Friday, July 15, 2022

Two videos of rehabilitated baby owls, sent 42 minutes apart

Etymologically, synchronicity is a matter of things happening at the same time. Modern communications often come with a time stamp, making this aspect precisely quantifiable.

This morning at around 9:20 I checked my blog comments and found this:

The link is to video of two creatures that were mistaken for aliens in India but which actually turned out to be malnourished baby barn owls. A comment to the video explained:

Those owls have been rescused by local police and they have been reallocated at nehru zoological park and are currently undergoing rehabilitation programme

One of the replies to that comment was:

Sad to see wild animals go to zoos. I hope after the rehab they're actually released back to the wild and its successful and not kept back by the zoo

Several minutes later, I checked my phone and saw that I had an unread message from my wife. I mentioned in another post that on Monday morning (July 11), I was hiking with her, and she mentioned an online video she had seen of "a lot of little baby owls in a box." Neither she nor I had ever mentioned the video again, nor had I told her about my recent owl-related syncs. Anyway, the message she sent me this morning was a link to that video. It's actually more of a bucket than a box, and the owls are being taken out of it and returned to their burrow by a wildlife conservationist, presumably after some sort of rehabilitation.

I thought that was quite a coincidence -- two videos about rehabilitated baby owls, sent to me maybe four or five hours apart! Then I noticed that the message from my wife was not new but had been sent very early this morning.

So I received one rehabilitated baby owl video at 4:50 and a second one at 5:32 -- a difference of minutes, not hours -- 42 minutes, to be precise.

And here's the really weird thing: Yesterday, on a post called "Owl! Owl! Owl! Owl! Owl!" Debbie left a comment:

William, Ok, I need your help. [. . .] If you have any syncs to the number 42, please let me know.

Ask and ye shall receive!

Update: Just after this, I read a few pages of Mike Clelland's book about owls, aliens, and synchronicity. I read an account of a synchronicity having to do with the precise time an electronic message was sent:

As she approached a corner in the road, she heard a voice in her head saying: "I see you." At that moment, a big owl appeared in front of her . . . .

Two of Brigitte's friends -- both of them [close-encounter] experiencers -- began an online conversation where one had typed the letters "I C U" into the Skype chat box at the beginning of their conversation. It was well after the event when one of the friends looked back at the date and time count of the comment. This lined up, as best as anyone can tell, precisely when Brigitte heard the words "I see you" in her head.

While on the road -- just after reading the above and just before typing it up here -- I saw someone wearing a T-shirt that said "THE TIME IS NOW." There's a clock on my motorcycle dash, so I glanced down at it; it read 14:14. The number struck me as significant, though I'm not sure why yet. We'll see if anything comes of it.

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Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

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