Saturday, July 30, 2022

And then the message said, "End of message."

Well, I've finally done it: This evening I finished Mike Clelland's book The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity, and the UFO Abductee -- a title which my readers are surely getting tired of having me mention and quote in every single thing I post here. I don't think I've had such a sync-heavy reading experience since Unsong.

At the end of the book (uh, "spolier alert," I guess?), Clelland relates what he calls his "confirmation experience." This involved seeing in a "psychic flash" of a map.

The only way to describe it is as an instantaneous visual download. I clearly saw a map in my mind with [a] straight yellow line running west to east with three distinct markers on it. I knew this map was southern Utah, the Four Corners area.

After seeing this map, Clelland thought of three extraordinary paranormal experiences he had had in the Four Corners area. Using Google Maps, he placed markers at the sites of these three experiences and found that a 231-mile straight line drawn from one site to the other passed right through the third site, just as he had seen in his "psychic flash."

And "right through" means right through. The precision is unreal.

This made me think of my post "Three in a row," posted while I was reading Clelland's book. On Clelland's map, the three points are not evenly spaced. The middle point is about twice as far from the rightmost point as it is from the leftmost. On July 21, 2022, I took a photo of three heavenly bodies arranged in a straight line, and in this case, too, the middle point (the Moon) is about twice as far from the rightmost point (Jupiter) as from the leftmost (Saturn).

In unrelated news, I just checked The Higherside Chats today after a few weeks of not doing so and found that the July 21, 2022 episode is called "The Mysterious Reality of Spontaneous Human Combustion." I haven't listened to it yet.


WanderingGondola said...

You've sure had plenty of owls and syncs! I wonder where UFOs and aliens come into it, though.

Ben Pratt said...

Those three locations on Clelland's line are all close to places integral to the Hole-in-the-Rock Expedition of 1879-80. See for an overview, or for more details. My ancestors Zachariah B. Decker, Jr., his wife Emma Seraphine Smith Decker, and his father Zachariah Sr. were all in that company.

Point on Highway 20: The main company route from Parowan and other nearby towns used roughly the eastern 2/3 of modern highway 20.

Point off of Burr Toad Trail: The company traveled to Escalante (sixteen miles WSW of Clelland's point), which was the last settlement along their planned route.

Point in Dolores, CO: After finally settling Bluff, UT, many people in this amazing company eventually left for better areas, including Mancos, CO (fifteen miles SE of Dolores), where Zachariah Sr.'s son Nathaniel lived with his family and ultimately died. Deputy Joseph Carl Akin from Dolores was killed in Bluff in 1915 as part of a posse attempting to capture a Ute Indian youth accused of murder.

Dolores means pains or sorrows and is apparently named after the river. It was founded as a stop on the Rio Grande Southern Railroad, which going northward from Dolores traverses (seriously) Lizard Head Pass to get to (I am not making this up) San Miguel = St. Michael county.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Just for clarity, are lowercase "ben" and capitalized "Ben Pratt" the same commenter or two different people?

ben said...

@Wm, I'm a different guy

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...