Sunday, June 30, 2024

Dreaming in black and white

On Friday night (June 28) I dreamed all night about the flag of Brittany -- mostly the modern Gwenn ha Du (Sable four bars argent, a canton ermine) but sometimes also the older Kroaz Du (Argent a cross throughout sable).

That was all there was to the dream: no plot, no characters, no role for myself, just one shot after another of these black-and-white Breton flags.

On Saturday (June 29), I started using a new textbook with a student of mine. The first page of the first unit included this illustration:

It's a black-and-white picture of the Greek flag -- literally black and white, even though the Greek flag is blue and white, and the other pictures I've included in the photo show that the illustrations use shades of gray, and that even coffee is portrayed as gray rather than black.

This version of the Greek flag obviously closely resembles the Breton flags I had been dreaming about: five black stripes, four white stripes, and a canton which is the Kroaz Du with the colors swapped.

This morning (June 30), I checked my email and found that a correspondent had sent me a photo of a moth with striking black-and-white markings:

The central black marking resembles both a cross and a heraldic ermine spot, suggesting both of the Breton flags.

Later today, I spotted this on the wall of a restaurant:

In both parts of the design, there are five black stripes, just as on the Gwenn ha Du.

Update: After lunch, I went to a used bookstore and found a book about Ireland (a Celtic nation, like Brittany) shelved next to one with a zebra on the cover.

Update 2: Forgot to include this photo, taken on the street the same day. Of course it had to be five black noodles hanging from the chopstick-flagpole:


William Wright (WW) said...

In Joseph Smith's Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language as you likely well know, but maybe didn't consider in the context of some of this symbolism you are relaying, is that each character in that forgotten "Egyptian" language was apparently modified by up to 5 horizontal lines that could be drawn with that character.

Just came to mind, as did your dream of the Greek language you were teaching regarding "Dear Lord" from your old blog, when I read your post and saw the symbols (a Cross, 5 horizontal lines, etc.).

Ra1119bee said...


Black and White is symbolic of the Nemesis struggle
in this Duality Dimension.

Yin vs Yang, the Freemason black and white checkered floor,
Black vs White( and vice versa ) good vs evil, religion vs religion,
Cain vs Abel, males vs females, Republicans vs Democrats, generations vs generations,
the haves vs the have nots, and on and on and on ad nauseum.

And speaking of Greek mythology:

copy and paste:
"Nemesis is a literary device that refers to a situation of poetic justice, where the good characters are rewarded for their virtues, and the evil characters are punished for their vices. The term nemesis comes from Nemesis – the goddess of revenge in Greek mythology
– and divine retribution sought against the people guilty of hubris."

Hubrius is the ego. Recall my comments about The Weight and the ego.
It's the Weight that anchors us to this duality dimension.
This duality dimension is always in a state of WAR.
The color black is symbolic of Lead(STONE), Saturn, the Grim Reaper.

Saturn/Chronos is the belt i.e. the RING that controls us
and anchors us to this duality gravity dimension. It traps
us via Linear TIME.

The Soul transcends linear time and space, as the Soul is pure energy
and is as light as a feather. (Maat's feather?)

I believe this about the pure energy of the Spirit/Soul
because when my grandmother passed over
into spirit in 1965, my sister and I saw her spirit come to us.

My grandmother died in the hospital, and my sister and I were home in our beds
at the time of her passing.

The Matrix - Deja vu ( note the black and white checkered floor)

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Interesting possible link, William. The zebra-striped flag has already been associated with Egypt in syncs, and the Breton language is closely related to GAELic.

The “round book” of scripture may also have something to do with Facsimile 2 and thus with the GAEL.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...