Saturday, June 1, 2024

Joan: Look out the window. Come over to the window.

In his latest post, "Spelling Bee, Abseil, and Waiting for a Star to Fall," William Wright revisits his son's math homework in which he had to solve an anagram for "a spelling bee." He notes that the Scripps National Spelling Bee final coincided with Joan of Arc's feast day this year, and he also finds the Elvish word for "bow" (the weapon) hidden in the homework assignment. I left a comment pointing out that the French for "bow" is arc.

A few hours after reading that post, I taught a student who is working on improving his pronunciation. We use a book where each unit focuses on a particular sound and includes dialogues that use that sound a lot. Today's lesson was brought to you by the letter O -- or, rather, the phoneme /o/, the "long o" sound. You know what name includes that sound? Here's the dialogue from the book:

Joan woke up a few minutes ago, but Joe is still sleeping.

Joan: Joe! Joe! JOE! Hello!?

Joe: (groans) Oh, no. What's the problem?

Joan: Look out the window.

Joe: No. My eyes are closed, and I'm going back to sleep.

Joan: Don't go to sleep now, Joe. Come look at the snow.

Joe: Snow? It's only October. I know there's no snow. Leave me alone.

Joan: Come over to the window.

Joe: Stop joking, Joan. There's no snow.

Joan: OK, I'll show you. I'm going to put on my coat and go out and make a snowball and throw it at you! Then you'll open your eyes!

(If the first line of that dialogue made you think of the Garden of Eden, you might be a Mormon.)

The way Joan keeps trying to get Joe to go to the window made me think of a scene from the Beatles movie Help!, so I looked it up:

I haven't watched that movie since I was a kid, and I had forgotten that the scene also includes a bow. The Leo McKern character is trying to hypnotize Ringo (Japanese for "apple"; his real name, Richard Starkey, is also interesting) into approaching the window so that they can shoot him with an arrow that has a balloon full of red paint attached to it.

Joan's line "I'm going to put on my coat" also caught my eye, since the immediate context is William's blog, which is called Coat of Skins -- referring to the physical body. "I'm going to put on my coat" could mean something like "I'm going to assume physical form."

The baddies in Help! want to hit Ringo with red paint. Joan threatens to hit Joe with a snowball. Snow and red dye are connected in a famous passage in Isaiah: "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."

Later, I thought I should go through all my 50-some posts tagged "Joan of Arc," but I got sidetracked by this one: "The Stadium Arcadium covers." There's lots of Eden symbolism there -- the bitten apple, the four rivers -- but what really caught my eye was this:

Here, Joan's coat of arms is juxtaposed with the words snow and arc ("bow"), and with two red swords (though Joan's own is white). Red weapons sync with the red-paint arrow in Help! and also with my comments in "Humpty Dumpty sat on the counter" about stained swords becoming bright as a symbol of repentance and redemption.


William Wright (WW) said...

A snowball can also be compared to relevant things in this developing story:

First, the white fruit of the tree. Nephi said that the whiteness of that fruit did "exceed the whiteness of the driven snow."

Second, the ball or stone that resembles the Moon. The Ithil Stone.

In my story, it is Eowyn who leaves this earth (i.e., goes outside) to go make a snowball, or rather place stories upon the Ithil Stone, so assemble or 'make' it in that fashion.

This will be conveyed back to "Joe", short for Joseph. The Seer who Joseph saw who will also be 'named' after him, and I've covered this a bit over on my blog. So, Joe works well here.

I think you are close on the coat, but not quite. Eowyn already had a physical form, but she put on another coat. Think temple symbolism here and how in the endowment we start out in our garment meant to resemble the coat of skins (which is my blog title, as you note). As one ascends from the Telestial Kingdom to the Celestial, robes are placed over the coat of skins.

So, my guess is the coat represents that robe. As Eowyn ascended to Heaven in her current body with her Ithil Stone to go collect some stories, she would have needed to put it on.

The Ithil Stone (with the stories on it) are 'thrown' at Joe through the window, in order to wake him up, which is also one of the primary themes over on my blog: The need to wake up, and the use of the stories Eowyn has collected on her Stone to do it.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Good interpretation. After the dialogue, there are a series of false sentences, also heavy on long-o words, which the student is supposed to correct based on the dialogue. One of these is, “Joan is going to put on her robe,” meant to elicit the correction, “No, she’s going to put on her coat.”

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I suppose the recent emphasis on Joan’s “coat” of arms is also relevant.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1

Speaking of BEEtles:

My sister and I were HUGE Beatle fans back in the day.
We saw Help when it was first released (and a gazillion times
throughout the years) which Help just happen to be released Aug 11, 1965.

