Monday, July 11, 2022

Lots of owls that fit just perfectly, and I wanna know Y!

A couple of days ago, Craig Davis left a comment saying “The owls are not what they seem.” This inspired me to start reading a book that had pinged my radar some months back: Mike Clelland’s The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity, and the UFO Abductee. One of the anecdotes I read there was this:

Kim described a dream of opening her closet and seeing a bunch of owls all lined up on a shelf. “I knew how tall they were because they all fit so well in that shelf.”

This morning I was hiking with my wife on Eight Trigrams Hill when out of the corner of my eye I saw a very large brown bird fly down and land on the roof of a parked car. My first impression was that it was an eagle or an owl, but when I looked at it, it turned out to be a large Malaysian night heron (a brown semi-arboreal species common in Taiwan).

I haven’t mentioned my owl-related reading to my wife, but the heron must have reminded her of an owl, too, because the first thing she said after we'd seen the heron was, "You know, I never knew baby owls were so cute. I just saw this video online where they put a lot of little baby owls in a box, and they fit in the box just perfectly, like eggs in an egg carton."

There were skinks everywhere on the hiking trail. We usually see a few lizards when we go out there, but only a few and usually of the japalura type (that is, agamid or "dragon" lizards; my original skink-walker post features a picture of a frilled lizard with a caption calling it "Australia's largest dragon"). This time there were a few japalura lizards as usual but also a plethora of skinks -- well over a dozen individuals from at least five different species.

Some workers were doing some maintenance on part of the hiking trail, and their truck's license plate was "AYY9272." I'll explain the significance of that shortly, but first a little digression about the Civil War.

My last post was about Y, the Pythagorean letter. This made me think of an old (1978) Sesame Street skit, in which Sinister Sam walks into a Wild West saloon, demands to know who bought the last box of crayons from the general store, and says, "and I wanna know why!" In the end, we find out that he actually meant "I wanna know [how to write the letter] Y" and was hoping that the "hombre" who bought the crayons could show him.

This came to mind in connection with the Pythagorean letter because it juxtaposes the letter Y with the word sinister -- a word which etymologically means "left" but now means "bad." Part of the meaning of the Pythagorean Y is that the left ("sinister") arm of the Y represents the path of vice.

At the end of the skit, Sinister Sam scribbles a Y in crayon on a framed newspaper clipping on the saloon wall.

The headline says "Lee Is President," and there are photos of two people, one of whom is clearly Abraham Lincoln. The only famous Lee from Lincoln's time was Robert E. Lee, the Confederate general, so perhaps this is some sort of alternate history in which he, rather than the Union general Ulysses S. Grant, later served as president.

I realized that the Pythagorean Y is not unrelated to the American Civil War. The Y represents a fork in the road; what had been one path divides into a left path representing vice and a right path representing virtue. This corresponds to the division of the US into two countries during the Civil War. Left is associated with south (a left-handed person is a "southpaw") and also with the pro-slavery Democratic Party, while Lincoln's Republican Party is considered to be on the "right."

In a comment, Debbie mentioned that the green tube-man’s arms suggest a V as well as a Y. Well, Pythagoras was Greek, and his letter was actually not wye but upsilon -- from which the Latin V and Y both derive. (The Romans, though, considered Y a form of the unrelated letter I, an idea which survives in such terms as the French i grec, "Greek I," for Y.)

This made me think of the song "South Carolina" from John Linnell's solo album State Songs, which is about a man who is seriously injured in a traffic accident while bicycling but becomes rich off the punitive damages and later, living it up at a ritzy French restaurant, reflects that if he had to do it all again he would crash his bicycle again ("I'd crush my head / Collect the bread / Crash my bicycle"). In describing the aftermath of the accident, the song refers to various letters of the alphabet.

The back wheel's 'O' is now a letter 'D'
I was an 'I' and now I am a 'V'

That last line describes the Pythagorean "fork in the road" -- an I at the bottom, a V at the top -- and the song also prominently features the word fork in the chorus.

Lift that fork, eat that snail
Garçon, summon up a new cocktail
Lift that fork, eat that snail
Garçon, summon up a new cocktail

The song is called "South Carolina," and the lyrics repeat several times, "In a big South Carolina wreck / I crash my bicycle." This ties in with the Civil War link, since the war began in South Carolina. The losers in this "big South Carolina wreck" -- the Democratic Party -- apparently ultimately benefited from the loss like the accident victim in the song, since today they absolutely dominate the snail-eating classes and still seem to think they own black people ("If you don't vote for me, you ain't black!"). The change from I to V also suggests the Civil War, as I represents unity (Roman numeral one) and V conflict (as in the legal use of v. for versus).

