Friday, July 15, 2022

The influence of adjacent lines of text: A jar full of experiencers

Past posts on this phenomenon: "A Freudian slip," "The influence of adjacent lines of text," "The influence of adjacent lines of text: Installment 3," "My sister and the Maid on adjacent lines of text."

I've been reading Mike Clellan's The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity, and the UFO Abductee using the Kindle app on my phone.

I at first read this as "a woman who saw a white owl while carrying a jar full of experiencers" -- the UFO world's answer to "basket of deplorables"?

I did a double take, of course, and my second impression was "full of John Mack's experiences" -- written on slips of paper or something and put in a jar? That didn't make much sense, either, and I finally read the passage correctly.

(The two misreadings and the final, correct one all took place in a tiny sliver of a second -- much, much faster than it takes to read this account of them.)

Apparently I had combined car with the ving (visually similar to ying) just below it to create the phantom word carrying; and then, since people don't carry cars, the word ending in -ar had been emended to jar. I find it interesting that car was apparently read twice, contributing to both carrying and jar. Then the second misreading was influenced by John Mack's located directly below experiences.

I've included more context than seems necessary in the image above because I want to show that immediately after this twice-misread passage was a discussion of certain numbers occurring often in connection with owl and UFO experiences. The first one mentioned is 11:11, but then Clelland goes on to say, "Other number sequences are also reported. 3:33 and 12:34 are often noted."

In my recent post "Owls, aliens, Sesame Street muppets, and the Duke of Earl," I noted an occurrence of "horseshoes in 'U' orientation" and linked this to my post "Choronzon 333," which featured this image:

I should have known that reading a book with synchronicity in the title would bring on a slew of syncs. See "Coincidences in connection with Beyond Coincidence" for an example of the same thing.

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