Saturday, June 29, 2024

Zinc Zeppelin

Zinc Zeppelin? Okay, I guess, but I prefer a heavier sound.

In "The horrible hairy homeward-hurrying hogs of Hieronymus," zebras are juxtaposed with the Hog Knight and his banner, and I therefore connected them with the zebra-striped flag of Brittany. Conceptually, the Hog  -- associated by way of pun with the biblical Ham -- was bearing the black and white banner of Brittany.

Although the pun has the tribe of Ham being bred and mustered in Arabia -- thus accounting for the sandwiches there -- the more conventional understanding is, as Debbie has repeatedly pointed out, that the descendants of Ham are the Black peoples of Africa. In the Z picture, the Zeppelins are labeled with the names of African countries -- Zanzibar, Zambia, Zaire, and Zimbabwe -- and one of them bears a man whose distinctive Nguni shield marks him as a Zulu warrior from southern Africa. So here, too, we have the tribe of Ham bearing aloft the colors of Brittany.

We can see a total of six airships, each with a zebra -- corresponding to the Nautical Newts, six of which are in a boat.The Newts are from Northman Land -- i.e., from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun where the hot springs flow. With the zebras we perhaps have yet another representation of this immigration -- only in metal zeppelins this time:

In other representations, the immigrants from Northman Land have brought sacred writings -- represented as the book Lassie Come Home and the newspaper The Northern Star. Elsewhere, a future scripture has been represented as a "round book" engraved on a metal disc, possibly brass. In the vision recounted in "Étude brute?" there is a holy book called the Cherubim, guarded by two Bulls. In "Lassie Come Home," I discussed how the Cherubim represent the 12 Tribes of Israel and the 12 signs of the zodiac, so the Cherubim (the book) would represent the combined scriptures of the 12 tribes. Near the prow of the Zanzibar zeppelin is this:

That's the zodiac -- the 12 signs depicted together in the form of a disc-shaped diagram engraved on zinc (of which brass is an alloy), and right next to it two zebu bulls. In the vision, I first saw the two Bulls inside an egg-shaped cavern, and then one of them led me into a second cavern where the Cherubim book was. On the Zeppelin, the two zebu bulls are in an oval frame, and one of them is facing the second frame which has the zodiac.


Ra1119bee said...


And speaking of bees, endings (as in falling down) and mad bulls
check this out:

The Zebra in this illustration has Bee Colors.
(recall my recent comments about the H.G. Wells' movie
The Time Machine and the YELLOW and black bee colors on the time machine's

Z is also the last letter in the alphabet.
Jeff Bezo's Amazon logo somewhat looks a curved 'phallus'--- From A to Z

copy and paste form wiki;

The letter Z was borrowed from the Greek Zeta, most likely to represent the sound /t͡s/. At c. 300 BC, Appius Claudius Caecus, the Roman censor, removed the letter Z from the alphabet[examples needed] , allegedly due to his distaste for the letter, in that it
"looked like the tongue of a corpse.

A corpse certainly qualifies for ' the end', no?

And speaking of The END: when looked at from a "different perspective"
the letter Z becomes the letter N which of course phonically the letter N
sounds like the word END.

Everything is about perspective.

Also in the illustration there is a dark skin man ( Nigredo)
wearing a yellow and black shirt.
In Alchemy the Nigredo is the first step in the alchemical transformation,
which the final step of alchemy is the Philosopher's Stone.
Another nod to the 'stone' syncs?

And last but not least regarding the Zebras, the Zebras
are traveling in a Zeppelin type aircraft.
A Zeppelin ascends (Levitates!) as opposed to 'taking off like an aircraft
with wings.

Also, while it could be argued that in the illustration
the 'Zeppelin's are moving 'upward' (symbolic of 'good times and optimism),
however the Zebras are looking DOWN.

And speaking of mad bulls and zigzags :

copy and paste from elliottwave:
"A single zigzag in a bull market is a simple three-wave ""declining"" pattern
labeled..... A-B-C."

I found it interesting that in the illustration, the letters on
the first Zebra's 'Zeppelin' bears the letters Z- A B C.

And last but not least about the Mad Bull, recall my recent comments
about the Rolling Stones song Gimme Shelter:

Ooh, see the fire is sweepin’
Our streets today
Burns like a red coal carpet
Mad bull lost its way

The Bull is symbolic of commerce, WALL(as in stone) Street
and the USA.

So, and begs the question, is the American Empire losing its way?

It sure looks like it to me, and I believe,
it was all by design from the very beginning of its conception.

America was an alchemical experiment : E Pluribus Unum.

I also found this sentence interesting in the song Gimme Shelter:
"burns like a red coal carpet"

copy and paste"
"Burning coals in the Bible also symbolize judgment (Psalm 140:10) and spiritual purification (Isaiah 6:6; Leviticus 16:12). God is compared often to fire
(Deuteronomy 4:24; Hebrews 12:9) and is described in terms that relate
to fire’s heat, brightness, and power (Exodus 24:17;

Ra1119bee said...


Part 2


Also, you wrote:

.."the more conventional understanding is, as Debbie has repeatedly pointed out, that the descendants of Ham are the Black peoples of Africa."

My response: William, I do Not recall ever saying that Black people are the descendants
of Ham. And while that may OR may not be true, I certainly DO NOT BELIEVE, that
there is a Curse of Ham on Black people.

As stated many times, I believe that the Curse of Ham and his descendants
scripture in the Old Testament was a contrived
interpretation used by the Ruling Class
to appease and justify the evils of chattel slavery.

Everything on this duality planet is based on Sex, Power and Money,
and that is especially true of chattel slavery.

Keep in mind, it was forbidden for the slaves to read, and that includes
the Baptist Black Preachers as well. Plus the Bible is written
in symbolism and code. Do you really think a slave in the pulpit' on Sundays
would know how to 'interpret code?

Even to this very day, there are a gazillion different
interpretations and beliefs especially where it concerns Religious Doctrines
and truth be told, the Victor always writes the history,
which that history may OR may not be true.

The Planter ruling class were the Elites( and many of them were Deists
and Alchemists) and they told the Black Preachers what to preach in the pulpit
so as to manipulate and maintain a permanent cheap labor source which
a cheap labor source and a peonage system
is imperative in the building of empires.

Everything in this duality dimension (Earth)
is about Sex, Power and Money.

Ra1119bee said...


Sorry, I wrote this:

"A single zigzag in a bull market is a simple three-wave ""declining"" pattern
labeled..... A-B-C."

I found it interesting that in the illustration, the letters on
the first Zebra's 'Zeppelin' bears the letters Z- A B C.

I meant to write that in the illustration the numbers on the first Zeppelin
are 123, and of course the corresponding letters for 123 are A B C.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, I didn’t mean to imply that you agreed with the once-common view of Ham as the ancestor of Blacks, just that you had brought up the fact that it was once a common belief.

The Bible describes Ham as the ancestor of various Middle Eastern and North African (not Black) peoples. And the one who is cursed is not Ham but his son Canaan, who is obviously intended to be the ancestor not of the Blacks but of the Canaanites or Phoenicians(light-skinned peoples we would today consider “Semitic”).

In terms of sync and symbolism, though, the old idea of Black “sons of Ham” remains relevant.

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...