In the same comment, Debbie mentioned the significance of the date 7/7. The NOPE trailer ends with the release date, written as 7-22-22. The double 22 is obviously meant to be significant, so the choice of 7 must also be deliberate. The two numbers are related because their ration is very close approximation of pi; a circle with a diameter of 7 will have a circumference of just over 21.99. Archimedes was the first to prove mathematically that the value of pi lies between 223/71 and 22/7, and he used the Pythagorean theorem to do so.

Now, coming back to the AYY9272 license plate. Anyone who has spent any time on /x/ will know that ayy is 4chan-speak for "alien." NOPE is apparently about aliens, and there is speculation that the title is an acronym for Not Of Planet Earth. At the end of the plate, we have 22 with a 7 in the middle. Finally, if Y is "Greek I," and I is the numeral 1, then Y927 is 1927 -- the number I have associated here with Pythagoras, black-and-white images of horses, NOPE, and wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube-men. How's that for an overdetermined sync?

One more thing: In a comment to my last post, I linked to my old (2016) sync post "An apocalyptic warning, and a green journey." which prominently features this image of a green man running with a bag.

Today, just after my hiking trip, I went to the post office and saw this on the counter:


No Longer Reading said...

Reading this post (, I saw the 147 at the beginning. That made me think about the fine-structure constant and so I went to this page (

It turns out the fine-structure constant is actually close to 1/137 (Arthur Eddington believed that it was exactly 1/137, though this turned out to be incorrect), not 1/147. But when I got to the end of the post, I saw that it was liked by someone named feynman with a picture of Richard Feynman.

Now, not only does Feynman, prouncouned "fine man" related to the fine structure constant, but there is even a quote from him on the page talking about how it is mysterious.

Ra1119bee said...


You wrote: "This made me think of the song "South Carolina" from John Linnell's solo album State Songs, which is about a man who is seriously injured in a traffic accident while bicycling but becomes rich off the punitive damages and later, living it up at a ritzy French restaurant, reflects that if he had to do it all again he would crash his bicycle again ("I'd crush my head / Collect the bread / Crash my bicycle").

My response:

I believe that The Bicycle symbolism means: 2 (Bi) Cycles.
Two Cycles.

I don't know if you knew this and I think I mentioned it before on your blog?, but
on June 18. 2022 Biden 'fell' off of his BI-cycle while riding in Cape Henlopen State Park
in Delaware.

As of today, there has been 3 ' Falling Down' events so far for Biden.
The first being on March 19, 2021 while Biden was walking up the stairs of Air Force One
and the second Biden Fall ( also while walking up the stairs of Air Force One) was on June 9, 2022.

I thought Biden's recent Bi-cycle fall was interesting as Delaware, not only known as The First State, but Cape Henlopen State Park's coordinates are 38° 46′ 0″ N, 75° 5′ 45″ W, which the connection to the 75 Longitude is very interesting considering Dee's quest was finding God's Pole, the 77th Meridian West which Dee as well as those Rosy's who came after Dee' believed the 77th Meridian West was the Ley Line of The New Atlantis.
(Keep in mind The Law of the Three )

Regarding the State Song, South Carolina :

Charleston, South Carolina's coordinates are 32° 47′ 0″ N, 79° 55′ 55″ W
which would make a perfect ' cross roads' location to crash a bike, as the Lat 33 parallel, is where our Opponents perform their Alchemical sacrifices, and of course the longitude 77 is where the Alchemists believe is The New Atlantis.
Also Charleston is the home of the 1st Masonic Lodge in America.

Gotta wonder if Biden's third 'Fall' is symbolic of the ushering in of the New Atlantis,
which would be America's" 2nd Cycle".

Do note that the Twin Towers and the Guidestones ' Fell' as well, as have several Heads of States of late, all around the World.

Perhaps the mascot of the Global Green Agenda of the WEF, is The Druid Green Man.
The Letter V is also the 22nd letter of the Alphabet.
The master number 22 being one of 'manifestation'.

Also, interestingly I had a recent (as of yesterday) Owl experience.

Also, and perhaps off topic, your mention of Abraham Lincoln which I personally
believe I have connections to.

Here's the backstory;

My Father's (born 1929 in Kentucky) multiracial family last name was Robards.
Lewis Robards was an infamous Slave Trader in Lexington Kentucky who LOVED Mulatto women
he called his Fancy Girls.

Abraham Lincoln's wife, Mary Todd, was born in Lexington Ky and her wealthy family lived in close proximity to Robards Slave headquarters in the Cheapside district of Lexington.

I personally believe that Abraham Lincoln's lineage was either Brass Ankle and or
Melungeon Roots, as was my grandfather's lineage (also born in Ky, and my father's lineage),

I believe my father's connection to Lewis Robards was through one of Lewis Robards
"Fancy Girl's.

Everything is Connected....

Ra1119bee said...

Sorry, I just saw a typo in my comment:

. I don't know if you knew this and I think I mentioned it before on your blog?, but
on June 18. 2022 Biden 'fell' off of his BI-cycle while riding in Cape Henlopen State Park
in Delaware.

