Friday, June 28, 2024

Gryphon + Mock Turtle = Cherubim

Mock turtle soup is traditionally made with a calf's head, and so the Mock Turtle in Alice is portrayed as a turtle with the head, tail, and back hooves of a calf. Its companion, the Gryphon, is of course part lion and part eagle.

This comes very close to matching the four component creatures of the Cherubim. According to Ezekiel, the Cherubim had the faces of a man, a lion, an ox and an eagle. In John’s adaptation of this imagery in Revelation, the ox actually becomes a calf. In the Gryphon and the Mock Turtle, we have these same four -- except that the man is replaced with a turtle.This substitution is astrologically justified. The four creatures of the Cherubim represent the fixed signs of the zodiac -- Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, and Scorpio -- but the scorpion is replaced by the nearby constellation of Aquila, the Eagle. The man stands for Aquarius, and in Chinese astrology Aquarius belongs to the Black Tortoise. Thus, the turtle can stand in for Aquarius.

According to Ezekiel, the Cherubim had feet like "a calf's foot" and "the hands of a man." This maps perfectly to the Mock Turtle, whose "feet" are calf's hooves and whose "hands" are the flippers of a turtle (corresponding to Aquarius and thus to the man).

In Ezekiel, each Cherub looks the same, and each is a combination of all four creatures. In Revelation, there are four different Cherubim, each corresponding to only one of the four creatures. Lewis Carroll is intermediate between the two, having two different Cherubim, each combining two of the four creatures.

The World card of the Tarot follow's John's schema, with four distinct Cherubim, but notice how perfectly it corresponds to the illustration from Alice above: On the left, Aquarius and Taurus (the Mock Turtle); on the right, Scorpio and Leo (the Gryphon); in the center, a human female with her body turned toward the Gryphon but her face turned toward the Mock Turtle.

Just as the Eagle is above the Lion on the World card, the eagle parts of the Gryphon are above the lion parts. The Mock Turtle has calf parts at both the top and the bottom, with the turtle parts in the middle, so it doesn't map quite so perfectly.


Ra1119bee said...


Perhaps my comment here may appear to be a bit off topic to this particular post,
but please bear with me as you will see it will connect.

First of all, my recent comments about the open levitation book in your:
The horrible hairy homeward-hurrying hogs of Hieronymus post, and
my surprise as to why you didn't catch that huge puzzle piece or comment about
it as I have commented about my levitation dreams
many times in the past, and your responded to me this :

"I included the Levitation book in the photo just for you, Debbie! I don’t have much to say about it myself, though. Levitation is your gig, not mine."

My response is this:
Levitation is about air energy, William. The Ability to see way way beyond the illusion.
In this Gryphon post, you make reference to Aquarius.

Aquarius is AN AIR SIGN. Aquarius is a visionary especially in technology.
Aquarius sigil is two wavy lines. Those wavy lines are not water, they are
air/EL-LECTRIC waves.

My birthdate Feb 19 1955 is actually on the cusp of Pisces and Aquarius and I have
a Mercury in Aquarius placement in my natal chart.
Steve Jobs birthdate Feb 24, 1955, had a Mercury in Aquarius placement as well..

I do understand that levitation may not be your gig, but Air energy
is EXTREMELY imperative especially in the pursuit of understanding the Why
and the Big Picture of the Sacred Knowledge.
Not only levitation, but telepathy is 'air energy' as is remote viewing,
as are dreams.

I just wanted to extrapolate a bit on my previous comment regarding
The Time Machine movie clip and in particular about this:

copy and paste from wiki:
"Pliny the Elder wrote that cranes would appoint one of their number
to stand guard while they slept. The sentry would hold a stone in its claw,
so that if it fell asleep, it would drop the stone and waken."

A crane holding a stone in its claw is a well-known symbol in heraldry, and is known as a crane in its vigilance. Notably, however, the crest of Clan Cranstoun depicts a sleeping crane still in vigilance and holding the rock in its raised claw

I think this from Pliny the Elder mirrors
my comments about 'dropping the Weight i.e. the Stone/rock, so as to awake.
Recall my many comments about The Weight and humanity's great fall.

This Great Reset aka Great Upheaval, aka The Shifting of Ages
that humanity is on the precipice of now,
ain't humanity's first rodeo.

We've been here before and I think The Time Machine movie makes that
point as well.

Our gig or not, Everything is connected.

H.G Wells Time Machine -- Moving through Time

The Weight- The Band (note the album cover and the group (The Band)
sitting with their 'Fannys' facing us (i.e. the viewer).
Ain't riddles fun?

Ra1119bee said...


I just wanted to add just a couple more thoughts to my previous
post about levitation and air energy.
As we all know, seeing from the perspective of 'air' means we can see
in a 360 degree angle.
As I commented before I personally believe that knowledge is best sourced
from a vast spectrum (360 degrees ) of ideologies,
( the good , the bad and the ugly ).

Traveling on one track (as in a train) is pretty much limited
to one destination.

I believe that acquiring a vast spectrum of knowledge
is how humanity progress.

Also speaking of levitation, isn't the Rapture a levitation event?

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...