Wednesday, June 19, 2024

It's as dark a tale as was ever told

In his June 12 post "Knowing to what purpose the Dark People came West," William Wright interprets "And now my tale is done" from "Rapunzel and the True Song of Wandering Aengus" as referring to a "dark tale" about Ar-Pharazôn, called "the Golden," sailing with his fleet to Valinor to attack it:

"And now my Tale is Dark", is one interpretation of William's response to Claire, which is of course an interesting response given that Claire's name means, among other things, Light.  William is saying, in the dream, that his story is Dark here at the outset, and actually uses the word "now" in front of this.  Meaning now, or at this time, his story, or the story of the person he is speaking as in this dream, is Dark.  Claire responds that this is 'well said', meaning what he said is true - his Tale is Dark, or understood in that way.   But Claire also responds that she has a True Song of a Wandering Aengus, which is the Being I guess at being Pharazon.  And my guess is that Claire's True Song sheds some Light on the Tale, which will no longer be Dark after what she knows is revealed.

This made me think of the song "Shiver My Timbers" from Muppet Treasure Island:

And they sailed their ship 'cross the ocean blue
A bloodthirsty captain and a cutthroat crew
It's as dark a tale as was ever told
Of the lust for treasure and the love of gold

Another line from the song is, "There are secrets that sleep with old Davy Jones." Besides being the sailors' devil, symbol of a watery grave (which claimed Pharazôn and his followers), Davy Jones was one of the Monkees -- yes, monkeys again -- and one of the songs he sang, "Daydream Believer," is about Davy Jones waking and rising -- presumably bringing his secrets with him. The mention of a "homecoming queen" in the chorus also ties in with Lassie Come Home.


William Wright (WW) said...

Good find on the Monkees!

Davy Jones means "Beloved Son of John", which is likely relevant. I just wrote a post about a Secretary, which means ones who keeps secrets as part of their official duties, and ties to your imagery of one who wakes up, rises, and brings their secrets with them.

In my story, Joseph of Egypt's "secrets" are contained on that Sawtooth Stone, and this will be returned to him when the Secretary rises to where Joseph is.

Ra1119bee said...


The moon keys(MONKEY) are simply just that.
They're symbolic aka signs of opening doors to 'another place'.

All of the Planet of the Apes movies: 1. Escape of
The Planet of the Apes 2.The Rise of the Planet of the Apes
3. The DAWN of the Planet of the Apes 4.The War of the Planet of Apes,
are all about TRANSISTIONS.

In this case transitions of mankind. (Humans)

Recall my many comments about the number 4 and the Hebrew Daleth
and its symbolic meaning of the doorway.
There were 4 Beatles, and 4 Monkees. The are 4 Horsemen.

One of the Monkees songs (which my sister and I were Monkees fans back in the day)
was called Last Train to Clarksville.

As you know in etymology the word Clark means scribe a "king's scribe;
keeper of accounts." A scribe 'copies' important information and as WW wrote:
a secretary who keeps secrets.
Recall my comment about the powerful position of the Victor as
it is the Victor who WRITES the history
( which that history May or may Not be true ).

On your previous post titled: Every Man and Woman is an Ape, you posted
a photo which appears to be a movie poster of the Escape of the Planet of the
Apes movie.

In that photo, oh say can you C the Ouroboros?
As we both know, the Ouroboros is about
Endings AND Beginnings, in other words: Transitions.

Interestingly in the photo the Ouroboros is ORANGE.
Recall my many comments about Orange.

Don't know if you're aware of the recent sightings of the Monolith's
in the US or not, but it's quite intriguing given that Stanley Kubrick's
2001 A Space Odessey
has a monkey scene dancing around a Monolith. (see link)

The Black Monolith is symbolic of a hard drive of a computer.
Remember the 2014 Johnny Depp's movie Transcendence? (see link)

The 1968 movie 2001 A Space Odessey is about the transitioning of man with technology.
Remember Y2K and the transition from 1999 to 2000?
Very much like an Ouroboros, no?

