Thursday, June 27, 2024

Nautical Newts

At this rate I'm going to go through the whole freaking alphabet.

A newt is a kind of salamander. Although the picture is captioned "Nine Nautical Newts Navigating Near Norway," there are only six newts in the boat. The remaining three are in the water and are only partially visible. This immediately made me think of the Knight of Wands, recently discussed in "More on Joan and Claire." The Knight's outer garment is printed with salamanders -- six full salamanders plus a few partially visible ones.

The newts are navigating the open sea, while the Knight and his salamanders are traveling through the deserts of Egypt. That's a pretty big discrepancy, but as it happens, I just mentioned in a comment on "The horrible hairy homeward-hurrying hogs of Hieronymus" that "Egypt was also underwater when it was discovered" according to the Book of Abraham. This was following a train of thought started by the fact that the Hog Knight on the cover of Animalia is accompanied by an ostrich, which had made me think of a passage from The Satanic Verses related to the Norman Conquest. The Nautical Newts are also accompanied by an ostrich.

Actually, the Hog Knight has a lot in common with the Knight of Wands:

Both are wearing armor and riding in the same direction. The helmet of the Knight of Wands even appears to have one of those hounskull-style visors which, when closed, would give the Knight a "pig-faced" appearance. The Hog Knight holds a flagpole with a banner; the Knight of Wands holds a staff which, in my post, I connected with a flagpole as well. The Knight of Wands is in Egypt; the Hog Knight's banner, as seen inside the book, is decorated with what appear to be Egyptian hieroglyphics:

In the comment, I quote the statement that the discoverer of this underwater Egypt was "the daughter of Ham" and that she "afterward settled her sons in it," and I suggest that "hogs could be a punning reference to 'Ham.'" That Ham pun in its classic form, the one famously referenced by Bloom in Ulysses, includes a desert reference:

Why should no man starve on the deserts of Arabia?
Because of the sand which is there.
How came the sandwiches there?
The tribe of Ham was bred there and mustered.

Ham, bread, and mustard -- a very respectable pun. "Mustering" is something that military men do, which fits with the warlike portrayal of the tribe of ham in Animalia. Mustard is also interesting in connection with the Nautical Newts. It is the scholarly consensus that "eye of newt," the famous witches'-brew ingredient, originally referred to mustard seed. The Synoptic Gospels have Jesus compare the Kingdom to a grain of mustard seed, and Joseph Smith adapted the parable to apply to the Book of Mormon:

Let us take the Book of Mormon, which a man took and hid in his field, securing it by his faith, to spring up in the last days, or in due time; let us behold it coming forth out of the ground, which is indeed accounted the least of all seeds, but behold it branching forth, yea, even towering, with lofty branches, and God-like majesty, until it, like the mustard seed, becomes the greatest of all herbs. And it is truth, and it has sprouted and come forth out of the earth, and righteousness begins to look down from heaven, and God is sending down His powers, gifts and angels, to lodge in the branches thereof.

The mustard seed is planted and grows in a field, but the mustard seed is also mentioned in Luke in connection with the idea that a tree could be planted in the sea by those with sufficient faith:

And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you (Luke 17:6).

Joseph Smith connected the mustard seed with a book of scripture buried in the earth. The Nautical Newts appear to have their own seaborne scripture -- a Nautical New T., or New Testament. Keeping in mind that the word translated as gospel in the Bible literally means "good news," the symbolism is pretty clear:

The name of the newspaper is The Northern Star, which makes me think that this "gospel" is the writings of the Lost Tribes, as mentioned in 2 Nephi 29, since those tribes are traditionally thought of as being "in the North." We typically speak of the Ten Lost Tribes, but they could also be reckoned as nine, if (as is often the case in the Bible) Joseph is counted as a single tribe rather than being divided into the half-tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. The Book of Mormon never gives them a number, though we know that there were 12 tribes in all and that three (Judah, Benjamin, and Levi) were not "lost."

Touching the newspaper is a snail shell. Well, I suppose it's actually a nautilus shell, given the alphabet theme, but it certainly looks like a snail shell. In "The Gospel of Luke on lobsterback," I specifically brought in snails as a symbol of a Gospel being transported across the sea. The snail in that analysis (from Lewis Carroll) was paired with the whiting, and here the snail shell is white. In Carroll, the idea of whiting having their tails in their mouths is emphasized; we see the same pose in the salamanders on the Knight of Wands.