The Word Charleston is a typo.

Cape Henlopen State Park is in the state of Delaware.

No Longer Reading said...

Now, how much does 137 differ from 147 by? 10. I was thinking about Debbie's rule of 3, but in this case we have a rule of ten. However, who was the number 10 sacred to? The Pythagoreans of course, and, as you know. they also represented it by the tetractys (

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add, The Twin Towers (now the One WTC) coordinates
were/are 40° 42′ 42″ N, 74° 0′ 45″ W,

**Again factor in The Law of the Three.

Washington DC is also on God's Pole (77th Meridian West) as well.

Everything is connected and that connection is
shown to us through synchronicity.
IMO, of course.

"In politics, nothing happens by accident.
If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
---- Franklin Delano. Roosevelt

Ben Pratt said...

"Left is associated with south...."

That depends on who you ask. My given name Benjamin is of Hebrew origin and means son of the south or son of the right. These are equivalent because south is to the right when one is "oriented", in other words facing east.

Thus from that perspective north is to the left!

In between reading these recent posts I was looking up something else today that came to my mind unbidden on Saturday (Dons Base Camp, a location east of Gold Canyon, AZ). A slideshow of photos was playing on a page I pulled up was and as I finished reading this post and looked back at my monitor, the photo being displayed was of a woman with a live owl perched on her arm.

Ben Pratt said...

* page I pulled up, and as I finished...

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


1/137 = 0.00729927007...
1/147 = 0.00680272108...ayy lmao

That Feynman thing is quite a coincidence, too.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


I'd be interested to hear about your owl experience.

Ra1119bee said...


The reason why I didn't elaborate on my owl experience is because at first I thought
it was somewhat trivial.
However, I did think it was a strange coincidence that I had this experience and later I would read your post about owls.

Here's the backstory;
My hubby (Marshall ) and his domineering father had a very strain relationship.
His father(who passed over in 2020) was a stern taskmaster, and Marshall, as the first born and only son, made much effort to please his father
(I'll call Marshall's father Mr. M ).

The family has a 200 acre farm in PA, and here in Ohio, on Mr.M's 2 acre property Marshall did much of the outside maintenance (especially in Mr.M's later years ) and especially for Mr M's beloved garden.
Mr. M's Ohio home sold in 2021.

As you can imagine, because Marshall wore many hats including helping to run the family printing supply business, Marshall was exhausted and understandably so, our 17-acre property took a back seat.

All these 29 years we never had a garden at our house, but this year, Marshall put in a nice sized garden which he maintains.
I personally have never been a 'green thumb' type of gal ;-)

The other day I was standing on the porch, which is somewhat close (about 30 feet away or so? ). Marshall was in the new garden.
I saw this someone small buff colored object, which I couldn't make out what it was.

At first I thought it was a cat standing with its back facing me, as I could see what appeared to be 'ears', but the 'cat' was too still and didn't move.
I called out to Marshall as to what the object was and he said it was a statue of an owl that he found in Mr. M's basement (and was never used in Mr. M's garden). The purpose of a fake owl of course is to ward of critters.

Again, I didn't share my story as I felt my fake owl experience was a bit trivial, especially considering that our property is mostly wooded, and we see real owls quite often, but factoring in your mention of the Green Man, I wondered if my owl experience wasn't connected to the Green Man in some way (especially as my fake owl experience has connection with gardening/Greening), so today Ive been doing a bit of research and found these two articles
that I think you may find of interest..

And I will add this thought if I may : As I've mentioned several times on your blog,
I personally believe that Everything is Connected.

We (by" we" I mean we collectively, not you and I personally) may have an experience or perhaps a dream that maybe the 'message' is not necessarily for the dreamer (or the person who had the experience) but for someone else to know.
I've mentioned that I believe the Soul incarnates to not only learn, but to teach.

Being a poet, I created this poem:

Lessons Learned
Lessons Taught
Whatever the Source, matters not...

Here are the two articles I found about the Owl.

The first one is titled: Aliens Among Us: A Brief History of the Owl
The second one is titled: Spirit of the Green Man
In the Spirit of the Green Man article, I found the information about
the Green Man and Robin Hood very interesting.

Here's both links ( if the first link doesn't open, just search Aliens Among Us: A Brief
History of the Owl ),totem%20of%20wisdom%20and%20escort%20of%20the%20occult.

Here's the second link

WanderingGondola said...

Heh, a close friend really wants to watch Twin Peaks with me, but time is a problem. My only awareness of the owl quote has been via the game Guild Wars 2, where owls are an annoying mechanic in its yearly April Fools event. The game's main use of owls is as a lesser "Spirit of the Wild" (guides to the playable Norn race), and as a pet for the Ranger class.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...