The plot of 2001 A Space Odessey is about a voyage of astronauts, scientists, and the sentient supercomputer HAL to Jupiter to investigate an alien monolith.
Recall my recent comments about Jupiter.

And speaking of Clarks and Clerks, and perhaps 'coincidently' 2001 was written by
both Kubrick and Artur C. Clarke.

Recall my many many previous comments and perspective about
Transhumanism via Artificial
Intelligence and the Great Reset i.e. the Shifting of Ages.

The Ape movies : 1.Escape, 2.Rise, 3.DAWN and 4. War.
The Ape movies ( and other monkey syncs) are messages,
signs and perhaps warnings
of humanity's transition at this Shifting of the Ages.

And last but not least and speaking of Monkees and Transitions
and the color orange ( yellow and red mixed) check out the
intro of the Monkees 1966-68 TV show : Note all of the rust
yellowish reddish colors ) Davey also 'rides' a pale horse. (see link)

Once we begin to connect the dots, we'll see the BIG picture very Clearly
or is that Claraly?

12 Monkeys (7/10) Movie CLIP - The Great Escape

Last Train to Clarksville
The Monkees 1966 - 1968 Opening and Closing Theme

2001: Space Odyssey Best Scenes - The Monolith At The Moon

2001: A Space Odyssey, black monolith and the Apes

Transcendence - Official Trailer

Down of the Planet of the Apes 「the Weight」 (the spinning
ORANGE 76 sign is the hidden Easter Egg of the 4 doorway. 7+6= 13. 1+3=4.

Ra1119bee said...


I also wanted to extrapolate a bit more on the 2014 movie Transcendence and the
trailer link.
I saw Transcendence in 2014 when it was released in the theaters, and
I saw it several years ago on Netflix I think.
However, when looking at the clip today interestingly there are several
syncs and puzzle pieces that I hadn't seen before.

One interesting sync was the crashing of what appears to be a white plate/saucer
at about marker/frame : 0:40. I recall plates being in the sync stream of late.

The white plate/saucer in the Transcendence clip also remined me of another interesting puzzle piece that I saw the other day on the 1959 Twilight Zone ; The Shelter
which I linked that clip a couple of days ago on your blog.

In that episode of The Shelter, the Doctor is holding
a tea cup and saucer while listening to the Yellow alert emergency on the radio.
( see link )

What's interesting in 2003 I had a dream which I titled; Tweed.
I think I shared my Tweed dream on your blog a year or so ago.
In the Tweed dream a White man was following me in a cave.
I approached him and asked why he was following me and
why was he holding a teacup ( which he was holding a saucer as well)

"Tweed" told me that he would be with me for 9 more years.
Of course 2003 and 9 equals 2012.
When I woke up from the dream, I googled Tweed, tea cup , mystic 2012 and lo and behold
a whole lot of information came up especially a 1998 book by Tim Cohen
titled: Antichrist and a Cup of Tea.
I wasn't surprised to have found a British connection
because I have always associated the fabric Tweed with England,
and of course, a teacup as well.

So you can imagine my surprise when I saw The Shelter episode a couple of days ago
and noticed the teacup.

But getting back to the movie Transcendence.
At marker/frame 0:44 in the clip note the Golden
Gate Bridge. This movie takes place in San Franciso.

Also at about marker/frame 0:54--0:60 , note the protagonist
(whose name is Will) makes reference to FIVE Weeks.

Why that got my attention is because of a dream I had in 2008 or so
which I titled that dream : Queenie. I've shared my Queenie dream
with you before.
Queenie, who had red hair was floating in a window
( just her head and shoulders, not her entire body) .
IRL the window where Queenie was floating is the location
of our outside water faucet.

In the dream Queenie says : in FIVE WEEKs you're going to know your worth.
In the Transcendence clip, note that Will is in a hospital bed by a window.

Also last but not least, and speaking of Orange and the UK, did you see what
happened yesterday ( June 19th) at Stonehenge?

Transcendence - Official Trailer 2

Climate protesters spray orange paint on Stonehenge

The Twilight Zone 1959 068 The Shelter ( note starting at marker/frame
3:56---the doctor holding a tea cup )

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...