To the right of the snail shell, we can see the ghostly image of what I suppose is meant to be a nurse, but her hat -- a rectangular shape marked with a cross -- is symbolic shorthand for "Bible," confirming our interpretation of the newspaper.

The Newts are navigating "Near Norway." Norway is, etymologically, "the northern way," which fits in with the Lost Tribes theme. The Old English name for Norway was Norðmanna land -- "Northman Land" -- which is also the etymological meaning of Normandy. Since Armorica (comprising Normandy and Brittany) has been so prominent in the sync-stream of late, we could think of "Near Norway" as referring to the Northman Land nearer to Britain -- i.e., Normandy as opposed to Norway in Scandinavia.

Finally, coming back to Ham for a moment, note that he is also implicitly present in the Nautical Newts picture, as one of the eight passengers on Noah's Ark:

By the way, I wasn't kidding about going through almost the whole alphabet. Stay tuned next time for the esoteric significance of Zany Zebras Zigzagging in Zinc Zeppelins.


Ra1119bee said...


Speaking of north, the sea, the monolith and moon-keys:

On your post the illustration of the 'green land' was interesting
as was the background as it appears to be someone (drawn in a white outline)
wearing a cap with the Red Cross insignia.
Perhaps Greenland, which is North?
Recall my comment about Greenland, Thule and Vril.

Thule of course being the previous name of the US Space Force
base in Greenland now known as Pituffik_Space_Base.

Note the Egyptian Emblem of Wright Patt's Space Force Base.
(see link)

Also, interestingly the spiral image(a seashell perhaps?)
in the North Star illustration.

And speaking of Egyptians and spirals,
The so-called descendants of Ham with spiral hair comes to mind,
as does the Golden Ratio.

And speaking of Golden Ratio,
what's odd is that a couple of days ago (right after I commented
on your Ham post ) I looked at my phone and noticed I had gotten
a text.
I am not a text person, and if I receive texts it's very rare,
which is why I thought it odd. Also the text was from a phone
number that I have no contacts for.

There was also a message that read : Photos, which I thought was odd
wondering why someone would send me a photo. I didn't click on the text
thinking it could possibly be some type of scam.

I did note the 'oddness however, especially the area code which was 614,
which is Columbus Ohio.
Why that caught my attention is that my best friend lives in Columbus
however I knew that wasn't her phone number and also
we are no longer on speaking terms.

The phone number was (614) 618--****.
As mentioned the text came in after I had commented on your previous
Ham post.

Me, thinking this wasn't a coincidence, I suddenly recalled
the Golden Ratio's number which of course is 1.618.
Area code 614 reduced is 11..

On thing I can say about the syn Faries, they Never disappoint.

Mysterious monolith appears in Northern Colorado

William Wright (WW) said...

Newt, when used as a name for a person, is usually short for Newton, or New Town.

Keying off of your Lost Tribes symbolism, in Mormon theology the Lost Tribes are specifically associated with returning to a New Town: The New Jerusalem.

In 3 Nephi 21, Jesus says the New Jerusalem gets built first, and then afterward the Lost Tribes are gathered in. D&C 133 has them coming from the 'northern countries', with ice 'flowing' down at their presence.

Flowing ice would be water (Flow, according to etymonline, means to melt or become liquid), like these Newts are sailing on.

Fire and Water are interesting juxtapositions of the Newts and their situations between the Knight of Wands and the Alphabet picture. The Newts "ride" on the Knight of Wands is Fire (the Knight has flames coming from him), and in the alphabet they ride on water. Two different baptisms? Or one leading to the other - the fire melting or flowing the ice into water?

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add this:

You wrote; Stay tuned next time for the esoteric significance
of Zany Zebras Zigzagging in Zinc Zeppelins.

My response : And speaking of the ESOTERIC, on your: The horrible hairy homeward-hurrying hogs of Hieronymus post, I couldn't help but notice the illustration of the little
greenish(pale) Nisse, perhaps Elf (EL)? wearing an L cap.
With the white beard the Nisse somewhat reminds me of Odin.

