was if they were saying that if I wanted to go any further , I had to make my body loose.

I woke up

How bizarre is that???!!

IMO, There is no such thing as time.
Everything is hidden in plain sight.

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add, I also have a lot of dreams with animals in the dreams as well, especially
canines which of course serve as guides symbolic of the bright Star of the Canis Major

I'm sure you know (from the Tarot ) that K9's(119) are an integral part of the Fool's Journey.
Toto in the Wizard of Oz being one of the most iconic guide, especially in the 20th century.

WanderingGondola said...

Meant to comment on this a while ago... Will leave the fourth vignette for later.

The first vignette brought to mind the metaphor of the ivory tower, in the non-academic sense. Beyond being the name of a chatroom I used to frequent, the term was first used in Song of Solomon. Curiously, that Wikipedia page links to "Gates of horn and ivory", a symbol based on discerning true and false dreams. (While I'm thinking of it, Lily blew me away. Are you aware Kate Bush also did songs about Saint Joan and Song of Solomon?

It came to me that by slightly changing the first four letter of Liriodendron, one can make lili -- or rirī, as how it might be spelled in Japanese Romaji, though it seems yuri is their native word for the flower.

Quite amusing you'd said that about the owls from within your dream! When I think of phoenixes, I consider that in destruction lies the seed of rebirth.

Even before Debbie brought up the Cory Patterson incident, I'd associated it with the "Sky King", Richard Russell, who was the only fatality after crashing his stolen plane. Interestingly it happened on August 10, 2018, and blew up on 4chan the next day, so there's another August 11 (have been seeing a lot of 11s lately). Of course, I wasn't the only one to connect the two events.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


I knew "Song of Solomon" but had never heard "Joanni."

The first morpheme in Liriodendron is from Greek leirion, which means "lily" and is related to our English word.

"Sky King" reminds me of Nostradamus's "Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d’effraieur" ("From the sky will come a great king of terror") -- in a quatrain interpreted by my uncle as containing a hidden reference to the date September 2001.

Do you remember Frank Eugene Corder, who stole an airplane on September 11, 1994, and crashed it on the White House lawn?

WanderingGondola said...

Hah, the more you know! Your linguistics knowledge is admirable; I'm just half-decent at writing. :)

Man, prophecies and the like always give me a slight (ch/thr)ill. Coincidentally, another Nostradamus quatrain (mid-right and bottom-left) has been floating around just lately. I managed to find a copy of the book online, can send a link if you like; being written in 2006, it was fun to see where the author hit and missed the mark. I doubt his fairly strict year-by-year approach is correct, as some of the later quatrains and interpretations seem more relevant for the current time... but who can say for sure?

I was a bit young to hear about that one at the time. Interesting to see what other events have happened on that date over the years... And a while ago, I stumbled on a very interesting theory regarding Jesus. Some big implications if true.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


That last link, which argues from various lines of evidence that Jesus was born on September 11, 3 BC, is very interesting. The date on the Jewish calendar would be Tishrei 1, and Tishrei is the seventh month of the ecclesiastical calendar.

My uncle's interepretation of Centuries 10.72 as a reference to 9/11 is also based on the "seventh month" being September. Nostradamus gives the date as l'an 1999 sept mois -- which is literally "seven months" and is generally interpreted as "the seventh month" (le septième mois), but which also suggests le mois de septembre. If sept mois refers to September, the ninth month (7 + 2), then perhaps 1999 refers to 2001 (199 + 2), which gives us the month of 9/11.

Mighty in Writing

My last post, " Alex Schwarz and Arnold Strong ," ended with the tentative conclusion that I needed to investigate the wife of Arn...