Interestingly enough
according to the Old Farmer's almanac, the Dog Days of Summer
is July 3 through August 11. Here comes the sun? Why so Sirius?
Or course the Perseids are around
that time as well.
The months of July and August, especially Aug 4, 9, 11th
have personal significance in my life.

Ringo, the protagonist in the movie Help, is symbolic of Saturn.
Not surprisingly that the ring which was coveted in the movie Help
was a RUBY. Richard Starkey is a Zodiac Cancer which Cancer's gemstone
is a Ruby. Refer back to the Dog Days of Summer (why so Sirius?)

The locations where Help was filmed were quite interesting as the Bahamas
are located on the 77th Meridian West, which I shared my perspective on
the significance of John Dee and the British Empire's 77th Merdian West,
many times.

I'm sure you are aware of the BEEtles connection to the esoteric, especially
John Lennon, the Dakota and the number 9.

And speaking of the esoteric, bees and the fleur de lis, check
out the photo of the Beatles wearing the Fleur de lis.(link below)

Another interesting location in the movie Help was the Alps. Interesting location
near Switzerland no?

And speaking of Switzerland, ( the Home of CERN and the Octagon
( 8 Point Star aka The Union Jack) did you know that the original
working title for Help was to be : Eight Arms to Hold You?
Which takes us back to my recent comments on WW's blog about Spectre, no?

Interesting the barber pole red and white scarfs worn by the Fab 4
in photo promotions of Help. (see link)
Red(Rosy) Cross? Isn't Switzerland's colors red and white?

The phone booth scene in Help was interesting indeed which
as we all know Britian's red phone booths are quite iconic.

Interesting how our Phones have transformed us ( humanity )
and in such a short span of time, and I believe the phone is
and perhaps always has been a conduit to humanity's final frontier: transhumanism.
The PHONEx is the Phoenix.
X is Osiris rising.

If you saw my recent comment on WW's post where I linked the video of Donald Trump
and the Time magazine covers, check out the March 20, 2017 Time cover with Trump
standing by Osiris's pole/penis ( the Washington Monument).Begs the question
why is it broken? and more importantly is the photo insinuating
Who is going to put humpty back together again?

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2

It was during the filming of Help that George Harrison began his spiritual quest
and changed his religious beliefs towards Hinduism.
George Harrison was also a Pisces, so I'm not surprise that spirituality
played a very important part in his life.

Regarding Joan of Arc's coat. Isn't a coat symbolic of a particular role that we play
in our lifetime much like a uniform 'changes' us.
I'm sure you've heard the saying that someone wears many hats,
which means he/she has many jobs or roles.

A coat also serves as the soul's Armour for the physical body.

About 4 or so months before my mother passed over (Aug 4, 2002) she told me
that she had seen a man with a black cape walk inside of her apartment
and went into the bathroom.

My mother's senior's living apartment was inside a 3-story building and the only window
in the apartments were in the living room.
There was not a window or door to the outside of the apartment from the bathroom
which is the reason I asked my mother: A man walked into your bathroom??!!
Did he come out?
She responded no and I asked her; Where did he go?
She didn't respond.

Do note that my mother, although not in the best of health, was only 68 when she
She was not senile nor was she taking any medications that would cause her
to hallucinate.
I absolutely believe that the man in the black cloak was the reaper.
My mother passed over only a few months after seeing the man in the black
I also had a dream in June of 2002 which was very symbolic
of my mother's passing which I shared
with her at the time.

And lastly getting back to the movie Help check out the article below as to
why The Beatles paid tribute to Elias Howe at the ending of Help.
Interestingly Howe's story connects back to WW's recent post about Spears,
and my comment and perspective regarding
connections to Spectre/staff/wand/rod/spear... and swords.

And last but not least. Released on July 19th 1965,
the B (Bee?)- side of the 45 record (single) of Help
(but wasn't part of the movie score)
was a song titled; I'M DOWN.

Do recall all of my Falling Down comments.

I believe that everything that we need to know while we're here in this duality
dimension, has already been
known and shown because everything is connected.

Fleur de lis

I'm Down (Remastered 2009)

Trump beside Osiris' broken pole

The Beatles Help UK vs USA Album ( starting at marker 4:45-4:50) note the red
and white barber pole scarf the Beatles are wearing. This photo shows what was inside
of the US version of the Help album, which is of course is the album that I had )

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Interesting links, Debbie. I see that “I’m Down” was recorded on Trump’s birthday.

Ra1119bee said...


Just a coincidence ;-))))

Ra1119bee said...


Another interesting Help Easter egg, check out Ringo's
'Hand sign' on Help's album cover.

Looks familiar?!

The Heart Sutra, Dinderblob/Darkinbad, and Zion

Rambling sync-posts are back! I woke up Saturday morning with the name Dinderblob  in my head for no apparent reason, perhaps the echo of a ...