However what I noticed immediately in the illustration was the very large OPEN book
with the word LEVITATION, written in all caps.

If you recall I've shared with you many times my esoteric dreams of
levitation, siddhis powers, Atlantis and what I believe the Big Picture
to be of the connections.

I'm surprised you didn't catch or comment about the Levitation book, as, and IMHO,
is a huge puzzle piece, at least it is for me.

And truth be told, perhaps it was only For Me to see.
Maybe as a nod from the syn Faries to let me
know that I'm on the right track.
So thank you for posting it.

Also in that same illustration is what appears to be a Llama riding in a red
car. Of course the word Llama has a" two L" connection.

I'll stay tuned to your alphabet posts ;-) as I love solving riddles.

Everything is connected, no?

Ra1119bee said...


I just want to add one more thought
regarding my comment about the 'Odin greenish Elf" (El).

It appears that the Elf (EL) is wearing a Phrygian Cap (recall my previous comments
about my 2018 Oscar dream and the Phrygian cap connection).

Although Odin was described as a tall man and this illustration is obviously
of an elf, I couldn't help but notice the Long-fellow book at the elf's foot.

Also on 'the El's' pants, he is wearing what appears to be brass 'rings'.
Brass, being an alloy of copper and zinc would be symbolic as copper
is a conduit of energy and time travel and of course rings are symbolic
of Saturn/Chronos and Time.

Also, and keeping in the Odin (Norse mythology) connection, note
the Rebec at the L's side.

Check out this clip of H.G Wells Time Machine -- Moving through Time --1960
Note the copper. Another heavily Copper machine is CERN(see link)

Also note the crystal knob on the lever that controls the time machine.
Recall I shared my 1997 Hale Bopp dream and the crystal significance.

Also interesting in this clip is the significance of the 'stone 'and war.
Stones of course are heavy and symbolic of walls, mountains and Weight.
War is the result of hate, fear and division.
Recall my recent comments and perspective
about humanity, the fall of humanity
and The Weight.

And speaking of stones and war, recall my recent comment
and perspective about the Rolling Stones song Gimme Shelter
especially the Black singer (Lisa Fischer) and Mick Jagger's
performance as a Nemesis struggle. ( see link )

Note the chorus of Gimme Shelter are the lyrics:

War children,
it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away

And speaking of black and light, note in the Time Travel clip
the machine's motor being black and gold/yellow/light (not white)
Symbolic of a bee perhaps?

Also recall I shared my 2003 11:11 experience
and commented on my perspective of what I believe
its meaning being two opposing forces, same power force and source
but different as far as: intent.

11:11 is also a Nemesis struggle.

The Greek Nemesis also carries a scale.

Riddles are fun, no?
H.G Wells Time Machine -- Moving through Time --1960

Gimme Shelter

Ra1119bee said...


So sorry for all these comments ;-( but I just found a
few more interesting riddles in the H. G. Wells Time Travel clip
which I'd like to share :

Starting abt marker/frame 3:22 the protagonist (H. George Wells
played by Rod Taylor) decides to accelerate his travels through time.

While doing so, he notes the female mannequin clothing/fashion changes quickly
through time.
I found it interesting that in just about every mannequin scene that changes
what is constant is the statue of a crane.

copy and paste wiki: (asterisk's mine so as to make a point
of the heavier Weight of the geese being captured and the cranes being
LIGHT of wing able to fly away.
Symbolic of Maat's feather perhaps?)

"A 1909 illustration of the fable of the geese and the cranes, from Aesop's Fables:
The geese and the cranes were feeding in the same meadow, when a bird catcher
came to ensnare them in his nets. The cranes, being light of wing,
fled away at his approach, while the geese, being slower of flight
and**** heavier in their bodies, were captured.****"

Also, in the mythology and symbolism of the crane, I found this part about stones
interesting as well.

"Pliny the Elder wrote that cranes would appoint one of their number
to stand guard while they slept. The sentry would hold a stone in its claw,
so that if it fell asleep, it would drop the stone and waken."

I haven't seen the Time Machine movie in a very long while. I had it on VHS back
in the day, but no longer. Should be interesting to see it again and
find new hidden gold.

H.G Wells Time Machine -- Moving through Time

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